Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 100 Merida K. Angel

And the machine controlled by Mr. Orange also changed its image visibly at the end.

A large amount of hot gas surrounded the exterior of the robot, and the other party's image became more familiar in Youge's eyes.

"Mr. Orange?" Youge didn't expect him to come in this form. The structure of the robot's face melted away and turned into the face of the person he was talking about. Who else could that familiar gear eye makeup be but Mr. Orange!

After the extremely flexible mechanical neck looked around its own situation, the original robot's clothing structure also changed into a copper suit-type appearance after a large amount of hot gas appeared.

"It's been a long time since I appeared like this." Mr. Orange twisted his neck and looked at Youge with an awkward smile on his face: "Let's go, meet the one who came up from the underground, and you won't have too little contact in the future."


The platform under his feet slowly fell, and the originally fragmented gear mechanical wall also resumed normal operation.

The spring bounced, the energy flowed, and even Youge could clearly feel the sense of completeness emitted from the operation of the machinery in the high tower.

"Heh, I didn't look at it carefully just now. Hall, this mask of yours is really interesting." Before meeting that person, Mr. Orange and Youge started chatting: "I can't wait to let you play with the group of newcomers in the royal city, hahahaha!"

"Newcomer?" Youge was also very curious. Could it be the person who participated in the "show" mentioned last time?

"Yes, newcomer!" Mr. Orange shook his hands and said: "Your ability is really rare, death-like silence, infinite malice towards all things. If such an alien is allowed to grow up, I'm afraid no racial force will be at ease."

After looking at Youge with a surprised look on his face, he continued: "General aliens will not show mercy to the weak, especially those who represent [evil]. But it doesn't matter to professionals."

An alien representing [evil]? Youge also remembered the evaluation of the Slandar people by humans at the beginning, full of the purest malice towards all things, without a trace of reason.

However, Mr. Orange's seemingly casual words also reminded Youge not to show up like this easily, because if he met someone he didn't know, he might fight to the death.

As the two sides chatted, Rios on the other side now completely became like a grandson.

The man who came up from the underground sat in Rios's original position, raised his bare feet and looked at the group of people standing uneasy in front of him.

"Rios, you are awesome! You killed most of our own people here, including outsiders?\

,"Merida K. Angel, one of the decision-makers of the third generation of underground people, although the current situation is somewhat unfavorable to herself and others, it is still a difference in concept, and it does not mean that the underground population will be completely split now.

After coming up, she first learned about the situation of the farm when Youge was repairing the tower.

As for Rios's flawed rhetoric, Merida saw the problem in it without thinking, and it was obvious that his own people were harming his own people.

"So this is what you really think, use me to help you suppress this matter!!"

Melida's words made Rios panic.

With a thud, Rios knelt on the ground, his trembling shoulders unable to say a word.

Is he afraid to speak? No!

You can see it if you look closely!

Rios' mouth is full of vines, and even the people on his back are covered with vines under their skin. The person who did all this was Merida with her long legs in front.

"Hmph, if it weren't for the fact that you were useful, you would not be able to escape the sanctions of the decision-making level!"

Melissa snorted, revealing a strong disdain.

Although Rios only knows how to see the immediate benefits and use some cleverness, if it wasn't for the fact that he really caught a big fish for himself this time, she would not want to keep such a person to cause trouble for herself.

And he also seriously exposed his own intelligence, and I'm afraid he would return home in disgrace this time.

"Everyone, get up and go greet each other!"

After sensing the two people coming out of the tower, Merida hid the [vines] in Rios and the others. She could not escape the death penalty, and she walked out after calming down her anger.

The moment she saw Merida, Youge felt like she was being wrapped by countless vines, but fortunately Mr. Orange in front of him flicked his fingers gently, and then he shook off this feeling.

Looking closely, Merida did not have the alienation phenomenon of the underground people before. Although she still looked human on the outside, her organs were no longer human.

She had long brown and red hair, and eyebrows made of unknown roots on her light green cheeks. Her nose and mouth maintained the image of a human, but the other party's eyes were completely covered by blue vines, and a faint blue light flashed in the gaps as she was stared at.

Add to that the soft high-slit long skirt woven with vines, and ordinary men really couldn't resist it.

"Oh? Newcomer, which one of the underground people's decision-makers are you?"

It seems that Mr. Orange knows the composition of the underground people very well, and he guessed the general identity just by looking at the other party.

"Oh, it seems that you know a lot!", completely different from before, Merida glanced at Youge behind her, suppressed a trace of curiosity, shook off the several [wooden men] behind her, and twisted her waist to get closer to Mr. Orange.

"This gentleman's makeup is really strange. Since you know so much about it, why don't you guess who I am?"

Mr. Orange completely ignored Merida's approach. Not to mention that this is originally a mechanical body, and for people of their level, simple desire is just an idea that can be summoned at will.

However, I have to praise Youge. This time, when encountering such a high-level existence, he did not easily detect it. At the least, he would anger others, and at the worst, this cooperation would also be cold.

"Hehe, if your thirteen decision-making positions have not changed, you should be the one representing [You]." After saying this, tiny branches scattered on this body.

Seeing this, Youge also quickly scanned his body.

Sure enough, even though he was helped by Mr. Orange just now, the other party still secretly played a trick on him. After taking a look at Merida who was still twisting and turning there, a strong malice burst out from Youge's body.

The young branches hidden in his body that had not yet fully grown turned into black tentacles in a moment.

It was just a test by the other party. If Youge couldn't even resist this, he would not be qualified to continue to accompany him.

Mr. Cheng was naturally confident in Youge. It was just a small trick, so he didn't continue to investigate it. Moreover, Youge's malice was not something that could be taken lightly:

"It's still this childish trick. The people of the Angel family always play some boring tricks like this."

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