Create a swarm technology tree in Konoha

Chapter 132 Is history the corrective power?

As the original body, Aburame Tetsumaru encountered life-threatening danger in a stupid battle that shouldn't even have happened, arousing the common anger of more than three hundred shadow clones.

It's hard to offend when the public is angry, especially when the public is all one's own.

"To hold a general meeting, a plenary meeting must be held."

"If you can't realize your mistake deeply, then don't go out again."

"That's right, we have so many shadow clones, and life and death are all rooted in the main body. Making this kind of mistake once is one too many."

One day later, all work stopped, and 307 shadow clones rushed to the battlefield, using giant wind insects as walls and camouflage insects to form a dome, and temporarily built a huge venue.

The second general meeting of the Aburame Tetsumaru was held just a few days after the first meeting, and the shadow clones were really frightened.

After the storm of accusations, Aburame Tetsumaru bowed his head and admitted his mistake with a good attitude. The shadow clones began to brainstorm and analyze the reasons why the main body made mistakes.

"Perhaps what the Sea of ​​Souls returns is not only memories and experiences, but also the will contained in the memories. I had a very smooth life as a little German noble from another world. I used the prophet to take risks more than once in my life, and all of them were successful. , and finally formed a subconscious tendency to take risks to obtain the greatest benefit."

"And this subconscious mind affected the main body, but he didn't know it, so a series of abnormal choices occurred during the invasion of Kirigakure ninjas."

"That's right, we have never been so reckless before looking for someone without making full preparations after receiving information."

"Seeing the beheading sword, I realized that something was unusual, but I threw this judgment aside and rushed to fight."

"If you wait a little longer and observe more, the ice escape ninja will catch up and kill the Kirigakure traitor, and there will be no danger at all."

"As soon as the Ice Release ninja appeared, he should have retreated or replaced his shadow clone, but the main body actually went to fight like Matt Dai. What were you thinking at the time?"

More than six hundred eyes stared closely at him.

Aburame Tetsumaru frowned and slowly recalled: "That said, I also find it strange. I seemed to have nothing on my mind at the time. I only had one thought, which was to vent and kill someone."

"At that time, I kept reminiscing about the time in the Land of Rain. Every time I recalled it, I became more annoyed, and my desire to kill and destroy became stronger."

"The situation is too weird. There is no such violent source of killing in our will, not even me, a German from another world, and I am not a possessed art student who failed."

"The last memory of another world is that a zombie disaster broke out in the small days. If that world was a Japanese zombie world, it would definitely fall into a doomsday themed of chaos, violence, and killing."

"The representation of the main body of this world and the ontology are relatively consistent. Do you think I, a little nobleman of German origin, will be contaminated by the will of that world when I return?"

! ! ! !

"That makes sense."

Suddenly a shadow clone said coquettishly: "Do you think it will be the Japanese zombie world?"

"That world? Which one?"

"Idiot, look at how mean he is, of course he is from "School Silence XX"."

"Wow, I feel like I've missed a lot. Teacher Marikawa, Takagi's mother and daughter, Miyamoto, Minami Rika, and..."

"The long-haired Busushima MM!!" x N

Aburame Tetsumaru's head was full of questions, why did the topic suddenly become so serious?

Anyway, the general meeting suddenly went crazy, and the shadow clones spent a long time arguing, and also discussed the possibility that it might be a biological crisis, such as Millikin concealing the raccoon accident, and Japan's first mine explosion was just the order of news reports. such as.

It even went so far as to think about the possibility of the Lord God's team breaking into Raccoon City.

After a long time, the topic returned to how to solve the problem.

"It's terrible. Are we infected too?"

"No, we just held it in for too long."

"It is temporarily believed that the spirit of the main body has been contaminated, which can be understood as mental illness. There is no good way to treat mental illness. I think it is just labor. I am so tired that I faint every day. It should be fine in a few days."

"If you don't work well, the current situation of the main body may cause big trouble."

"Then I can only close the small dark room, sit quietly and purify my mind, and eliminate the pollution from external distracting thoughts."

"This seems to be a good idea. It is external pollution and has no foundation in our will. It should be able to be eliminated."


"Then vote."

After some "real" self-criticism, Aburame Tetsumaru deeply reflected on his mistakes and vowed to never go into battle again without making full preparations.

Then Aburame Tetsumaru followed the mental disinfection process determined by voting and went into seclusion alone. He would not come out until his psychological problems were solved.

Next, the shadow clones took over the finishing work, launching the insect swarm to conduct a large-scale investigation, checking for all possible traces, and disposing of them all.

A Kirigakure rebel nin actually doesn't matter, especially since this guy is so weak that he can just kill him, but he carries a decapitating sword, so this matter is not simple.

The Beheading Sword is said to be the first of the Kirigakure Seven Ninja Swords. Although it is the worst one, it does not affect its political influence.

Not to mention that he is also chasing a Kirigakure ANBU ninja, a relative of the Third Mizukage, and a rare ice-bending blood successor. Each of these three identities is a bit troublesome. If they are concentrated on one person, it will be a big one. trouble.

Now that this big troublemaker has been killed, Tetsumaru Aburame, the murderer, is in big trouble.

Of course, there is indeed no way to solve the problem, but there is a way to cover it up.

Ninjas are a profession that adheres to mysticism and often perform secret missions. Even their superiors cannot fully grasp their whereabouts during missions. They basically cannot be found after leaving the village, so they are particularly easy to disappear.

There are no artifacts such as soul lamps and soul cards in the ninja world. Whether a ninja is dead or not can only be judged by the body. Anyone who can't find the body will be considered missing, and nothing will be done in the end.

A few years later, even the dignified third generation Kazekage disappeared, and in the end nothing happened. It was not until Xia, who wanted to die, showed his human puppet that the truth came to light.

One thing that must be said is that the disappearance of the Sandaime Kazekage had a very limited impact on the Third Ninja War. At best, it only broke out a few days in advance.

The living Sandaime Kazekage has huge influence, but dead he is not important at all.

As long as the corpses and the battlefield are taken care of like the Red Sand Scorpion, there will be no problem.

So Aburame Tetsumaru dug out a crystal coffin and stored the body of the ice escape ninja in it, leaving the body of the mist ninja traitor on the same spot. Then a jar of spores was dropped, and the fungus blanket quickly covered the battlefield. The traces of the battle were completely destroyed by the fungus, and the rebel ninja's corpse was completely decomposed.

Then he went to clean up the massacred Awaji Village, summoned insects to gather the corpses and bury them, and finally found the village where several farmers and fishermen who reported to him were located, and gave hints one by one to push back the time when this happened a few days.

Before the birth of the ninja alien Uzumaki Naruto, ninjas' disregard for ordinary people was deep-rooted. They paid more attention to the traces they found and analyzed intelligence through the traces, so this small interference was enough.

By the time all traces in the Country of Tea were cleared, twelve days had passed and Aburame Tetsumaru had successfully exited the customs.

He returned to the newly built main base, the central nest at the foot of Mount Gaotai, and stored the crystal coffin, the decapitating sword, and the heads of the Kirigakure rebels.

Then Aburame Tetsumaru equipped himself with the No. 1 Colonization Equipment, took with him one hundred thousand expeditedly produced scout bugs and fifteen giant dragonflies, and followed the traces of the two Mist Ninjas outside the Kingdom of Tea along the eastern coastline. Clean them out one by one.

Anyway, nothing can be left behind in the Kingdom of Tea, and those in the Kingdom of Whirlpool ahead must be cleaned up as much as possible. As for the Kingdom of Fire, there is no need to worry about it. There is naturally the behemoth of Konoha Village over there, so there is no need for Tiewan to worry about it.

Nine days later, Aburame Tetsumaru stood on the sea, quietly waiting for the insects on the shore to clean up the traces of Kirigakure's rebellion. At this time, a small boat appeared on the sea, and a young man rowed along. Coastline sails south.

When this unlucky boy saw the ninja standing on the sea, he suddenly became excited. Then he rowed hard and rushed past Aburame Tetsumaru. He persisted until the boat turned around the bay and then slowed down. His People also collapsed directly in the boat.

For a full sixteen minutes, Aburame Tetsumaru remained motionless and did not even look at him. However, a few inconspicuous flies landed on the small boat, and every move of the young man fell into Aburame Tetsumaru's eyes.

When the young man's boat disappeared from sight, Aburame Tetsumaru turned his head and looked in the direction of the boat.

[The disguise is just a little bit worse, an inexperienced boy. 】

Even though this young man looks like he is tired and tired, the direction and angle of force when turning the oar are different from ordinary people. It is full of the unique smooth feeling after repeated hard work, and the timing of the oar hitting the waves is perfect. , deep enough to be steady and ruthless.

This is not an ordinary person, but a ninja who is very good at disguise. If he were more experienced and changed some of his deep-rooted movement habits, I'm afraid Aburame Tetsumaru would ignore him.

Of course, it was normal to encounter a disguised ninja in the strait of the Country of Whirlpool. Even today, he was not the first one Aburame Tetsumaru bumped into.

But when he saw Aburame Tetsumaru's forehead protector, the hatred that flashed in his eyes was what attracted Tetsumaru's attention.

It seems that the enemy of Konoha Hidden Village has separated out a shadow clone and thousands of insects. It is definitely not too much to follow them a little.

Four days later, the young man he met by chance went up the river and entered the Kingdom of Fire. He would stop the boat when he encountered villages along the way, and exchange a small amount of money by treating people and giving medicine.

His medical skills are indeed good, and he can easily cure minor illnesses such as headaches and headaches. However, serious illnesses are not his turn to treat, because his face is too tender.

When he arrived at the seventh village, he met a seriously injured person. The hunter in the village encountered the mountain owner while hunting, and his abdomen was opened by huge fangs, and blood flowed loudly.

At this time, it was definitely too late to go to the city to ask for help. He could only ask the young doctor who came to his door for treatment. The young man cherished this rare opportunity and treated the wound seriously. After a series of treatments, he successfully saved the wound. the person’s life.

The villagers were overjoyed and gave the young man double the medical fee and invited him to dinner and stay overnight.

That night, the shadow clone heard the man's self-proclaimed name "Shen Nong" for the first time: it turned out to be a Kong Ninja, and it turned out to be a Kong Ninja who had fought with the protagonist.

The Kong Ninja were completely wiped out in one fell swoop, not even a single living Kong Ninja prisoner was left, so how could there be any remnants left?

And it was the same Shennong who many years later drove the flying fortress, controlled the Zero-Tail, and led a large group of flying air ninjas to cause big trouble to the Leaf Village.

Could this be a revision of history?

Aburame Tetsumaru wanted to kill someone when he thought of this. How powerful can the correction power of history be? Can it be as strong as my fighting ability?

[Wait a minute, that’s not right, Kong Ninja, Flying Fortress, how can you kill people in such a hurry? 】

Aburame Tetsumaru is in high spirits. History has great power to correct itself. Doesn’t this mean that sky fortresses and flying ninja tools are not extinct? The future leader of sky ninjas should have them in his hands.

There must be some, right?

Before dawn, Aburame Tetsumaru personally came to the outside of the small village and met up with his shadow clone. Under the suspicious and questioning eyes of the shadow clone, Aburame Tetsumaru showed the document proving that the Aburame Tetsumaru tournament authorized the main body to go out. This allowed the shadow clone to temporarily dispel his suspicion.

Yes, Aburame Tetsumaru was restricted by his own shadow clones. Forty years ago in Konoha, he had to obtain the approval of more than two hundred shadow clones to leave the country of tea and receive certification documents as proof.

The threat of the shadow clone is very powerful: if the main body dares to disobey, we will relieve ourselves at the same time, cook the main body's brain, and everyone will leave together.

Aburame Tetsumaru: (ノへ ̄、)

After proving his legitimacy, Aburame Tetsumaru took over the task of monitoring Shennong. Since he wanted to get so many good things, he definitely couldn't kill Shennong. Next, he had to follow him patiently and fight a protracted battle with him. .

Fortunately, the worst-case scenario that Aburame Tetsumaru expected did not occur. A month later, the small village where the remnants of the Kong ninja lived was discovered. After all, no hider or pretender could withstand careful inspection and tracking, let alone the ten-year-old. How much patience and experience can a boy of any age have.

However, these remnants of Kong Ninja are not Tiewan's target. If it weren't for the hostility shown by these children, they would not be able to enter Tiewan's attention.

By the time Aburame Tetsumaru followed "Shen Nong" into the secret cave, it was already early December.

When Aburame Tetsumaru saw the main control system of the huge sky fortress through the secret technique and field barrier, he immediately decided to attack Shennong.

With his current strength, coupled with the equipped colonial equipment No. 1, dealing with an elite chuunin leader of the empty ninja, it is really a bit of bullying.

But the lesson had only been learned for a few days, and this was the home of someone else's business. Aburame Tetsumaru did not dare to be careless in any way. He carefully created two insect clones to cooperate with him in the sneak attack. He must ensure that the enemy could not send out any No sound or any signal can be sent out.

Having already entered the latent position, Aburame Tetsumaru finally thought about it and created a shadow clone again.

After all, you only live once.

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