Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 111: Minor disturbance caused by Fink's transformation (1)

Knock, knock, knock!

As soon as the knock on the door sounded, the darkness in the room shrank, and the gentle and lovely "Nana" came down from upstairs again with a smile on her face.

She was wearing a simple and generous blue dress and had neatly combed hair. Compared with when she married Noel, she was also a well-known beauty in the local area. Now that her temperament has changed, she is still very charming without being paid attention to.

As soon as the door opened,

the little noble who was still chattering in his heart was instantly attracted. From the face, it is not difficult to see that this person has extremely similar five views to Fink.

"Is this Fink's mother? Isn't she a middle-aged gossip?"

Eko Dak, a small family from the edge of the rich area, can only be regarded as using human trafficking to squeeze into the bottom of the aristocratic industry.

For those who live in the real aristocratic area, they may not know who he is. Only those who are not up and down, descendants and other lower-class aristocratic rich people will have some transactions with him, but that is enough for Eko to show off his power in other places.

And Eko himself is just a professional who is less than Lv5. After he lost hope of promotion, he devoted himself to his so-called "business".

As his most capable subordinate, Fink, he is capable and knows how to please others, and his slightly handsome appearance is also one of his important "resources" for contacting other nobles!

In the past few days when Fink disappeared,

not only did his "goods" have a small shortage, but his old customers were also very dissatisfied with Fink's disappearance.

"Eko! Why did you get rid of that little Fink? Why not sell it to me, 10,000 gold coins! How about, if you can deliver it intact tomorrow, I will give you 100,000!" The person who spoke was not simple in status. He was the most powerful person in Eko's business circle, and it was said that he was a direct descendant of a core layer.

"Yes, yes, yes! Definitely!"

He had no idea that Fink had accepted the transformation on his own initiative, but it did not affect his anger at Fink's resolute disappearance.

"Since you have made a choice, you can't stop me from climbing up!"

Without saying a word, he took his men to Fink's residence.

Coincidentally, if this matter had been triggered earlier, perhaps the Azathoth family would have been finished.

Although Liliana is now an alien without a level, her power comes from Yuge, not to mention the high-end power of [sex].

Even the Lv8 thugs who were on guard could not see her abnormality.

At this time, Echo hesitated for a moment, and just when he was about to ask his men to catch this charming woman and play with her, the other party stepped aside.

"Is this noble gentleman here to find Fink?"

Liliana, who calmed down, was not a stupid person. Her husband was incompetent, and Yuge's collaborator would not find this place, only Fink who went to transform would.

And judging from the fierce looks of the other party, Fink's transformation must have caused some chain reactions. At first, I heard from the neighbors that my son was doing something abnormal, but I never took it seriously.

Is it finally going to explode now?

With a change of mind, Liliana stepped aside: "Sir, do you want to come in and talk? Fink hasn't come back yet!"

Hey, Fink, no? Who is Fink? I know the beauty in front of me.

Eko's face was full of red light. He waved and walked in with the two people behind him: "This lady looks so good. Is there only one person at home?"

"Yes, Noel went out, and Fink is still busy with his own things. He can only stay at home alone."

After making a complaining expression on his plump face,

Eko's roundworms suddenly jumped in his stomach. What a tempting fairy, he must possess her!

"Madam is so pitiful. If I had a wife like you, I would definitely accompany you every day!", the first quote of the scumbag, if I had a wife like you, perfectly interprets Eko's thoughts.

Especially his naked lustful eyes, which made the thugs who came in with him understand instantly, and all their eyes drifted upwards and completely out of the void.

Liliana gently covered half of her face with her fingers and smiled: "This gentleman is really interesting, and the wife at home must be very happy."

I can't stand it!

The other party's soft eyes were obviously teasing herself. Echo turned back and motioned the two thugs to wait in place: "Madam, it's so embarrassing to stand like this, why don't we sit down and talk!"

"Hehehe, sir, you are right, it's my fault, please come here."

Liliana turned around and brought a fragrant breeze, hooked Echo with her slender fingers and walked in first.

"Hehehe!", such a familiar action, Echo's smile completely cracked.

It seems that the two thugs have to pity them, and they can only stand at the door and endure everything that comes next.

The sweet laughter sounded, as if something very familiar to the two thugs was going on in the room only a few steps away.

"Hey, do you think this guy will replace the Madam this time?"

"It should be. This guy is completely different from the ones I met before. Even if the master doesn't go back, I don't think it's strange!"

"Yeah, if it weren't for the suppression of power, I would have almost been tempted!"

"." He silently glanced at the person who was speaking in front of him. He could only remain indifferent to this. Indeed, he also had the idea of ​​being tempted, but it's better to say less about such things.

With these few short words, the two of them kept recalling Liliana's seductive scene in their minds. Desire and greed made them completely ignore the room that had completely quieted down since the sound of the sweet laughter.

This familiar prelude,

shadows emerged, and dead silence came. The two of them were completely immersed in the memory full of desire.

And Echo, who took the initiative to enter the room,

became a puppet controlled by desire the moment his hands touched Liliana's clothes.

He knelt in front of Liliana, and kept pulling out the colloid spiritual desire from his body.

"Hol. Fink", Liliana, who was already black all over, said two names and stopped sucking Echo.

"At least he can't die here!"

Then the mark that appeared behind him was the [Seal] pattern on You Gege's back. After flashing into Echo's eyes, he controlled the latter to walk out of the house. As for the two thugs, hehehe, they naturally became snacks after dinner.

Liliana was able to call upon such a powerful force, thanks to her identity. The blood connection made this force recognize the other party, and this force itself was aimed at the spiritual aspect, which made Liliana feel like she was reborn and understood many things.

Perhaps this is the real feeling of being alive!

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