Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 2 The Death of the Blood Elves

The only thing that gave him hope of victory was the enemy's flexibility.

With such a huge body, as long as the flexibility was slightly worse, coupled with his own cautious dodging, relying on his height of about 1.3 meters, he would have a slight chance of winning!

"Hmph!" The blood elf turned around, and a slightly bloody gas spurted out of his nostrils. The cruel smile on his face was full of disdain for Youge. This kind of attack could not break his defense even if it came a few more times!

The attack continued,

After understanding the strength of Youge's attack, the blood elf rushed directly in front of Youge, opened his hands and tried to strangle the fragile neck of the person in front of him.

Clumsy! Slow to retract force! Clumsy! No defense, relying entirely on his skin!

Facing the blood elf's persistent grab, after several laborious rolling attacks, there was little effect.

After careful selection, Youge aimed his attack at the blood elf's armpit.

As a human body, the armpit is not as tough as other skin in defense in order to ensure the flexibility of the arm. Of course, if it fails, you can only find an opportunity to attack the eyes and block other parts, which also means facing the blood elf's attack and defense!

After dodging again, Youge swung his spear vigorously, shook his spear, and thrust with all his strength.

After retreating slightly, he did not want to fight at all. As soon as he thrust, Youge had already tightened his steps and began to retreat. The wooden spear left in the blood elf's armpit was directly split into two halves by the forearm thrown back.

As expected, the defense is indeed much weaker.

Glancing at the elf whose movements were slightly stagnant, he turned and ran to the weapon rack and picked up another spear.

This is also the advantage of occupying the arena itself. There is no shortage of weapons around!

Roar~ The blood elf who pulled out half of the spear narrowed his eyes, knowing that he had underestimated this short ant. In the past, all the battles were head-on, and no one would choose to sneak attack his armpits.

Angry! He felt like he was being played with!

He broke the spear in his hand in anger and looked at Youge who was running fiercely.

Blood elf! This name must represent the meaning of "blood" related abilities. In just a short moment, the blood sprayed out was visibly reduced.

After a breath, when Youge got the new spear, the blood elf whose wound was no longer bleeding also walked towards Youge again. This time he wanted to tear this dwarf into pieces!

"Wound?!" After looking at the other party's armpit, Youge did not continue to move forward.

"Stop the bleeding, so will there be any impact?" The spear that pierced the armpit fiercely was not just as minor as the first time it broke the skin.

After focusing on dodging, Youge became calmer under the opponent's more violent attack.

Following the movement of the opponent's arm, staring closely.


The injured arm became slower obviously, his attack was effective! Then the other armpit? No! The blood elf's arm didn't open and close as before, as if waiting for him to attack the armpit!

Seeing the blood elf's sober eyes through the attack, Youge immediately gave up the idea.

What to do, attack at the cost of his life? Youge hesitated.

"Bang!" Before Youge could continue to think, he was knocked out by the blood elf's fist as soon as his movement slowed down! The black-robed people in the audience burst into cheers when they saw this scene, "Tear him apart! Tear him apart!"

In the noise, Youge climbed up from the ground, holding back the pain in his chest. He couldn't wait any longer. If he dragged it on, his physical strength would not be able to bear it first. A 13-year-old child could not exceed the limit of his body no matter how much he trained.

Active attack!

In a panic, the spear pierced the blood elf, leaving only a shallow mark. This time, without the impact of the blood elf's running, Youge couldn't even penetrate the surface skin!

"Hahaha!" A deep laugh sounded, and the blood elf reached out and grabbed the spear that Youge had not had time to retract, and pulled Youge, who had not had time to let go, over.

Immediately afterwards, the other hand tightly grasped Youge's thin neck and lifted it in front of him,

With a mouth full of fangs, spewing a disgusting stench, sneering at the thin dwarf,

Youge, who seemed to have accepted his fate, did not resist, silently lowered his head, and his lifeless eyes seemed to be waiting for another death!

"Hahaha!", the huge fangs opened, and amid the cheers around, he wanted to bite Youge off.

Puff! It was at this moment, when the other party was proud to end himself, and it was also the time when the defense was weakest, the line of sight was slightly blocked, and Youge made a dying twist.

The blood elf's body was slightly lowered on one side, and the slender fingers dug fiercely into the blood elf's eyeball in the direction of the injured armpit!

Attack! Attack! Attack! Take advantage of his weakness to kill him.

In a moment of danger, because he wanted to cover his injured eye, he subconsciously raised his arm and exposed the wound under his armpit attacked by Youge.

With half of his body on the ground, Youge picked up the spear that had just fallen to the ground and thrust it deeply three times without thinking. Compared with the small amount of blood sprayed just now, this time it was like opening a water pipe, pouring out.

The continuously injured blood elf fell to the ground and wailed constantly. He didn't even have the strength to get up because of the broken aorta under his armpit.

It's a pity that this is not over yet.

Chrysanthemum! For the enemy in a lying position, Youge's spear had no mercy and pierced into the blood elf's lower body. Scream? The blood elves who couldn't breathe up all turned blue!

And Youge, who was still spinning and pulling the spear from behind, didn't look guilty at all.

"Hahahaha!" The black robes watching the battle in the arena also burst into laughter. Perhaps it was the first time they saw someone who could attack an anus to win on the arena!

The blood elf, who looked humiliated, also breathed his last with his internal organs completely destroyed.

You Ge, who was lying in the other party's dirty blood stains on the floor, breathed a sigh of relief: "I survived! I finally survived!"

His whole body was exhausted and his eyes were wandering.

Unconsciously, the originally bustling arena gradually became distorted, and after a while, the surroundings returned to darkness again. Only the blood stains on the floor and You Ge remained unchanged.

"The road to awakening is completed"

"Acquire blood full of energy, and the characteristics are being activated."


You Ge, who had regained his breath, supported his limp body and looked at the bloody words in the air.

Before he could fully react in his mind, the floating font quickly disappeared, and the remaining blood on the ground lifted him up into the air. The small cracks on his body opened again, and all the blood got in like a small snake. .

Without the slightest discomfort, You Ge's skin emitted red light, and red trickles visible to the naked eye flowed upstream and gathered at his heart.

Boiling hot feeling.

Along with all this, after all the blood on the ground was consumed, a reminder floated in the air again:

Level: Lv1

Attribute: blood

Skills: Blood Affinity, Blood Core Heart"

"Blood Affinity: Blood will be driven by you instead of energy, and you can also get power from the blood!"

"Blood Core Heart: It is formed by the condensation of special blood. When it produces special energy blood, it has the ability to slowly recover from injuries."


The change in his heart quickly gave Youge a wonderful sense of substitution.

The blood flowing throughout the body gradually becomes more "high-quality blood" after being reorganized by the blood core and heart.

Even the specially modified blood poured into him by a certain adult in his memory was completely purified. In just a short moment, his whole body exuded a sense of smoothness that he had never experienced before.

Immediately afterwards, the new blood created a special sense of connection in his mind, which made You Ge unconsciously have an inexplicable desire to test his body.

With a bounce, the blood in the body instantly accelerates.

strength! speed!

Movements that were completely unbelievable before were constantly performed by Youge one by one in this darkness without any hindrance.

Is this what Lv1 represents? No wonder the original owner of this body is so obsessed with becoming a professional. It seems that he really can't imagine what a more advanced person will do!

While You Ge was indulging in the test, the word "blood" in the sky also turned into a miniature panel and floated down.

There was a soft sound, and an ice bed appeared in the center of the darkness, and the cold air emitted attracted You Ge to lie down on it.

"Coffin: Owner - You Ge; Characteristics: Blood"

After seeing the brief words in blood appearing in front of him, You Ge also instantly thought of its meaning.

Naturally, the coffin can only be your own necklace, and after being bound, it becomes your own property.

And this characteristic refers to the change that I just made, but I don’t know what its specific function is.

I accidentally touched the pendant on my chest, and a new line of prompts appeared again:

"Repair, Evolve"

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