Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 112: Minor disturbance caused by Fink's transformation (2)

When Eco went out, he seemed like a living dead. Even if he only lost part of his acquired characteristics, for a person whose mental strength was not up to standard, it was already useless.

As he got on the carriage, there was only one sentence Liliana marked in his mind: "Go back and live!"

Maybe someone will find a problem, and that can only be blamed on Echo. If he wants to contact her, he may have to find the provider of his power.

And that kind of deep feeling also told her that there was no need to be afraid at all.

The ordinary days just passed for a while,

And Noel, who had always come home early, suddenly arrived home an hour late.

"Hey, I really don't know what those adults did?" Noel at the dinner table said with a look of disgrace: "I heard that a young nobleman went crazy at home, and after being caught by the elders, he kept saying "Go back" Stay alive, go back and stay alive.

It's really troublesome. There are many subordinates of that noble family on the originally smooth dock, always stopping various professionals to ask questions. "


"Yes! It is said that the noble is engaged in black business, so there are many new people in the slums now."

There was no doubt that it was Aiko. Looking at Noel who became more talkative because of him, Liliana couldn't help but become worried.

This man who has always been hardworking and uncomplaining has been with him for so long, and he doesn't want him to die because of him in the end. What if he is discovered? Now Hall has no idea about his situation and can only wait for death if something happens.

"Let them catch it, it has nothing to do with us anyway!" Liliana snorted, but put down her work and hugged Noel who was still eating: "Do you think we should have another child? Now that they are all out, shall we...?"

The unexpected change of topic made Noel almost spit out the food in his mouth.

Whatnot, just now we were talking about outside things, why did it become the matter of giving birth to a child.

But now the two of them can indeed live a few more years in age. The human bodies living in the alien world are much stronger than the humans on the planet in Yu Ge's previous life.

"Hmm." After quickly picking up the rice in the bowl, Noel couldn't possibly understand what his wife meant, so he picked her up and went upstairs.

late at night,

Liliana looked at the sleeping man next to her with a hint of unbearability in her eyes. Although her current changes would be discovered sooner or later, she just hoped that the other party would not dislike her ugly body after alienation.

"Hey, let's follow the senses to find Hall tomorrow. I'm afraid this matter won't end so easily."

At the same time, on the edge of the wealthy area, is where Eco's family is located.

"Sir, the inspection report is out."

"Nian! I want to see who dares to tease us like this!"

Seeing the stern look on the person in front of him, the person could only hold back his voice and said repeatedly, hoping that this report would not anger the Lord and kill him casually.

". The body is fine, no external injuries, no internal injuries. Mentally normal, no traces of contamination, no traces of damage. There are gaps in memory and unable to identify oneself. Suspected of high-risk abilities. Transferred to superiors for re-examination.

Results report:

Tester: Mr. ***

Test result: Advanced [character] ability. "

With a snap, the reader had just finished reading the last few words when the adult in front of him snatched the report away.

"Master ***?" The mark that could be read but could not be recognized made a portrait of a person appear in his mind instantly, a person he was not even qualified to look up to.

"You actually attracted his attention?!", burst into cold sweat: "Eco, who did you provoke?!"

In addition to the last result, the abilities represented by several specially marked fonts, I have only seen brief descriptions in textbooks.

"Hey, it looks good now that Echo is not dead." The person holding the result report felt dark in his heart: "It looks like he will disappear for a while."

Not long after, such a completely unknown family disappeared from everyone's sight without being known to anyone.

Liliana on the other side followed the perception of power to find the place with the strongest connection with Youge. Speaking of which, the first thing she discovered was the room where Youge broke through to Level 10, but when she saw Nina cleaning up After the tool appeared, she was sure that she was in the right place.

However, after several days of waiting, Yu Ge showed up, so he had no choice but to force Nina to contact You Ge.

It's a pity that Nina really doesn't know what to do.

After waiting for a long time, You Ge finally appeared, and the strange-looking mother who looked at the window was muttering in her heart.

After seeing the other party clearly, he also recognized the smell of power on the other party, and coupled with the reminder of the "coffin", how could You Ge not be sure that the other party was contaminated by his own power.

"Distorted Servant - Liliana Azatos: Ordinary people who have been corrupted by the power of the seal, your servant is born for you! Your servant prospers with your power!"

"Nina, don't worry, you are one of us, don't be too afraid!" After confirming the identity of the other party, a trace of contact was established between the two parties. After comforting Nina, Youge also took the initiative to open the door: "Come in."

This kind of thing is not the first time to come into contact with servants. The previous servant, Elosli, is actually the same as her. Perhaps the only special thing is that they share power. The source of power for people who are corroded by power is also themselves. If Yuge dies, Liliana will not die, but the power in her body will collapse instantly and disappear.

In addition, if Yuge opens the long-lost panel at this time, Liliana's name will naturally be added to the column of servants. This is without Yuge's subjective recognition. Even if it is to belong to him, it will not be recognized and recorded.

"Okay, okay, restore the human appearance!"

Although I know that she has become my servant, there are still old emotions in my memory, and I can only watch the change.

"Okay, Lord Hall!"

Gentle? Yuge looked at it in surprise. Didn't the corrosion of power make the other party even crazier? !

It really broke his common sense. After Liliana bowed slightly, her appearance also turned white little by little, and she was completely different from the original crazy mother.


"Lord Hall!", another gentle call, Liliana had no discomfort at all for this former son of hers, and said calmly: "Your power has reborn me, the ignorant me in the past has disappeared, and now I live only for you!"

Reasonable, calm, and Sisi's crazy obedience to Youge, what else can a subordinate ask for! ! !

The humble author is still working hard on typing!

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