Creation System of the Universe

Chapter 352: Can't afford

The roar outside the Tianmo 4 spacecraft remained unchanged.

Inside, Bu Tian and others were sitting in the control room, watching Fenghua and Feng Chao being continuously bombarded by various shells.

These shells are dozens of times more powerful than nuclear bombs.

In addition, various runes were engraved on the body of the missile, which greatly increased the power of the missile.

When a missile goes down, its power is hundreds of times stronger than Butian's full burst.

The only drawback is that the speed is not fast enough, and it is easy for people to avoid it.

But now such a large-scale bombing, even if Feng Chao and Feng Hua have more hole cards, they can't hold up the bombing for half a minute.

Seeing this, Hongwen squeezed Nangongrou's hand, and his heart knot was finally relieved.

And Nangong Rou also felt the unrest in Hongwen's heart, and gave Hongwen a sweet smile, as if to say, no matter what difficulties she faced with him.

"Bold, who dares to hurt my son!!"

But at this moment, a loud roar rang out, shaking Butian and others' ears.

Immediately I saw dozens of rainbow lights, rushing into the overwhelming bombing circle, and guarding Feng Chao and Feng Hua in groups.

Seeing this, Bu Tian's expression changed. The aura of these guys was too strong, and it was not the fighting power that the fourth song domain should have.

Lin Feng's aura was a bit similar to Lin Tianya's father, he was from the ninth song domain.

Feeling this, Bu Tian's face became cold, and he turned and walked out of the spaceship. He was going to see who could save Feng Chao and Feng Hua today.

At this time, the two brothers Fenghua and Feng Chao felt like they were left behind. If they came a few seconds later, they would have to die.

At the same time, Fenghua was also very fortunate. Fortunately, when Qianduoshanzhuang, he ignored the Goddess Sky.

Otherwise, he would not have thought of looking for these people to prevent the blood-stabbing army of the Goddess Sky.

"Two princes, how did you provoke the Demon Race?" a middle-aged man frowned and asked.

They all knew the Heavenly Demon IV spacecraft, which made them dare not shoot casually.

You must know that the Demon Race is notoriously small and united. Once it confronts the Demon Race, then these people are not enough for the Demon Race.

"I don't know why the Demon Race is attacking us."

Fenghua smiled bitterly, he had never had a relationship with the Demon Clan, let alone provoke him.

However, when Fenghua and Feng Chao saw Bu Tian coming off the Tianmo 4 spacecraft, they instantly understood who was going to kill them.

"Brother, how could the spaceship of the Sky Demon Race get into Butian's hands?" Feng Chao asked with a frown.

Hearing this, Fenghua shook his head and said: "I don't know, but Bu Tian definitely can't underestimate him. Let's not talk about his background. Even with his uninhibited character, this is not an ordinary person."

Feng Chao nodded, how strong Butian's talent was, how he could not understand from the second song domain to the fourth song domain.

After adding Butian's life experience to be exposed, it can make the entire God's Domain feel terrified.

This made Feng Chao never want to be an enemy of Bu Tian.

But Butian took in Hongwen and Nangongrou, and Hongwen cut his arm again, destined to not coexist between the two.

Therefore, we can only choose to be the enemy of cloth.

But they didn't dare to really be an enemy of Butian, and at most they would blow Butian's arrogant arrogance and kill Hongwen by the way.

"Two sons, this person is not a demon, should we do it?" The middle-aged man asked in a low voice.

Hearing that, Fenghua shook his head and said, "We can't afford this person, so we don't want to do anything, and wait for my order."

As soon as the voice fell, the dozens of people guarding the Fenghua brothers were all stunned.

Butian's breath is so weak that they can't afford it. Would you like to make a joke?

You know that the sanctuary is now sealed, even if they are members of the gods, they dare to kill.

In addition, many people in high-level music domains are all buying boundary-breaking stones in order to come to low-level music domains to capture members of the gods.

It can be said that the Boundary Breaking Stone has been fired to a high price.

Even their dozens of brothers came to the fourth song domain this time, grabbed a few members of the gods, and forced them to ask about the magic and scrape the treasure, the artifact.

Seeing dozens of people with a very suspicious expression, Feng Chao repeatedly said: "He is Butian, the only person in the entire Sanctuary that cannot be offended."


Hearing this, these dozens of people exclaimed and stepped back subconsciously.

The name of the person, the shadow of the tree.

Don't look at their strength being dozens of times stronger than Butian, hundreds of times more.

But if you want to talk about the things Butian did, they wouldn't dare to do it if they gave them ten thousand courage.

At the same time, Butian’s life experience has spread throughout the sanctuary. When the sanctuary is now sealed, who dares to move him?

This is no different from looking for death. Even looking for death, no one would choose to offend Butian's method of death.

After all, Bu Tian's grandfather, that is beyond the emperor's level, who knows what torture means?

"Fenghua, Feng Chao, you two are so courageous, you dare to break into my Qianduo Villa, today I see who can save you."

Bu Tian stared coldly at Fenghua and Feng Chao, the red light in his eyes flashed, indicating that Bu Tian was extremely angry at this time.

Upon hearing this, the guards protecting the two brothers were all taken aback.

I fuck!

Just now I said that they couldn't afford Butian.

But the two brothers did it well and went straight to Butien's hometown and made Bouten annoy. Isn't this still annoying?

"Butian, let's go to Qianduoshanzhuang to catch Nangongrou. If you have anything to do with you, I don't believe it. As long as you don't hurt you, your grandpa will come."

Fenghua snorted coldly, looked at Butian, and did not give in.

Now he has so many guards from the ninth song domain in his hand, and he is afraid that the sky will not be able to make it.

Even in front of Butian, take Nangong Gentle Hongwen away and see what Butian can do.

If he summons his grandfather, and see what he says, for two outsiders, to disturb the existence of retreat, even his grandson will probably be punished.

Bu Tian smiled coldly and said, "Fenghua's abacus is quite good. To tell you the truth, my grandfather will not come before I live or die."

Hearing this, everyone in the audience breathed a sigh of relief, and a triumphant smile appeared at the corner of Fenghua's mouth. As long as he didn't kill Bouten, Bouten would be no threat at all.

After a second, Butian took out a blood crystal with golden threads.

Butian's mocking laugh came from his ear again: "My grandfather needs to retreat, as a last resort, I won't disturb his old man, but the Undead Bone Emperor is very leisurely!"

"Undead Bone Emperor!!"

Seeing the blood crystal in Bu Tian's hand, everyone in the audience shuddered inexplicably.

For this emperor, as long as people live in the sanctuary, who can not be afraid?

And Fenghua's forehead was covered with sweat, he actually forgot that Bu Tian had a deal with the Undead Bone Emperor.

At that time, he was also in the ruins, but the distance was too far, and he didn't know what the undead bone emperor had made with Butian.

Now it seems that it is the blood crystal, the undead bone emperor is planning to make a move for Botian!

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