Creation System of the Universe

Chapter 351: Salvation arrived

The fourth song domain, on the fast-flying Tianma-4 spacecraft.

The cloth Tianpan was sitting on the bed in his bedroom, his whole body exuding white light, and the temperature of the whole room dropped to the extreme.

At the center of Butian's forehead, a crystal clear ice spirit slowly melted in.

When Bingappa came to Butian's mind, the soul orb quickly stepped forward and sucked the Bingappa into his body like a cat meeting a fish.

Over time, when the two merge into one.

The soul bead has undergone an astonishing change, from the original transparent glass ball to a crystal clear gem.

But Boutian also felt that his soul was sublimated at this moment, and the basic attributes became stronger.

At the same time, the cultivation base of the fourth level of Soul Dao Ming Soul Realm also broke through to the fifth level of Ming Soul Realm.


At this moment, there was a knock on the door.

Hearing the sound, Butian's eyes opened suddenly, a gleam of light flashed, and his calm was restored immediately.

"Come in!" Boutian exhaled and said lightly.

For a moment, Hongwen walked in, his face was a bit solemn and said: "Just now there was news from the villa that when Fenghua and Fengchao broke into Qianduo Mountain Villa, they inadvertently released the members of the Association of Gods you were imprisoned. Now these members of the Association of Gods Get out of trouble, in the chat room of the Association of Gods, all things about how you treat them are told, which directly leads to the election of you as the leader of the fourth song domain."

After listening, Bu Tian didn't have the slightest expression, because Fenghua and Feng Chao were already the ones in his heart that he would kill, and he didn't need to be angry at them.

What he thinks now is how to get this part of the loss back from the two brothers Fenghua and Feng Chao.

"Butian, Hongwen."

At this time, An Lin hurriedly ran in and shouted: "Xiaorou and the others are here, but Fenghua and they are chasing very closely."

Hearing this, Bu Tian frowned and opened a light curtain.

When Hongwen saw the picture coming back from the light curtain, his anger was surging. He saw two spaceships chasing after me, and the spaceship behind kept firing at the spaceship in front.

Even on the spaceship ahead, there were already many places with smoke, and it was obviously hit.

Seeing this, Bu Tian frowned and said coldly: "Tian Demon IV, aim me at the spaceship behind, with full firepower."

"Yes, master!!"

Tianmo 4 answered, and then all kinds of moving sounds sounded on the entire Tianmo 4 spacecraft.

On the kilometer-long spacecraft, various cannons appeared, and the robots inside the spacecraft all started to move.

At this time, in the spaceship that Nangong Rou was chasing in, Nangong Rou was holding Doudou with a very scared expression, and from time to time she looked back at the chasing spacecraft behind her.

Every time she glanced at it, Nangongrou's face paled. If Doudou kept saying that it was okay, she would have passed out in shock.

"Xiao Rou, don't be so nervous, they couldn't catch us for three days after chasing us. What's so scary! And can you let go of this princess first!"

Doudou rolled his eyes, sticking out his small tongue, his face flushed, and Nangong's neck was completely breathless.

Hearing this, Nangong Rou hurriedly released Doudou and apologized: "I'm sorry, Doudou, sorry."


At this moment, the sound of the rapid wind breaking of the blockbuster sounded.

One person and one fox looked up, and saw a thousand-meter-long spaceship in front of him, sending out huge shells, and laser beams whizzing past.

Seeing this, Doudou jumped up from Nangongrou's arms and cheered: "Oh yeah, our rescuer has finally arrived!!!"

Hearing this, Nangong Rou also relaxed.

At this time, in the spaceship Fenghua and the others were riding in, the two brothers, Fenghua and Feng Chao, saw such a dense missile launch, and before they could think about it, they jumped off the spaceship, trying to escape.

But these missiles seem to have locked them, no matter how they dodge, they can be tracked accurately.

And the scope of the bombing is getting bigger and bigger, leaving them nowhere to escape.

"Brother, what is going on?"

Feng Chao used all his cards to resist the rain of missile attacks.

"I don't know, this is the Sky Demon 4 of the Sky Demon Clan. If it is bombed like this for half a minute, we have to explain it here."

Fenghua's face was extremely solemn, you know, when the cannon is fired, the golden principle will work there.

Now, on the Tianma 4, every attack is burning money. If it lasts for half a minute, it will definitely cost more than one billion **** jade coins.

This made Fenghua really confused when he offended the demon tribe, and actually made the demon tribe kill him at such a high price.

At this time, Nangong Gentle Doudou had already arrived on the Tianmo 4 spacecraft.

When Nangongrou saw Hongwen, she couldn't control it anymore and threw herself into Hongwen's arms and wept.

Doudou rushed to Butian's shoulder, and his little furry face rubbed Butian's cheeks, and said sweetly, "Brother Butian, Doudou's ice soul!"

Hearing this, Butian shook his head helplessly, and he was convinced by the fox.

However, Butian suddenly wanted to understand why Doudou didn't choose to come when he came to compete for the Ice Soul, but stayed at Qianduo Mountain Villa.

It is estimated that this guy has known about Feng Chao, Fenghua Brothers will come to Qianduo Mountain Villa to catch Nangong Rou.

What made Bu Tian upset was that since the stinky fox had already figured it out, why didn't he tell him in advance, so that the members of the gods would spread the news like this, and he lost a lot of income in vain.

At this time, Doudou seemed to have sensed Butian’s thoughts, and hurriedly whispered in Butian’s ear: "Brother Butian, Doudou is helping you gain fame! You said that members of the Gods Association are just like that. How to fight against the people of the entire Sanctuary? These people will come back obediently sooner or later, and Brother Butian will be a great hero by then."

Hearing this, Butian narrowed his eyes, thought for a moment, and felt Doudou made sense.

Now he deceived these people into Qianduo Mountain Villa and stripped off the equipment, waiting for the sanctuary to be unblocked in a hundred years, and the matter was exposed, which is bad for reputation.

But if these people have suffered outside and ran to him and begged him to take him in, and then presented their entire equipment, this would be another way of saying it.

Thinking of this, Boutian nodded in satisfaction, gave Doudou a thumb, and then handed Doudou the ice apparition he had said.

Seeing Bingappa, Doudou's eyes flashed with golden light, and Diaoqi Bingappa began to search for the room to refine it.

However, Doudou gave Bu Tian a look when he was leaving, and signaled Bu Tian not to forget Nangong Rou.

Seeing this, Bu Tian nodded his head with a calm expression, and then smiled: "Sister Xiaorou is safe, happy today, everyone has a share!"

After speaking, he took out three ice souls, one to Hongwen, one to Nangong Rou, and the last one to An Lin.

It's just that compared to Hongwen and Nangongrou's shock, An Lin is an expression of a big loss for me.

Knowing that Butian would send Bing Soul generously, she would not have agreed to hand over the family's Yin Fen Jue to Bu Tian.

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