Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 15 World View

You Ge, who couldn't wait any longer, reached out and grabbed the detector that 0987 mentioned.

"Click, click." 0987 pointed his finger, and the detector started to spin rapidly. Runes surrounded You Ge's palm and acquired the information characteristics transmitted from You Ge's body.

"Acquisition completed, entering into the data center."

"Lv4-professional, ordinary attribute: blood, medium attribute: force. (Excellent match). Please enter your name"

"Hall Azathoth"

"Information entry successful, congratulations, Mr. Hall, you are already one of the professionals under the Golden Association. Since this is your first time joining the association, you will be able to receive the Golden Association information jammer at the supplies office, and the relevant instructions will be obtained in the jammer."

0987 pointed to the house on the side while speaking. There were almost no people in the wide hall, and the only Golden Association service staff was leaning on the chair in a daze.

"Mr. Hall, please follow me!"

Following 0987 and entering the supplies office, the service staff smiled and handed over a diamond-shaped clockwork badge. There is a crystal-like protrusion in the middle of the bronze-like material, and strange fonts are written around it.

"Sir, press the center to input your own energy and it will be activated. The jammer is a technological creation of the clockwork center, which can connect you to the King City Data Center. You can query the relevant information within your authority! The Golden Club Information Service Robot 0987 is happy to serve you!"

At this time, a hole appeared on the wall beside, and the concave and convex inside just matched 0987's back. Then 0987 walked into it and the wall closed.

After sitting quietly in the corner of the hall, Youge operated the jammer according to 0987's instructions.

After pressing it, the "blood" from his body slowly entered the crystal. The transparent crystal instantly turned blood-red, and the light flashed, and a light screen appeared in front of Youge!

"Wow! Black technology?!" Youge exclaimed again and again.

[Name: Hall Azathoth

Professional level: Lv4

Attributes: blood, strength (excellent)

Professional personal terminal is at your service!

The screen changed again

[Task, Information]

After a quick look at the task interface, Youge had a simple understanding. It was nothing more than a list of various tasks. Different conditions were displayed for the convenience of professional selection.

Opening the information column, this is what Youge has been praying for, information gap and vision!

This world does not have a specific name or people can only define it as a world full of various aliens, and the royal city where Youge is located is only one of the five gathering points with powerful forces within the exploration range. As for other royal cities, it is not easy for ordinary professionals to travel. Nowadays, only the exchange of resources between nearby small safe points has caused heavy casualties. It can be said that humans are not at the top of the food chain here, and perhaps they cannot even reach the middle level. If there were no obelisk in the royal city, the royal city might not be able to exist safely for so long.

The reason why the obelisk is so powerful is naturally because there are top-level Lv professionals, which is why this gathering point is called the royal city. It seems that such an existence has reached a balance with the aliens outside. Although there are battles, they rarely involve high-end combat power. When Youge wanted to check the major events, he was prompted that he had insufficient permissions.

However, the ten major forces in the royal city recorded in this data center are very interesting. Whether it is the black market that Youge has contacted or the Golden Society that he is now in contact with, they are all members of it. Even the dark blood master Weiss who was killed is also a member of the ten major forces outside the sweeper weaving. This is why Hede came here specifically to tell him to be careful.

The ten major forces in the royal city: the city defense army, the Golden Society, the black market, the royal city council, the high spire, the guard, the police station, the sweeper, the clockwork center, and the pagan center. The first seven are also simple to understand, and the last three need to be explained in detail. This sweeper is an important member of the end of large and small battles. From dead bodies to residual alien breath, they must try their best to eliminate potential threats. Once ordinary people or low-level professionals are infected, it will be a troublesome matter.

As for the clockwork center, all the clockwork machines that Youge had seen before were developed from here, from the thermonuclear energy center underground in the royal city to the street lights on the side of the street, they are all related to them. It is also one of the indelible and important reasons for the prosperity of the royal city.

The heretic is one of the most mysterious in the royal city. Compared with the obelisk of the royal city, it has an iconic building that can be seen by others. The heretic has been hiding in the slums. Most of them are infected humans, and a very small number are alien life forms born naturally in the slums. These are also the reasons why some of the cleaners are extremely hostile to them. They are all aliens created by their own carelessness.

The ten major forces are entangled in this city, and none of them can be missing. Don’t look at the heretic as a filthy hiding place, it is useless. Counting the sewage and garbage channels in the center of the city, various experiments, etc. are all gathered in the slums, and all kinds of aliens have been mixed for many years.

But since the appearance of the heretic, it has become orderly, and it has also relieved the public security office. There is no need to keep a close eye on whether there are aliens breaking into other areas to cause harm every day. It seems that the top leaders don’t care whether the existence of the heretic is shameful, and have never seen any mandatory orders against it, but occasionally there are noble children who go there to fight and train.

After a brief understanding of Wangcheng, Youge also had a general impression, but the details were beyond his authority.

Remembering the matching degree mentioned by 0987 during the test, he continued to search. Compared with Wangcheng's long and vague introduction, this time a detailed explanation was given.

In the process of promotion, professionals will condense some rare characteristics based on their past experiences, and different characteristics can be combined to produce powerful effects. For example, special attribute blood has durability and recovery that ordinary people cannot match. If it is matched with characteristics such as force, it can have a longer-term powerful burst!

And having a body strengthened by the "force" attribute can also have more and stronger blood.

And finally, a special reminder was given to Youge about the importance of jammers: many alien auras are extremely concealed and infectious under special combinations. When many low-level professionals cannot resist on their own, they can only rely on jammers to block and escape decisively.

The function of the jammer is also explained in detail. It is nothing more than that low-level professionals cannot make effective use of their own energy, and the clockwork center uses special "words" to make special fluctuations in their own power, which can simply affect the spread of non-similar forces.

It is no wonder that Youge almost got into trouble when he saw the corpse of an alien on the road. Some malicious professionals may not remind themselves.

Youge also found the description of the fonts around the jammer in the information. Professionals with "word" characteristics combine clockwork technology and hot core energy to print a large number of portable gadgets. Some people with extremely talented words can also play an incomparable auxiliary role in battle.

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