Create a swarm technology tree in Konoha

Chapter 373: Instant death, it was indeed a sniper attack

The drones active on the battlefield are all light patrol aircraft and medium-sized attack aircraft. Due to the attack of the Thousand-Handed Thousand-Eyed Giant, heavy bombers capable of carrying nuclear weapons cannot enter this battlefield.

But this does not mean that it is safe. Uchiha Sanae, the commander of the forward, knows very well that she absolutely cannot afford to waste time.

This archipelago was chosen as the target of attack because omnics used large-scale nuclear weapons to shake the tectonic plates here.

In this archipelago, there is absolutely no shortage of nuclear weapons on the omnic side. Their lack of use may be because the nuclear weapons used to shake the plates are too large and are not suitable for transportation and delivery on the battlefield.

But where are the advantages of omnics? Mechanical transformation and mass production are definitely their specialty. It won't take long for them to dismantle large nuclear bombs into various small nuclear weapons.

Uchiha Sanae didn't want to experience various nuclear artillery shells, nuclear mines, and nuclear rockets. When facing nuclear weapons, even the insect swarm had to reduce its density.

However, the main force of the current insect swarm mode is melee units, which is not suitable for sparse queues. After the insect swarm is dispersed, the attack power will be seriously reduced, and there is no hope of winning this battle.

"Don't worry, Sanae, there is still plenty of time, don't be anxious." Uchiha Sanae said softly to herself, and she directed the Thunder Beast to speed up the pace slightly.

Uchiha Sanae didn't mean that the Thunderjutsu could break through in one fell swoop. The huge Thunderjutsu could withstand very powerful damage, but when it came to the end of the civilization, the Thunderjutsu turned into an arsenal firepower unit and was not a simple assault unit.

The weakened protection is not enough to support its firepower breakthrough at such intensity. If it rushes directly, it will be knocked down quickly, and it is not enough to last until the entire insect swarm destroys the queue of mechanical units.

However, the Thunder Beast was able to cover the two powerful insect swarm troops moving forward. When the Thunder Beast's steps were unsteady due to the intensive firepower, a group of insects swimming in the seawater in a snake shape ran aground.

They all straightened up their front bodies from the sea water, twisted the rear half of their snake bodies, and swam forward quickly. The hydralisks quickly approached their own shooting range, using the cover of springtails to spray sharp bone spurs at the queue of mechanical units.

This is a bone vein bone spur transcribed by Gray Bones after careful research. It is sharp, heavy, and strong, and has armor-piercing properties. It is squeezed by the muscles that penetrate the body of the Hydralisk and then ejected. It can pierce five people even from four hundred meters away. Ten millimeter thick steel plate.

Now there is a cavity behind the bone spur that the Hydralisk spits, which contains a venom sac filled with corrosive venom. After a violent impact, the venom sac will hit the spikes in the cavity forward. After the venom sac is damaged, it will Release venom to cause greater damage to enemies.

Under a sudden attack by the Hydralisk, the mechanical array suffered serious losses.

After that, part of the firepower had to be used to suppress the Hydralisks, and the overall firepower intensity dropped significantly. The Springtails took the opportunity to rush onto the beach, attacking the mechanical queue and wreaking havoc.

But mechanical units are not vulnerable in close combat. The humanoid machines threw away their machine guns, popped out their red-hot stabbing swords, and started fighting against the springtails.

The spider-shaped machine relies on its large size and sufficient built-in energy and power to pass high-voltage electricity on the surface. Its two front claw chain saws also start to slash back and forth.

The two mechanical units actually stabilized their position and withstood the impact of the springtails.

But the insect swarm still had the upper hand. The reason was that the fierce fighting between springtails and mechanical units caused serious losses to each other. Gradually, insect entities and mechanical debris piled up, forming a crooked high slope.

The high-speed machine gun of the rear mechanical unit has a straight trajectory, which is not suitable for arcing attacks on insects behind high slopes. However, the spurs of the Hydralisk can adjust its shape in real time, becoming excellent curved firepower, and can block attacks on machinery that reinforces high slopes. .

At this time, beside the Hydralisks and Springtails, a type of soldier that maneuvered close to the ground swam up. They quietly climbed up the high slope and sprayed a thick mouthful of spores at the enemies on the front line.

Baptized by the colorful spores, the shiny metal turned reddish-brown in the blink of an eye, and rusty iron oxide even scattered everywhere.

Immediately afterwards, various parts of the mechanical units suffered from various problems due to rust. The first one was that the defense was severely weakened. The entire front line could no longer be maintained and was swamped by springtails.

Surrounded by Hydralisks, Ultralisk crossed the battle line and advanced towards the omnic artillery position, attracting artillery attacks with all its strength. Soon after the springtails rushed to the artillery position, the battle on the periphery of the archipelago ended.

The insect swarm occupied three islands in one breath, but then it became even more difficult to fight.

The density of islands in the center of the archipelago has been greatly increased, which means that several islands can cover each other with firepower and cover each other. When the insect swarm launches an attack, the firepower they suffer will increase exponentially.

No matter how difficult it is, the attack cannot stop, and we must capture this place today.

Uchiha Sanae carefully avoided the three occupied islands and directed the insect swarm to continue attacking, while silently calculating the speed of the ocean current in her heart.

This current was newly created during the major earthquake, and passed through the archipelago from a position about two hundred and fifty kilometers to the left of Uchiha Sanae.

Before the war began, Uchiha Sanae discovered this current through the widespread use of small reconnaissance bugs. At that time, he sent a group of bugs to lurk in it and penetrate along the current.

If he hadn't been discovered, he should have arrived.

Sanae raised her head but couldn't see anything. Her field of vision was filled with the insect butts she controlled, and upwards there was only the foggy sky. She couldn't see the specific battle situation at all.

Most Uchiha men are flamboyant guys, and women are much quieter. But just soaking in the sea water dyed thick green with insect blood, Uchiha Sanae was filled with the urge to fly.

On such a battlefield, if she could fly high in the sky and see far away, she would surely see a grand scene that she would never forget.

But before setting off for the expedition, Hatake Sakumo repeatedly told Uchiha Sanae that they must never take the lead, never enter the enemy's position, and never leave the formation of the insect swarm.

Uchiha Sanae has a thorny reputation among the Uchiha clan. She has always had a cold and resistant attitude towards the family's senior leaders. She often disobeys the management of elders and superior ninjas, and does not repent even after being punished many times.

But she is actually a very obedient child, and she understands the principle of listening to others' advice to eat enough. She just knows who to listen to.

The words of the clan leader, clan elders, and senior ninjas?

Having been trained by Aburame Tetsumaru's disguise system since he entered the battlefield, Uchiha Sanae quickly understood that the family's top brass were all dull-witted, and they had to analyze their words before deciding whether to listen or not.

This is what our predecessors called independent thinking, and it is indeed very useful.

But for Zhou Wenming’s seniors, that’s another story.

After officially joining the civilization, Uchiha Sanae soon discovered that the seniors in the civilization were all wise and every word they said was correct, so this girl changed.

Since the words of the seniors are correct, why should I bother to think independently? I can just obey them.

Because of Hatake-senpai's instructions, even though Uchiha Sanae was very uncomfortable, she stayed in the dirty sea water honestly, with at most half of her head exposed to observe the environment.

The words of the seniors in civilization are always right, and obedience saved her life.

More and more bugs landed on the island, and then poured towards the next island like a tide. When the front was nearly 600 meters away from the island, the three islands glowed.

The light was so intense that even Uchiha Sanae, who had his back to the island, could not see anything because his field of vision instantly turned completely white.

Mushroom flash!

Uchiha Sanae reacted instantly, she immediately dived to the bottom of the sea, and then used ninjutsu.

Earth Escape·Sneak in the Earth

The water in this shallow bay is only more than two meters deep, and there is no protection at all from the powerful mushroom eggs. Uchiha Sanae must use the earth to protect herself.

Amid the violent vibrations, she swam down several hundred meters in one breath, until the effect of the ninjutsu reached its maximum, and she had to stop.

Fortunately, the monitoring device of the colonization equipment found that the strong radiation did not reach his side. Uchiha Sanae was slightly relieved and waited quietly.

Soon another violent vibration erupted. Sanae could tell that this time the vibration was wider but smaller in intensity. It was obviously an air explosion.

Sanae Uchiha counted three hundred silently in her mind, and then swam upwards. When she was close to the ground, she found that she could not move forward. The rock formations in front were extremely hot and even glowed faintly.

After using the geomagnetism to determine the direction, Uchiha Sanae swam in the direction she came from. She didn't know how far she had walked. When the chakra was almost exhausted, she finally felt the temperature above her head drop.

She probably still looked like she was eight or nine hundred degrees old, but Sanae was wearing a colonial uniform, so as long as she wasn't directly submerged by the lava, there would be no problem at all.

But Uchiha Sanae did not appear directly. She carefully checked the surrounding environment, then used the transformation technique to transform into a black coral reef, and then slowly emerged.

This is also what senior Shigesaku Hatake told me. If you lose the cover of the insect swarm, you must be extremely careful and use transformation techniques at all times to hide yourself in the environment.

Omnics, like computers, have unparalleled advantages in observation, analysis, and precision. Every omnic combat unit in a star table battle can be regarded as a sniper, so they must not show their faces on the battlefield.

Sting, the landmark next to Uchiha Sanae cracked, and with fresh white sea sand and shells splashing, a springtail emerged from the ground.

Probably because the communication nervous system was damaged, Springtail ignored the order to leave from Sanae Uchiha next to him and shook off the sand on his own.

On this scorched earth that was just a shallow sea, only the big pit where the springtail emerged and the sea sand were white, so eye-catching that the little girl was frightened.

Before the springtail shook off all the sand on its body, its body suddenly turned into residual limbs and green plasma flying in the sky. A huge white bullet mark five to six meters wide and a hundred meters long appeared on the black ground more than ten meters away. .

After a few seconds, when the sand flying in the sky above the bullet marks fell, a dull sound of gunfire came.

Uchiha Sanae calculated silently that this was a solid armor-piercing bullet fired from three thousand meters away, with a caliber between 150 mm and 200 mm.

The first hit was a hit, and he died immediately after the first shot. It was indeed a sniper attack.

Of course, the power of weapons of this level was seriously overflowing. An eight-ton springtail was directly beaten into slag. The six-stringed star omnic seemed a little frustrated.

Oh, no, metal heads don't have emotions. It seems to be caused by the second-generation mushroom that was just air-blasted. It should be that the relatively small mechanical combat units were destroyed, so they had to use this weapon with serious overflow of power.

It is even possible that 150mm is the smallest caliber weapon on this battlefield.

The thought of being beaten by such a big thing if she was exposed made Uchiha Sanae's hair stand on end. She was increasingly grateful to Hatake-senpai for his instructions, lying on the ground motionless, waiting for natural cover to arrive.

This is a shallow sea. Four consecutive powerful mushroom eggs can evaporate or drive away seawater, baking the seabed into a blackened glass field, but they absolutely cannot stop the return of seawater.

Ten minutes later the wind picked up, a white line in the distance gradually came closer, the roaring waves could be heard, and the sea water returned in the form of a tsunami.

Seeing the tsunami getting closer and closer, Uchiha Sanae's heart became more and more settled, and gradually turned into a fiery impulse. She couldn't help but issue an order, ordering the insect swarm to prepare for battle.

The order was transmitted in the form of electromagnetic waves, which immediately attracted intensive bombardment.

The order was brief, so the omnics didn't have a precise lock on it, but it meant the commander was ahead, and the target was valuable enough that they immediately launched a carpet bombing of the entire area.

"Metal heads are really difficult to deal with. I will be more careful and cautious in the future." Sanae Uchiha couldn't help but stick out his tongue and swear as he watched the sea sand blown up by the cannonballs being as neat as a wall and advancing towards her in rows.

Uchiha Sanae used earth escape again to drill into the ground. When she felt the intense vibration caused by the tsunami, she quickly showed her head under the sea.

At this time, the most impactful and turbid water had already washed away with the waves of the tsunami, and the water was quickly becoming clear.

Sanae Uchiha saw that the sand on the bottom of the sea had been washed clean. Suddenly, insects emerged one after another, springtails, scorpions, hydralisks, and even not far away, an Thunder Beast was struggling to get hold of it. Climb out of the ground.

Apparently, after taking advantage of Earth Escape to hide underground, the giant insect's chakra was exhausted, and now it can only use brute force to break free from the ground.

The Thunder Beast was too big, and its full-strength struggle was even greater, causing waves to splash on the sea surface.

Intense bombardment struck again, Uchiha Sanae no longer hesitated, commanding the insect swarm to charge. Now the enemy's firepower density was too small, and it was not enough to stop the insect swarm's attack.

If there could be the same intensity of firepower as at the beginning, after Sanae was accidentally exposed, the covering bombing of her area would never be a wall push, but a prompt Van Fleet.

The wall-propelled bombing method proves that the firepower of omnics on this battlefield is only about a thousand, just a drizzle.

Thank you all for your monthly votes and recommendation votes.

As a thank you, I will add another chapter on the last day of this month.

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