Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 16 Accepting the mission

Then he checked the characteristic library recorded in the data center. His blood was a special type, but his strength was a bit unbearable.

In general, his exposed talent was at the middle level.

After careful inquiry, he did not find any characteristics related to will, which made Youge a little puzzled. Maybe the creations in the clockwork center can detect the physical type, and the soul will type may be queried at a higher level.

After a long time, Youge came out of meditation and became more curious about the secrets of this world. Whether it was the theory that characteristics could be combined or the other professionals described in the data, his curiosity was bursting.

"Huh~ It seems to be more motivated!", Youge's face flushed.

After finishing the exploration of information, Youge decisively checked the task center in the jammer.

"Filter: List tasks suitable for your level."

Panel flow

[Old city exploration task: Many people reported to the public security station that there was a woman crying in the old city at night. Please check the reason in the map prompt area. The reward will be replaced by gold after the task is completed.

Tips: According to the response of the "listening" personnel of the Golden Club, the ghosts are Lv5 and below. There is no upper limit on the number of people who can accept the task. After the discovery, they can be handled independently or reported to the nearby patrol team. 】

This task is suitable for Youge. Before, Hall's ghost left a crystal at the end, which made him level up. This time, he can go and mix it. If you are lucky, Youge will get the crystal and break through to Lv5, which is considered to be truly stepping into the door of professionals!

"Accept the old city exploration task!"

Stepping out of the door of the supplies department, Youge quickly left the Golden Club without any intention of staying here.

This trip to the Golden Club is of great significance to Youge. Although it seems to be a small step from ignorance to knowing a little, compared with yesterday, he is more confident after this trip. Even this small jammer can benefit Youge a lot.

Although it is said that, accepting the professional task also increases the danger, otherwise why did Hall's father and second brother join the Golden Club? Think about it, didn't Hall's eldest brother who died die because his mind was taken away by the aliens on the battlefield?

Opportunities and dangers coexist, and Youge, who has ambitions, will never give up.

That night, Youge arrived at the old city area specified in the mission, which is only two blocks away from him.

Compared with the pregnant woman last time, there has been no obvious death so far.

Youge has been wandering in the area in the first half of the night. After discovering three patrolmen in black uniforms outside the block, he showed his jammer and confirmed his identity as a task force. The patrol team tacitly agreed to Youge's actions.

The police station is not actually a compulsory enforcement facility. Most of the time, it only protects the stability of the city. For the royal city, the police station mission that Youge accepted is not that big. Even if it is a threat, it can only threaten ordinary people. If you provoke a professional, you may have to suffer. Therefore, the police station only arranges patrolmen to limit the scope of the occurrence of the aliens, and if a battle breaks out, it should not cause large-scale damage.

If everything had to be arranged in person, the members of the police station would have to be spread across every corner of the city, and they would have to dispatch suitable Lv professionals to handle the follow-up after casualties, not to mention the contact with major forces. But if individual adventurers were asked to do this, it would be much easier.

A trio of black team night patrollers. The team leader is Mark, a Lv6 warrior, Weber, a Lv5 perception professional, and Newk, a Lv5 speed professional.

These three people are the standing black team patrollers in the old city. If there had not been a report in this area, the three of them would still be watching the performance of the dancers in the tavern, and the nightly patrols are just routine checks.

"Oh? Lv4 blood professional, then you'd better not look for it. Only people who are sleeping nearby can hear it, and then they can't hear it anymore if they are woken up. We are just detecting whether there will be large-scale casualties now."

Captain Mark saw that Youge accepted the task alone, and he immediately saw that the latter was a rookie. How could such a task be easily found without a detection teammate, plus the meager reward, it was not enough for a few people to run errands.

Newk on the side interrupted: "Boy, just find a corner to sleep honestly, maybe you can hear your mother calling you home for milk! Hahaha."

The three people's ridicule did not make Youge angry at all, but what they said about being able to hear it before going to bed attracted his attention.

After turning around and leaving, Youge found an empty corner.

The families around him had already fallen asleep, quiet! Whether it was his own will or Youge's training as a warrior, it was so simple to change his mind without distractions.

A wave of despair emanated from Youge, as if he was a homeless and destitute child, about to fall asleep alone in a dark corner.

Attraction! If this kind of despair was really emitted by a person, it would be a delicacy for the aliens. Unfortunately, it was just a wave of will emitted by Youge to simulate the confused state before going to bed. In simple terms, it was the feeling of a person who was confused before going to bed and fell into that kind of philosophical scrutiny and suddenly lost all hope.


Unexpectedly, it was this despair that attracted the target this time.

"Song of Sorrow: Confused those trapped in despair"

After seeing the prompt, Youge, who was still pondering, immediately maintained his own state, and the crying became clearer and clearer.

"Come~ Come~"

A traction force drove Youge to move, leaving the main street and turning into a dark alley.

The broken walls were full of traces of weathering.

The originally empty voice turned into a faint singing voice after someone walked into the alley. Just as Youge slowly moved into the alley, the "coffin" prompt appeared in front of him:

"Mission: Redemption of the Twin Ghosts"

"Sometimes there is singing in the quiet alley, and sometimes someone hears it and then listens carefully, but nothing can be heard. Today you are lucky enough to be attracted by the singing, please check the origin of the singing!"

"Success: Skill point*1"

"Twin Ghosts: There used to be a pair of lovely twins in the quiet alley, but their mother didn't like them. The occasional singing from the alley made people know the twins, but they didn't know when they had never heard the singing again, and over time they forgot that there was a pair of twins here! How many poor people have lost themselves here with their pitiful faces and charming singing?"

The sudden prompt did not surprise Youge. From the beginning, he thought of the situation of a double task, and when it really happened, he still felt a little happy in his heart.

Compared with the mission prompt of the Golden Society, "Coffin" can give You Ge more practical hints, which gives him an invisible advantage. The more he understands, the more chances he has of winning!

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