
It’s still that space.

It’s just that at this moment, when everyone sees this space again, they are so afraid.


It’s been half a year since everyone came to this space.

But in the past six months, they have to complete a task, but this task is now stuck in the most difficult level.

How to send an antimatter rocket into space.

This method has been tried twice, but both failed, and this time, it is the last time, if you can’t break through the technical, the last level, then everyone doesn’t know what the consequences are.

However, this consequence is unbearable for anyone.

“Professor Liu, do you think Xiao Hao can succeed?”

In a rare moment of leisure, Xu Bing looked at Liu Jie, who was staring at the teacup in a daze, and asked.

Liu Jie took a deep breath, then shook his head slightly. 、

I couldn’t make out any expression on his face.

“I don’t know, I don’t know, maybe… Yes!”

He didn’t know, there were only five days left, and they knew that the speed of time here was different from the outside world, and now the urgent problem was imminent…

Xu Bing was also silent.

Quietly staring at the coffee cup in front of him, he let the bubbles in the coffee cup burst one by one.


At this moment, the door of Li Hao’s research room opened, and for a moment, everyone was attracted by that voice, and immediately, everyone involuntarily stood up and looked at Li Hao.

However, no one said a word, just a pair of eager eyes, looking at Li Hao.

“It’s done. ”

Li Hao’s tired and chapped mouth came out with a smile, and said hoarsely: “It’s solved, you guys are ready, and strive to solve all the problems in the last five days, then, we can go home!”

It’s absolutely natural!

“Okay, we’ll do the research right away, yes, the files we sorted out earlier have been sent to your computer. ”

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In the next moment, everyone left excitedly as if they were beating blood.

However, Xu Bing, who was walking at the back of the crowd, glanced at Li Hao worriedly: “Xiao Hao, are you sure it’s okay, don’t you need to take a break?”

Li Hao closed the door for a moment, and then a smile flashed on his pale face: “There’s no time.” ”



“Earth. ”

“This planet, which has gone through billions of years since its birth, is now experiencing an unprecedented unity battle, and their battlefield goal is to conquer the earth and establish a runway around the earth’s surface!”

“So far, 4 billion manpower has been invested in this magnificent project, and the resources consumed are incalculable, but this indicates an unprecedented success of the great unity of mankind! They represent not only a magnificent project, but also the spirit of mankind fighting against the sky and nature!”

“This is the Alliance News, please continue to pay attention to the report sent back from the scene by this station…”

In front of the TV, everyone looked at the vast scenes in the picture and burst into tears.

I saw that the ice, which was trampled and turned into mud, was trampled on, and then condensed and became hard, however, the next moment, it could not withstand the trampling of thousands of people, and became muddy again.


The construction site of the X-set circular runway in the United States.

At this moment, although the temperature has dropped to -55, even wrapped in thick cotton clothes, it is still unable to withstand the severe cold outside, but in this construction site with a diameter of five kilometers.

But no one wore a bulky cotton coat, nor did they wear that one person who was lazy.

From the initial construction base of 7 million people, in just over a day, the number of personnel has increased at least double.

At this moment, all the machinery is on strike, and the whole field, you can see the shouting of hey, hey, hey.

All again picked up the most primitive tools.


“Hey, hey!” Not far away, in a frozen quagmire, thousands of people were pushing against a device stuck in the quagmire, but the bottom of the entire equipment seemed to be frozen.

At this moment, someone yelled: “Help!”

The next moment, tens of thousands of people came.


With the efforts of everyone, even the large ice cubes attached to the equipment were pulled out of the soil alive!



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