I don’t know what’s going on with the weather at the moment.

Suddenly it has become more and more bad, even along the coast, where there has not been snow for tens or hundreds of years, it is now covered with thick snow, and even the low temperature near the equator has dropped sharply to the lowest temperature in recent days.

Even so, the Earth’s temperature continues to drop.

However, at this moment, it is just December!

“Jingle bell!”

Continuation of the base.

In Roboduo’s office.

A hurried phone rang, and the next second Robodor answered the phone: “What?”

The call was sent by the United States, and when he heard the call, he hesitated, the call was from the commander-in-chief responsible for the construction of the environmental guidance system in the United States, at this moment the temperature in the United States has reached -53 and the temperature is still maintaining a certain speed, decreasing, however, this has played a role in delaying the fusion and fission reaction in X.

But people, millions of people there, can’t stand it.

And the machines involved in the construction could not stand it.

“Okay, I’ll get back to you in ten minutes. ”

After hanging up the phone, Luo Boduo dialed the alliance’s emergency number again: “My Luo Boduo, I believe that the temperature environment over there in the United States, you all know it, right? Now it’s not just the United States, the world’s extremely cold air currents have caused the overall temperature of the earth to drop to the lowest point of the average temperature, what should I do about the situation in the United States now~?”

There was silence on the phone.

The next moment, Lobodor’s secretary informed him that the alliance had connected to the video conference. 、

When Robodor connected, in the video, an argument had already begun.

“I think this operation should be reversed, if it is lowered by ten degrees again, it will cause panic in the whole world!”

“No! Without understanding why the global temperature is cooling, if you rashly use manual intervention, the earth’s environment will become worse and worse!”

“It’s the natural way the planet recovers, and I agree with him, let’s get the picture straight. ”

“So, gentlemen, what about the X on the American side?”


Everyone was silent.

What’s the matter?

If I knew what was going on, could I be here?

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Why did I go to the United States a long time ago, okay?

The face of the person in charge of the country was distorted.

Luo Boduo appeared, and everyone was in a quarrel, and at this moment, after enough quarrels, everyone found out that Luo Boduo had arrived, and the person in charge of the country seemed to have caught a savior: “Mr. Luo Boduo, tell me, what should I do? I will listen to you now.” ”

Now the person in charge of the United States is really helpless.

The construction of the United States, he admitted, who told those idiots to make such a thing in the United States?

And just now the people from the Meteorological Bureau told him that if it continues, the global temperature may reach a new low, and the temperature will continue to drop, which is global!

Can he carry this pot?


He didn’t dare.

No one dares to carry this pot.

“The temperature can be controlled above the human crisis line of -60, and as long as we insist on the start of the X set in the United States, then in an instant, the cold air will be artificially dispersed, so that everything can be ensured, provided that there is also a problem over there now. ”

Luo Boduo analyzed in detail the problems encountered at the moment and the problems that urgently need to be solved.

However, everyone was puzzled again.

How long it takes.

They want to know how long it will take!

“Two days, I will give the continuation of the base, and the United States X two days, if it is not solved within two days, I will act, at least, the temperature of the United States, I will regulate it to normal temperature!”

In the end, the person in charge of the United States made a gloomy decision, and then hung up the phone.

He can’t afford to wait, he can’t afford to gamble.

“Okay, just two days, I agree, the global ecosystem, if it can be held on for two days, if it takes a long time, then there will definitely be problems!”


The next moment, Luo Boduo dialed the phone number of the X device construction area in the United States: “We only have two days, and in these two days, we must complete this ring device in the way you said.” ”

There is another sentence that Robodor did not say.


But, he, is he coming back?


Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collection and recommendation

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