Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 101 The Beginning of Humankind Mr. Orange's name is the Mechanical Demon - Noin Alex Gu

After the coy Merida heard the other party hand over her name, a blue light flashed between her eyebrows.

"Then should this gentleman also take the initiative to tell the lady his name?"

Since the meeting just now, Merida has been unable to figure out the actual situation of the leader. Although the alien behind seems to be an alien human being, she has not been able to detect any useful information at all.

Even if Rios had told him that the other party belonged to the Clockwork Center, he was said to be a Clockwork Center despite the lack of information for so many years. He had no idea what kind of other center it was. It was not that big when the human race was divided. There are many doors.

The only thing I remember is the honorific titles of those ten.

Mr. Orange had a slight smile on his face, as if he wanted to continue teasing the other person:

"Of course, you can call me Orange now, but in the past you might have heard my other name Noin Alex Gulag!"

Noin Alex Gulag! When Merida softly called out the name, all the machinery in the farm roared, and the instinctive emotions coming from the mechanical material were like welcoming her own king, surrender, salute, prayer, memory, etc., a chain reaction Mr. Xia Cheng suddenly became the center of the entire farm, answering all calls.

"Mechanical Demon - Gulag?!" When she called her name softly, various images were transmitted to Merida's mind from a powerful will. The blood-stained underground layer and the piles of alien corpses were all He was resisted by a huge human whose body was filled with 100% strange modifications. The familiar face standing next to him was clearly what Merida's grandfather looked like when he was young.

Bits and pieces of memories also resurfaced from her heart. When she was a child, she kept asking her grandfather why he had to go underground to survive, why he couldn't go to high places, and why the underground people in other places looked completely different from her.

After countless questions, Grandpa would always talk about the figure that he could never forget for the rest of his life, but it was a pity that in the end the two of them turned in different directions.

"Melida, if you see that person one day, remember to say sorry to grandpa!" These were the words grandpa decided to go to a alien lair underground that day, although in the end they won and fought for the underground people. We arrived at a world, but the departing figure never came back.

There was a trace of unnaturalness on his face. He got so much information just by calling the adult's name gently, and he felt like he was being tricked.

Although the appearance is very different from the scene just now and what my grandfather told me in my memory, this identity cannot be faked. After all, the eternal will will not let the impostor come out to bring trouble for him.

"Gula." Just as he was about to say something, he immediately took it back: "Mr. Orange."

Putting aside her pretense just now, Merida nervously made a ladylike gesture.

"Forget it, I still like your unruly look just now." After Mr. Orange revealed his identity, he didn't intend to continue playing: "Your old man has been hiding for so long and he actually sent a little girl out. ?”

After knowing that his grandfather was once a subordinate of this gentleman, he had no resentment towards this disrespectful tone: "I have been away for hundreds of years in order to provide living space for underground humans."

As if she was used to such questions, Merida waved her hands and joked, "Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to sit in this position."

You Ge also suddenly became happy. After getting acquainted with each other for a while, he directly started to bring up the rhythm of the topic. It was still a relatively restricted topic. After all, Mr. Cheng couldn't joke about the death of his former subordinate so straightforwardly. It's good, it's great, it's death, it gives me a chance to deal with the underground people.

"." Mr. Cheng was immediately speechless. This little girl really knows how to chat.

"Hahaha!" Merida touched her hair in embarrassment and covered up her arrogant words with laughter: "Since we are all acquaintances, there is no need to talk nonsense and we will go directly to the topic!"

The door at the back also opened in time, and several vine tentacles that flashed from the corner of the door quickly retracted into the ground. It was obviously Merida's little move.

After the squirming posture finally became normal,

He led You Ge and the others inside.

"Have you thought about how to cooperate when you come here?" After sitting in the conference room inside the farm, Merida's stern face finally made this meeting look like it should be.

"Yes, take a look at what we can offer you first!"

Those who use this move are not afraid that the opponent will not take the bait. This is the overwhelming advantage that comes from advanced technology.

The only thing to blame is that you chose the wrong direction.

Just a brief glance and the shock shown by Merida made Youge shout in his heart! Not to mention other things, just the technical information that Mr. Orange put in the first place still made Merida's face pale.

"This? You actually..."

It is a completely unexpected surprise. The underground high temperature balance device, the toxic gas filtering device, and the underground resource detection device. These three alone can solve the problem of underground people choosing to constantly alienate organs in order to solve corresponding problems.

Moreover, this method can be operated normally by ordinary people. How can this open labor force prevent underground people from entering a period of rapid development?

Not to mention the livable environment transformation device shown later by Mr. Orange, etc., which are completely targeted devices to improve the underground survival rate.

Seeing this, Merida also realized the other party's intention. Even if the surface didn't need this kind of thing, the other party would not easily provide it to her, and the relationship of acquaintances only allowed both parties to skip the initial cooperation trust period.

The vines in her eyes flickered with blue light. After calming down her mood, Merida began to ask:

"So how do you plan to provide us with these technical equipment?"

This is the first time she has been in a passive position since she was born. In addition, she is dealing with a famous person of her grandfather's generation, which makes her feel uneasy.

"No plan, but I want to know what you can provide us?\

,"Really shrewd, now the initiative is completely in Mr. Orange's hands. As long as the other party can't provide them with benefits that can impress them, let alone equipment, even technology will not be shown to you.

This guy came with full confidence! Merida is very sure that the other party has eaten her to death, but she doesn't know what the other party really thinks.

After falling silent for a while, Merida thought carefully about what in the information leaked by Rios could attract him to come to him with such a big fuss, especially since such a "big shot" came here, he definitely didn't come here casually.

Mr. Orange and Youge were not in a hurry, so they waited for Merida to carefully consider how to come up with the chips.

After a long time, Merida's eyes passed through the tower outside the window that had become exquisite again,

A flash of inspiration

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