Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 1 Resurrection

Under the dim light, the figure kneeling in the corner moved slightly.

"What's wrong? Are you fighting again?"


The tightly closed eyes suddenly opened, looking at the thin middle-aged man in front of him, revealing a trace of panic.

"Can you still stand up? Go back quickly." The middle-aged man looked slightly annoyed, and had no intention of exploring the figure on the ground. He gulped down a sip of the wine in his hand, turned around and walked into the house across the street corner.

Although he did not feel the kindness of the middle-aged man, this body stood up instinctively.

The shirt was tattered, the body was bloodstained, and the scabs of the small wounds were oozing blood again after repeated movements.

"I'm in so much pain!", took a breath of cold air, and with the stimulation of pain, the consciousness in this body has now become completely coherent.

I looked up and looked around at the first time, and the Gothic architectural style presented in the field of vision was completely different from the memory.

The dimly flickering street lights and the shadows on the horizon, the whole city revealed a hint of ominousness.

Crossing? This thought instantly appeared in Youge's mind, but thinking of his previous physical condition, perhaps he should also be considered reborn. The "skeleton" whose muscles were atrophied to the extreme and completely relied on machines to survive, did not even have a trace of hope.

Silently waiting for death, his will unconsciously fell into darkness and confusion until the voice of the middle-aged man just now woke him up.

Perhaps compared to death, rebirth is an impeccable opportunity.

Looking up,

the slightly hunched figure who had just spoken was faintly flickering in front of the window sill of the opposite house.

"Home in this world?"

A sense of familiarity surged in his heart,

gritting his teeth to endure the tingling in his body, Youge then walked step by step towards the door that had not been closed tightly.

The sound of the door closing.

Entering the room, at a glance,

The peeling wallpaper and shabby furniture were not like this even when he was at his lowest point in his previous life. In an instant, You Ge made a judgment.

"Don't go back to the room, lie down in the living room! Otherwise your mother will be angry again tomorrow!" A low and indifferent voice sounded, and the middle-aged man just now had put down the bottle in his hand.

He staggered and slowly disappeared on the stairs under the reflection of the light outside the window.

Indifferent? You Ge didn't think so. Maybe the original owner of this body was really bad, but he still felt a little concern in the man's words.

He slightly supported the wall and looked at the bloody handprints left. You Ge didn't think about going to the living room. Now the tingling sensation in his body has long made him unable to continue to stand. All he wanted to do was to bend down and lean on the shoe rack at the door!

"Huh!", the pressure was instantly gone.

With only the faint breathing sound left in the room, the information about this body finally emerged in the brain that had been stagnant for a long time.

Civilian area, a mother who despised me, a father who was a Lv1 warrior, a second brother who was a gangster, an elder brother who died in battle, and myself who had no professional talent.

"Professional?", I continued to browse with a slight movement in my heart.

While my second brother was away, I secretly contacted his men to transform my body, trying to forcefully obtain a profession.

Even stronger young people would not dare to do so, let alone a 13-year-old child.

Watching the adult use a simple hose to change my blood bit by bit, feeling the boiling of blood all over my body, I fell into ecstasy.

Unfortunately, it didn't last too long, and small wounds began to break on my body, and dark blood flowed out.

"Humph, garbage, you can't even make it through the first stage!", a trace of viciousness was revealed under the transparent glasses, and then I was thrown out by the adult.

In this crazy world, countless ordinary people die in the old city every day. Even the sheriff cannot check them thoroughly every time. Crazy people like the previous owner who want to transform themselves in order to gain extraordinary power are thrown into the sewer even if they are found. They are just crazy people who don't know the height of the world.

The previous owner who fell on the side of the road was not completely dead.

With the remaining consciousness, he finally tried to crawl back to the door of his house and took his last breath.

Then Youge was awakened by the father of the original body, which led to the incident at the beginning.

"Hey, I don't have talent, so I still need to live in this world in the end?" The habit from the previous life made Youge ignore the tingling feeling. He touched the pendant on his chest casually, and his heart was filled with resentment again.

Wait? Pendant?

When I was young in my previous life, I bought a miniature coffin pendant online. It has been with me for more than ten years. No matter what the situation is, I can't help but play with it when I encounter problems. Today, I was reborn in a different world with me? !

"Do you want to bind?"

A line of prompts appeared in Youge's eyes.


When he was lying on the hospital bed and his fingers were still able to move, his greatest comfort was reading online articles.

Looking at this prompt, how could Youge not know that he had encountered an opportunity that was even more "sweet and delicious" than rebirth!

"Bind!" The mind responded immediately.

The pendant held in Youge's hand instantly burst out with a suction force. After a brief twist, his will was like being rotated and stretched in a drum washing machine to a very distant place.

Under the dim street lights outside the window, the house was still peaceful!

When consciousness returned, there was only endless darkness in front of him.

But after coming here, there was no more tingling in his body.

Driven by curiosity, Youge circled around this area for many times, but unfortunately he could not find any reference objects. There was only a large prompt phrase that followed him in the air!

"Awakening Road, do you want to start!"

Simple sentence, if it weren't for the blood dripping on it, Youge would have agreed to the choice long ago.

"Since we can't explore this dark world, let's start it!", it seems that this is the only way, and it seems that he is in the center of the darkness, and a little bit of color begins to appear around Youge.

The light bursts in, the scenery changes,

Ancient Roman Colosseum!

After the darkness completely faded, countless people in black robes also appeared in the audience seats, shouting wildly, with violent eyes, all of them are eager for the "interesting" things that are about to happen in the field.

"The road to awakening is open"

"Mission: Awakening"

"Enemy: Lesser Blood Elf"

"Host: Youge, trait: Blood"

This short sentence, in addition to reminding himself that he unexpectedly has such a trait as blood, is actually useless.

And from a simple inference, this trait should be available to him after awakening, what's the point of saying it now!

Youge's face was also full of helplessness.


The huge iron door with spikes on the wall in front suddenly opened, and the iron door moved slowly. From the darkness behind the light obstruction, a pair of bloody white eyes looked in the direction of Youge.

A moment later, the owner of these eyes strode out with a grin. The nearly 2-meter figure and the muscle-twisted face of the other party made Youge, who was only 13 years old, completely at a loss!

"Fight with me?\

,"The enemy who came step by step did not intend to give Youge any chance to doubt. The blood stains on the ground that had not yet dried were also reminding him that

There is only living here, no reason to stand!

Faced with such a disadvantage, the weapon rack in his peripheral vision instantly attracted Youge's attention.

A deep breath, must get the weapon!

"The blood elves haven't entered the field yet, the distance, time, enough!!"

Running fast,

"Knife? Spear? Sword?" The sword is too heavy, even if the original owner often exercises his 13-year-old body to become a professional, he can't swing it for too long, so he can only use a wooden spear to extend the distance!

He hurriedly pulled out the spear,

With a gong sound, the blood elf took a step with his sturdy feet and immediately began to run wildly, even the bluestone slabs beside Youge were shaken slightly.

Huh~, take a deep breath,

I have experienced death once, am I going to repeat the same mistake: "This time I will change my fate with my own hands, instead of lying in bed and waiting to die!"

The other party's strong body! Huge power! He chose to run wildly as soon as he came up! Obviously underestimated his size. After a simple thought, when he was about to get close, Youge stretched out his spear sideways.

The sound of cutting sounded, and it felt good, but it didn't have the smooth feeling of easily cutting meat.

With a hint of doubt and surprise, the narrowed eyes stared at the back of the back covering his waist.

"Ah~" The blood elf roared, and the hand pressing on the waist slowly removed.

The slightly cracked skin only oozed a little blood, and it was not as serious as Youge imagined!

Strong skin! Slowly retreating, from the sensitive association of the same ability in the game, this word appeared clearly in my mind.

Strong body, huge strength, it seems that the special ability that may be associated with its name should also be counted.

After combining them, Youge felt suffocated!

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