Create a swarm technology tree in Konoha

Chapter 372 I can hold on all day!

The sea surface once again returned to complete calm, and whirlpools began to appear again, but this time it was not so smooth. The assembled warships launched a space-based strike in advance.

Bundles of high-energy particles appeared in the air as bright beams of light due to the Tyndall effect, and densely and accurately hit the opening of the electromagnetic gun being created.

The attack is not very effective, but it can seriously interfere with the generation speed of the vortex, and a more effective blow will follow.

A large group of aerial fighters descended from the sky, swooped at the entrance of the vortex at an angle of 85 degrees, and dropped a six-meter-long bomb, which accurately hit the vortex of the black hole.

These air and space fighters were also unmanned. In order to achieve maximum accuracy, they had no intention of pulling up again, and just plunged into the sea dozens of meters away from the hole.

The huge bomb was only fifty-five centimeters in diameter. It fell downwards along the electromagnetic gun tube, rubbing out a series of sparks along the way against the water film wall of the gun tube.

Some electromagnetic turrets have been charged and can be fired directly. The magnetic field in the barrel will eject the dangerous thing as a cannonball, thus avoiding further danger.

Some electromagnetic turrets have insufficient energy storage due to various reasons and can only be activated in an emergency to slow down the bomb's falling speed. It would be better if it could be stuck in half.

Finally, many turrets themselves were damaged in the major earthquake, and the damage was aggravated during the last launch, which resulted in complete inability to prevent the bombs from falling.

The formation of the magnetized water cannon tube is an integral function. Even if it is turned off in an emergency, it cannot stop the vortex action so quickly, and can only watch the cannonball fall down.

Twenty seconds after it was dropped, the bomb detonated.

Seeing the double white mushrooms growing tall one after another, Sanae Uchiha cursed bitterly: "Tch, it's really not an ordinary bomb. The damn machine head can really be cruel."

"Stop complaining, Sanae-chan. The enemy fleet has almost gathered, and the Cocoon Builder is about to attack." Hatake Sakumo said, "We will see a miracle soon, and we will launch an attack after seeing it."

There were only more than 2,000 electromagnetic gun groups that could complete the shooting operation for the second time, and more than half of them lacked energy. The fired shells could not reach a height of 100 kilometers and fell down.

But together with the electromagnetic gun, there were more than 20 million explosive locusts. This batch of locusts were specially customized, giant locusts that were enlarged more than 10,000 times, and they were two locusts connected in series. Orbital model.

The 40-meter-long Bomb Locust flew upwards, dragging a long plume of white smoke. Tens of millions of locusts took off at the same time. They looked like a bean sprout sprouting at the same time. Of course, the growth rate was to speed up the playback.

Because they had used explosive locusts to counterattack drones before, the omnics had already planned for this and prepared a defense plan against large missiles, but they never expected such a large scale.

At this time, the shortcomings of the rigidity of omnic civilization were exposed. There were obviously a lot of resources that could be applied, but there was no predetermined plan, and the priority could not be improved in time. Only 10% of the tens of thousands of drones on duty in the air were able to deal with explosive bombs. Locust intercepted.

It wasn't until the Explosive Locusts broke out of the atmosphere that the battle plan of the Six-String Star Omnic was adjusted. Hundreds of thousands of warships deployed in anti-missile formations and fired dense canisters to intercept them.

At this time, almost all the warships in the orbit of the entire planet were maneuvering, and the engines started at full power sprayed out strong flames. Even during the day, you could vaguely see the light spots moving all over the sky.

In this daytime hemisphere, more than 70% of the fleet has gathered.

【The time has come! 】

Aburame Tetsumaru floated up from the sea, his feet stood firmly on the sea, his hands slowly clasped together, and he slowly entered the sage mode.

As the chakra circulation in the body spreads, an even larger senjutsu chakra circulation begins to be released.

Immortal Magic·Insect Swarm

More than 80,000 intact mother nests are linked to him, and billions of bugs in the ocean are linked to him. After a little identification, Aburame Tetsumaru releases the one assigned to Shigesaku Hatake and Sanae Uchiha. Billions of bugs.

The will of the huge insect swarm condensed around Aburame Tetsumaru, forming an indescribably huge spiritual body. Aburame Tetsumaru skillfully manipulated the will body into telekinesis.

After a long period of training and repeated polishing and tempering of telekinesis, Aburame Tetsumaru's insect swarm telekinesis system has reached a new stage, and can even affect light and present its own image in human eyes.

The huge human figure towering between the sky and the earth gradually condensed, and its face was blurred due to the transparency, but its body movements were exactly the same as those of Aburame Tetsumaru on the sea.

His clasped hands shook for a while, turning into three pairs of arms, but then one arm after another stretched out from behind him.

There is a smart eye in the palm of each of these arms behind the back. One thousand and forty-four arms are stretched out, seemingly slowly arranged into a huge six-layered ring behind the giant.

Immortal Technique·Insect Swarm·Thousand Hands and Thousand Eyes Dharani

In fact, it should be called Avalokitesvara with Thousand Arms and Thousand Eyes, but Aburame Tetsumaru subconsciously believed that Avalokiteśvara was a female form, and was very repelled by this name. He simply used the most inconspicuous Sanskrit Dharani definition of its title, which means "General Holder." ".

Compared to the rough and loose Insect Swarm Tathagata, the Insect Swarm Thousand Hands Thousand Eyes Dharani is more condensed, larger, and far more powerful. Aburame Tetsumaru has decided to directly replace it.

Dorani raised his head slightly and stared at the hundreds of thousands of warships as small as ants. The giant hand behind his back slowly stretched out and aimed at the dense group of warships and slowly fished them out.

More than a dozen battleships were grabbed. As the giant fisted, the battleships were squeezed together, and then squeezed into a huge pile of scrap metal.

Then the second, third, and more giant hands rose into the sky, launching a devastating blow to the dense group of battleships.

The six arms in front of Dharani also stretched out, and pushed hard towards the even larger star ring. Wherever the huge transparent palm touched, the huge star ring was like a crispy single row of donuts. , shattered and broken instantly.

Although not many battleships were shot down in one attack, the gesture of this incredible giant waving its giant hands was completely beyond the limits of what the mechanical heads could understand.

They are clearly emotionless omnics, but the entire battleship group is in a state of "stunned to a halt". Perhaps the entire calculation process is stuck, neither attacking nor dodging, allowing the giant with thousands of hands and eyes to attack wantonly.

But this attitude of completely lying flat and letting the hammer go made Aburame Tetsumaru secretly complain. The giant's majestic force of more than a dozen battleships seemed so easy, but in fact the energy consumed was not compromised at all.

Such a huge amount of energy is transformed from the will of the insect swarm, and is transmitted to the huge palm through Aburame Tetsumaru's insect swarm state, and then acts on the target battleship.

As the main hub of energy transmission, Aburame Tetsumaru must bear tremendous pressure every time it destroys a battleship. If the battleships flee in all directions, it's okay that the frequency of output is not high. You can take a breather when capturing the battleships with your palms.

But now in this situation, you can reach out and grab more than a dozen battleships, and the frequency of energy output is so high that Aburame Tetsumaru's head is buzzing.

But how could he give up?

Aburame Tetsumaru searched around with the help of his Thousand Eyes, and finally found a target that was larger, but could give him a breather, which was the star ring in synchronous orbit.

The height of this largest star ring is too high, even the giants that reach the sky and the earth cannot touch it. Fortunately, it has six small tails hanging down, which can be used as grabbers to pull it down completely.

Of course Aburame Tetsumaru knew that he couldn't do it, but that didn't stop him from taking this opportunity to take a rest.

The Thousand-Armed Giant with Thousand Eyes reached out to the orbital ladder, which immediately triggered some extremely high-priority orders in the war order. Hundreds of thousands of warships instantly resumed action and began to attack the transparent giant.

The giant was like a man who had stung a hornet's nest and was besieged by countless hornets.

However, there are many more battleships than wasps in a hive, and the number of giant arms is comparable to hundreds of people.

The giant is made up of telekinesis, and can change reality and reality at any time according to Aburame Tetsumaru's wishes. The battleship's attacks rarely achieve a real hit.

Even if it is attacked occasionally, the damage suffered by the giant is shared by tens of thousands of nests and billions of bugs. This durability is very high.

The most important thing is that you can’t feel any pain with Younu Iron Pills.

Moreover, waving the giant's arms actually consumes very little. Only grabbing the battleship requires real effort. Aburame Tetsumaru feels like he has changed from sprinting to walking quickly. This situation is now his most comfortable fighting state.

【I can hold on all day! 】

Hatake Sakumo keenly noticed that all attacks from Tianji had stopped. He knew that the time to fight had come: "Uchiha Sanae, attack!"

Shocked by the giant whose height could not be estimated, the foolish Uchiha Sanae was awakened by Hatake Sakumo's order, and she instantly remembered her mission.

The Uchiha girl jumped up from the sea, and millions of springtails also jumped out, rolling and rushing toward the archipelago waters where earthquakes continued to erupt.

Dozens of insect swarms were strung together in a string, facing the huge waves caused by the earthquake, and resolutely launched an attack forward. As the water became shallower and shallower, and the waves became smaller and smaller, the impact of the insect swarms gradually accelerated.

When they were twenty kilometers away from the outer archipelago, huge figures began to emerge from the water. One by one, the thunder beasts pushed away the springtails and moved forward with firm steps.

At ten kilometers, the springtail changed from a swimming posture to a jumping posture, and the impact speed suddenly accelerated. The drone group lined up in a neat formation to start bombing, but the island occupied by the enemy remained silent.

It was the Thunder Beasts that were tasked with releasing the drones in the swarm. Their broad back armor plates opened, and the Explosive Locusts swarmed out, rushing towards the drone swarm with thick white smoke, and the sky exploded into flames.

The counterattacked drone swarm became a mess, and the team of springtails became orderly again. The dead springtails were trampled into dregs in the sea water.

The spores scattered in the seawater tried to use these nutrients to develop again, but were disturbed by the advancing pace of the insect swarms and were unable to enter the city, and had to enter a dormant state again.

When the insect swarm was close to five kilometers away, a dazzling light erupted from the outermost island, which was the muzzle flash of the cannon when it was fired.

The flame was slightly cold blue, green, and white in color. This color was obviously not a chemical combustion flame, but a flame caused by the burning of metal shavings generated by the friction of the shell after the electromagnetic gun was fired.

A few seconds later, the shell fell into the swarm of insects, and the explosion tore the springtails into pieces, but the damage from the shell fragments had no effect on the springtails.

The shrapnel embedded itself in the springtail's body and was quickly coated with a layer of colloid. The wound quickly stopped bleeding and closed, and disappeared in less than ten seconds. The springtail's impact speed did not even slow down.

Those air-explosion grenades also did useless work. The densely packed steel balls beat the insects like honeycombs, but as long as six legs were not broken, or if they were extremely lucky to hit the nerve center, the impact of the springtails would not stop.

The plump springtails have stored enough nutrients in their bodies just to deal with this kind of damage repair, and now they are indeed producing amazing tactical effects.

However, the response speed of omnics was extremely fast. The shells fired just thirty seconds later were a combination of high-explosive bombs and incendiary bombs. The casualty rate of springtails increased rapidly, but this was not enough to stop the attack of the insect swarm.

After the Thunder Beast also approached, the bombardment organs mounted on both sides of its body fired a series of plasma thunderballs to fight back, suppressing the omnic's firepower.

As the springtail continued to approach, the depth of the water no longer required jumping forward. The springtail converted to a running posture and further accelerated its speed. The forward gradually distanced itself from the thunder beast.

Countless mechanical units stood in the tunnels on the island, including light humanoid machines and heavy spider-like machines. They were all covered in thick steel armor.

I don't know if they were rushed out, but these mechanical units were not painted. Their armor was simply polished, and even the blue and rust-proof process was not done. They reflected a bright silver metallic luster in the sun.

Mechanical units of various sizes were arranged in a neat and dense queue, quietly waiting for the insect swarm to enter their range.

Behind these mechanical units, a larger heavy-duty self-propelled artillery truck slowly drove out of the underground garage, its four wide tracks digging half-meter-deep ruts on the ground.

The artillery truck entered the predetermined artillery position, put down its pick, raised the short and thick barrel, and launched the bombardment without stopping, throwing a huge projectile weighing twenty tons at the insect swarm.

This huge mortar shell was loaded with five tons of high explosives. The blast of the explosion was extremely terrifying. All the springtails within a radius of two hundred meters were turned into pulp. After the explosion, a piece with a diameter of five tons could be cleared. Six hundred meters of open space.

But it only took two or three seconds for the empty space to be filled with springtails, and the surging insect tide seemed not to be affected much.

But as more and more shells fall, the density of springtails inevitably begins to decrease, effectively weakening the impact of the insect swarm.

When the springtails approached three hundred meters in front of the shining mechanical array, the mechanical unit's attack began. Large-caliber concentrated bullets instantly reduced the springtails in the front row to smithereens.

The density of bullets fired by the densely packed humanoid machines and spider-like machines is much higher than the density of steel balls in grenades. Springtails can eat hundreds of steel balls at one time, but they absolutely cannot withstand the continuous attack of tens of thousands of bullets per second. .

The impact of the insect swarm was withstood more than a hundred meters in front of the mechanical array.

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