Create a swarm technology tree in Konoha

Chapter 133 Aburame Tetsumaru’s Big Crisis

Ten days later, Shennong returned to the hidden cave again to study the air fortress. Not long after entering the cave, he felt a little uncomfortable, his head felt dizzy, and he felt a little nauseous.

"Are you too tired recently and your body can't hold on anymore?"

Entering the inner cave where the core of the Sky Fortress was housed, Shennong sat down and rested for a while, but there was no sign of improvement at all, and the symptoms only got stronger.

Shennong was really worried that if he fell ill, the entire Kong Ninja Village would be in panic, and the research on the Sky Fortress would come to a halt, so he picked out a few herbs from the medicine basket he carried with him and swallowed them. After a while, he felt better. point, so I picked up my energy and started researching.

As the strength of the medicine gradually wore off, Shennong's physical condition worsened, and his fingers even began to tremble, causing him to tremble when he picked up the scratch paper.

Suddenly his eyes froze, his fingers were indeed shaking, but the paper itself was shaking even more, there was an enemy.

"Pa!" His eyes were suddenly blown away by the focused sound waves. Under the severe pain, Shennong immediately opened his mouth to scream.

At this moment, two figures emerged from the shadows and stabbed the kunai under his sides with lightning speed.

The sudden attack left Shen Nong unable to react at all. He opened his mouth to scream but could not make a sound because the two kunai pierced his lungs, causing pneumothorax and making it impossible to breathe.

Just when Shennong's body just started to feel severe pain, a figure emerged from the ground, shook his hand and showed his wrist sword, stabbed directly into his back, first cutting off the sixth and seventh vertebrae, and then resting Xie seriously injured his heart.

Seeing the unwilling Shennong's mouth opening and closing to say something, Aburame Tetsuwan increased the vibration amplitude of the wrist sword, instantly crushing his heart and ending Shennong's life.

One of the rules of battle is that those who talk too much are more likely to capsize.

Following this fighting principle, Aburame Tetsumaru himself did not speak during the whole process, nor did he give Shennong a chance to speak.

After confirming that Shennong was completely dead, another heavily armed Colonial One emerged from the ground. It turned out that Aburame Tetsumaru did not appear directly from the beginning to the end, and ended Shennong with two insect clones and a shadow clone.

After killing Shennong, Aburame Tetsumaru suddenly felt refreshed. For a leader of a run-down ninja village who didn't know what he was called, the pseudonym he used for himself was quite high-end.

Can you use the name Shennong? Are you worthy?

In addition to Shen Nong, the four-tailed Sun Wukong is also a nuisance. A mere tailed beast gorilla is not worthy of the name of this ridiculous sky. There are thousands of people in the world, but only Kakarot makes Tiewan feel unworthy. Disgrace this name.

At the same time, in a fishing village in a hidden bay two hundred kilometers away, ten shadow clones led two thousand mantises to tightly surround it, and then started a one-sided battle.

The boys and girls who were ninja fell to the claws of the mantis one after another, and some were trampled by the giant insect and had broken bones and tendons. More people tried to break out, but were either taken down on the spot or blocked back by the giant insect.

Soon the entire fishing village was occupied. There was no ordinary person here, and there was no real master. They were all reserve forces of the Sora Ninja. Aburame Tetsumaru encountered no obstacles when fighting, and quickly completed all the tasks.

Aburame Tetsumaru's shadow clone packed up all the valuable things in the village. In fact, except for a bunch of captured boys and girls, there was nothing else of value at all.

In the end, the shadow clones burned the fishing village to ashes, including the corpses of the empty ninja who were accidentally killed by giant insects and accidentally trampled to death during the battle. Everything was reduced to ashes in the fire.

So far, the Kong Ninja Village has been completely extinct, and there will be no more Sky Ninjas, Dark Medical Techniques, or Zero-Tails in the future.

Compared with the arson in the fishing village, the tidying up work at Aburame Tetsumaru's side was much more difficult. Shennong's body was easy to dispose of, and he could drag away a random insect by channeling it.

But the huge device in the center of the hall cannot be moved at all. Even if it can be moved, Aburame Tetsumaru would not dare to move it at will. If it breaks during the move, it will immediately change from a mysterious black technology to a piece of garbage that is too expensive to sell as scrap. .

Aburame Tetsumaru was very confident in his luck. Now that the secrets of Kong Ninja Village were in his hands, he knew how much future good luck he had withdrawn in advance. He must not take any more risks in the future.

In addition to the Sky Fortress control system, the research materials compiled by Shen Nong also need to be sorted out one by one. Although there is no reference value, there may be some inspirational ideas.

This is the ninja world, not the Blue Star without any extraordinary powers. Many times, problems are solved using "I Xunsi", so there is no need to insist on understanding the fundamental principles immediately.

When you get to the top of a higher mountain, stand high and see far, and there is still enough time, then go back and study this problem with a far-sighted view. It is likely that the solution will be solved naturally. Therefore, as long as you can still move forward, you can No need to waste time worrying about this.

Since there was no way to relocate, Aburame Tetsumaru decided to establish another research group here, temporarily affiliated to the aerospace program, and concentrate on studying the construction technology of the aerial fortress.

In addition, this island is 1,400 kilometers away from the nearest mother nest of the Kingdom of Tea. It is an absolute enclave, and a separate attack, defense and output system must be established.

Therefore, it is necessary to build a mother nest on this island and arrange enough insect swarms as protection.

A higher priority than protection is to use maximum camouflage to avoid being discovered from a distance, which can protect the safety of this enclave and laboratory more than powerful troops.

But Aburame Tetsumaru couldn't decide such a big matter alone, he had to discuss it with everyone else.

Although we are all ourselves, everyone's views on specific matters will be different due to different perspectives. As long as there is no sense of confrontation and internal friction, we can very effectively avoid the trap of single thinking.

As for communicating with the village, forget it, this is the trophy he got from the jungle, and the Hokage has long announced that the Kong Ninja has been completely wiped out. If he is stupid enough to reveal this, not only will he not be able to save anything. , I will offend a lot of people.

For example, there were more than a dozen Jonin who were promoted because of this battle, such as the Sannin who each shot down an aerial fortress, and the one who bore the brunt was the Sandaime Hokage.

You offended the village chief and you still want to get a good result?

The only person who supported this matter was Shimura Danzo, who was huddled motionless at home at the time, but Aburame Tetsumaru would not stand on the same front as this guy.

Danzo Shimura always takes advantage of others and stabs his allies in the back. The key is that he is unlucky enough, so he should not get close to another unlucky person, otherwise both parties will be unlucky together.

In fact, Aburame Tetsumaru's thinking under normal circumstances is quite reliable. After communicating with the shadow clones, all his ideas were approved and quickly implemented.

After months of work, the camouflage and defense of Kong Ninja Island were completed. At this point, Aburame Tetsumaru had completely swallowed up the details of Kong Ninja and monopolized the top secret of Soaring Sky.

However, Aburame Tetsumaru felt supported by the knowledge of hollow ninja that he had eaten in his stomach. In the following months, the shadow clone's research on the core system of the Sky Fortress cannot be said to be fruitless, it can only be said to be fruitless. Nothing was found.

This system was so complicated that Aburame Tetsumaru couldn't understand it at all, and couldn't even figure out where to start.

You can imagine if an F22 fighter jet unexpectedly traveled through time and was obtained by aircraft manufacturing experts in the early days of World War I. Due to the huge gap in technical levels, the aircraft manufacturing experts would definitely not be able to understand the operating principle of the F22.

But this does not prevent Aburame Tetsumaru from using the functions of this system. For example, inputting chakra into the core can offset the influence of gravity. Aburame Tetsumaru's full input can even generate a huge lift of up to 800,000 tons.

The lifting force is 800,000 tons. This is unscientific, but it is a realistic black technology. Only such a terrifying lifting force can support the fortress made of rocks floating in the sky.

With this function alone, the value of this core system is immeasurable. There is no problem in building a steel fortress floating in the air with it as the center.

But Aburame Tetsumaru has no plans to build such an aerial fortress for the time being, because his next target is not a country in the ninja world, but the moon high above.

An air fortress that cannot fly out of the atmosphere is meaningless for the Moon War, and the resources consumed to build it are not a small amount. Although he likes this big toy very much, in the end he can only follow his reason and give up temporarily.

While Aburame Tetsumaru was busy in the enclave, the shadow clones far away in the Land of Tea held the third Aburame Tetsumaru Conference, which was also the first meeting without the main body participating.

"Brothers, we are in a big crisis."

"Stop using such fancy politicians' rhetoric. We are all our own people and speak directly as people speak."

"Well, our mental health team has collected all the behavioral data of the ontology and came to the conclusion that the ontology is heading towards schizophrenia uncontrollably. The reason is because of our long-standing shadow clones."

"..., well, this is indeed a big crisis."

"Have you analyzed the cause? Have you thought of a solution? I mean other than killing us all."

"It has been analyzed, because our shadow clones have existed for a long time. When we return, in addition to experience and knowledge, we will also bring back different emotions and emotional experiences."

"The shadow clone that exists for a short period of time does not have many emotions and will be quickly melted by the thoughts of the main body. Moreover, our difference is that the total amount of emotions and emotions accumulated is too much. Because it is difficult to digest, it will exist in the spirit of the main body for a long time. .”

"Furthermore, these emotions and emotions are originally certain emotions that 'Aburame Tetsumaru' will produce, and will not trigger the original self-awareness to deny them."

"But these slowly digested emotions will amplify certain thoughts or thoughts in the body, causing these thoughts to fail to die naturally. This is the cause of the disease."

"I understand, too many individual thoughts are too strong, leading to discontinuous thinking and making it easy to make extreme decisions."

"No wonder this meeting will be held without the main body."

"Yes, if you get excited and kill us regardless of the consequences, the main body may die."

"Another manifestation of this disease is that it is particularly easy to make decisions and it is difficult to distinguish between priorities."

"Yes, there are too many project teams that have been started recently, and we are increasingly overwhelmed."

"If this continues, the main body will really suffer from schizophrenia. We will definitely send it first."

"how to solve this problem?"

The shadow clone who held the meeting raised two fingers and said: "Our team has come up with two solutions. The first one is that we are all wiped out. The main body will take three years to slowly digest the mental blockage, and it will naturally return to normal."

The entire venue fell silent, and the shadow clones thought about it, and then most of them shook their heads: "We can't accept it, and I guess the main body can't accept it either. It's too passive."

"Then there's only one way left."

"We work with Ontology to reshape our three views, reestablish our ideals, guide our thoughts with great ideals, and ensure the unity of our special group with the pride of creating miracles."

Shadow clones: ┌(.Д.)┐

Are you serious?

"Let me put it this way, when I saw Musk's Starlink project in my previous life, did I think it was awesome at first?"

"Awesome." x N

"Are you convinced in your heart?"

"Not convinced." x N

"Seeing my motherland going to the five oceans to catch turtles, going up to the sky to pick the moon, the black sky is proud, and the water in the south is helping the north. Are you proud?"

"Of course!" x N

"Is it a pity that we didn't have the opportunity to participate?"

No one answered, but the answer was obvious.

"Use ideals to carry the spirit, and use spectacles to prove the ideals. Dreams and spectacles can even unify the country's thoughts, not to mention that we are one person."

"This is not enough, we also need a war of our own, a war that carries our dreams, like the war between the Han and the Huns, like the war between the new China and the world's strongest."

"The will we had before came from inheritance and has not experienced tempering and testing. Now we must make up for it. The war of common dreams can forge the nation and reshape civilization, and it will certainly reshape our spirit. We need a war .”

bang bang bang bang

All the shadow clones stopped talking and simply clapped their hands.

When all the shadow clones reached a consensus, a shadow clone seal that was about to expire dissolved itself and passed this consensus to Aburame Tetsumaru in the far enclave.

Embarrassing, super embarrassing, right?

Aburame Tetsumaru grabbed the ground with her head, looking up to the sky and sighing: I was imprisoned by my own shadow clone, lectured and criticized, restricted from traveling, and now I still classify myself as mentally ill. What the hell is going on.

Have you betrayed yourself?

But Aburame Tetsumaru soon calmed down and fell into deep reflection: Yes, something is indeed wrong.

He was so reckless when fighting the Kirigakure rebels, but he was overly cautious when he killed Shennong. Why did I feel embarrassed just now? When did I care about other people's opinions?

Obviously as long as I am not embarrassed, others will be embarrassed.

Sure enough, it is difficult for a mentally ill person to know that he is mentally ill. Fortunately, I have special "self" criticism, otherwise it would be miserable.

Three days later, Aburame Tetsumaru stood at the commanding heights of the brood nest, looking down at the endless purple carpet grassland. She felt very proud when she thought that she had transformed this desert peninsula into what it was.

But what to do next?

Another world plan? No, that was just the construction of the third cave. There was no dream or war.

What about the Level One Swarm Plan? It doesn’t work either, because most shadow clones have no sense of participation.

Therefore, only one plan satisfies all conditions.

Aburame Tetsumaru raised his head and looked at the crescent moon that had just risen. He took out his phone and said to all the shadow clones in the channel: "Let's focus on landing on the moon first, and don't worry about Konoha 46." It’s time, let’s start now. If the Otsutsuki clan dares to resist, then we will bulldoze them with war.”

"no problem."

"Except for the incarnation of the living dragon, which cannot be stopped, other progress can be paused."

"If you really can't push him away, we can neutralize him."

"To the moon, to the moon, to the moon!"

Seeing that everyone had reached a consensus, Aburame Tetsumaru asked the last question: "So what should we do next?"

A large group of shadow clones answered loudly: "Establish the Fire Nation Unicom Company and become the only communications provider in the ninja world."

Aburame Tetsumaru's mind was in knots: "Huh?"

When I wake up today, there will be more chapters to be added. The specific number is currently unknown. I am working hard to type.

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