Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 14 Go to the Golden Club

"Mr. Hall, what happened? Someone broke into your house?" Head suddenly appeared without a trace of surprise. His eyes were all fixed on the broken furniture, as if he could find something.

"Oh, a pregnant woman came in last night. She was about to give birth in the middle of the night. She accidentally broke some furniture." You Ge also answered casually with a nonchalant look.

"Pregnant woman?" Heide looked confused. He seemed to have thought of something, and looked at Youge with a condensed expression: "Then be careful. Are mother and child safe?"

"It's good. I delivered the baby with my own hands last night, and then sent the mother and baby away!"

Head thought, this Hall is not simple. The pregnant woman he met in the middle of the night must be the rumored cannibal pregnant woman! If he could survive safely, the alien would probably die as well.

After guessing the truth, Head also revealed his purpose this time.

"That's good, but has Mr. Hall heard any new news recently? A dark blood master in the black market has disappeared. Many people said they saw a child wandering in front of his house."

Immediately feeling threatened by Heide, Youge was interrupted by Heide just as he was about to speak.

"It's best that Mr. Hall doesn't go out much these days. I don't want Taka to have problems as soon as he leaves here. I heard underground rumors that the kid has been caught. How pitiful!"

Shaking his head slowly and making a pitiful look, Heide waved his hand to You Ge, "I don't know how Taka is doing these days. I heard she wanted to leave here before, but I just thought it was a joke. Now I really think she's gone." An old friend’s.”

Heide's words made You Ge slightly reduce his hostility, but thinking that people like Taka could be trusted to ask Heide for help, he ignored the Dark Blood Master's question:

"Taka, she said she went to the newest camp outside the city and wanted to start her life again. Maybe it would be better!"

They just chatted casually for a few words. After the garbage truck finished sweeping the furniture, Heide also left: "If you have any ideas, young gentleman, you can go to the Gold Club. There are tasks for professionals there."

You Ge didn't hide the fact that he was a professional: "Thank you!"

A month has passed like this. Since the last time I met a pregnant woman with corpse resentment, no other alien has taken the initiative to come to my door.

Occasionally, he saw the Level 1 resentful spirit You Ge floating outside the door and didn't bother to pay attention to it. However, he was completely immersed in Li Shuwen's sparring. With others' proactive explanations, You Ge was able to continuously improve his fighting methods.

In the end, he finally defeated the summoned Li Shuwen without relying on the advantages of professionals, and obtained the skills of Bajiquan and Liuhe Spear.

He was not as self-righteous as last time. This time he immediately summoned Li Shuwen again to ask for advice. Just because he had obtained knowledge related to techniques did not mean that he could master them. He still needed to continue training to suit himself.

After settling for another half a month, You Ge decided to leave:

Level: lv4

Attributes: blood, mind-death, strength

Skills: Blood Affinity, Blood Core Heart

Skills: Boxing - Wing Chun (mastery), Baji (mastery), Footwork - Flexibility (mastery), Spearmanship (mastery)


Compared to his previous self, now his waist and horse can move forward and retreat freely, which is far more powerful than before.

The "blood" surging in his body also made You Ge feel that he was only one step away from breaking through Level 5 and taking the most important first step on the road to becoming a professional!

After resting, he set his sights on the Golden Society. This was the first time that You Ge knew about this place. Ever since Heide told him about this place, You Ge had been keeping it in mind. The biggest problem he faced when he came to this world was the lack of information. I also believe that such a mission center will be able to obtain information that satisfies itself.

On the edge of the royal city, close to the city wall, desperadoes and mercenaries have been gathering here for some time. Every day, countless businessmen, nobles, police officers and other people come to issue tasks. Most of them belong to To solve strange tasks that arise, the Golden Society, as one of the important organizations in the Royal City, often issues exploratory missions to provide information to the city defense army. Of course, the largest official military organization in the Royal City will not treat anyone who can "bring back the news" ill at all!

Orderly, these four words were the first impression You Ge had after coming to this area.

The professionals coming and going were busy one after another and it was not as chaotic as expected. On the wide road, you could also see clockwork cars transporting various strange corpse parts. There are some corpses that can make Youge feel confused just by the smell they give off!

"Get out of the way, get out of the way! Stop looking! Do you want to die?" A strong man wearing a strange mask emerged from the car and yelled, pointing at You Ge: "Whoever brought the newbie, take her mother away as soon as possible. !”

"Pollution: the aura emitted by the residual power of high-level alien corpses"

The people nearby heard the roar and looked at the two of them with smiles.

You Ge, who was awakened by the roar, quickly glanced at the prompt and broke into a cold sweat, almost catching his eye! Seeing that You Ge was no longer staring at the body, the strong man cursed and took his head back.

Feeling the gazes coming from all around, You Ge felt like a thorn in his back.

"Another Hina!"

"Hahaha, why, help me!"

"It doesn't look like there's any oil or water in it, so I won't go."

Countless pointings made You Ge speed up his pace. After walking along the street for a long time, he finally saw the gathering area of ​​people.

The huge square was bustling with people. The giant statue standing in the middle held up a huge crystal stone, emitting a faint light, and the houses around it were shining with golden light. The clockwork device connecting the statue and the house creaked back and forth, and the energy emitted from the machine was more exquisite than the clockwork machines that Youge had seen before.

"Sir, the Golden Club Information Service Robot 0978 is at your service!"

While Youge was still attracted by the magnificent appearance of the Golden Club, a strange human-shaped hollow clockwork machine came behind Youge, and you could see a little electronic spark flickering between the gears in the gaps of the machine body.

"0987: Simple mechanical primary life"

"Me?" Youge turned his head and looked at the mechanical life with curiosity

"Yes, sir. According to the internal information of the Golden Club, no information about your profession was found. Referring to your appearance and age, the information database concluded that you were a young professional who came to the Golden Club for the first time. At the same time, it was found that you were alone without a guide, so 0978 was specially sent to serve you!"

I never expected that the seemingly backward old century human town would develop such an intelligent robot. It turns out that the world with special powers cannot be understood by common sense. Maybe what we see now is still a corner of the whole world.

"What information can you provide me?" 0987's smart mechanical eyes kept blinking, as if thinking about Youge's question.

"Sir, please enter your personal information first, and we will match you with appropriate public information. Completing the task will increase your personal credibility in the Golden Club, and you can get more confidential information!"

"Do you want to start?" 0987 also stretched out a strange clockwork device in his hand, like a planetarium, and the energy crystal in the center flashed red light.

"Let's get started!" You Ge was also looking forward to the effect of this fantastic technology.

"Please hold the detector!"

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