Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 211 Wholesale ~ Clockwork Mechanical Magic Rat

There are no restrictions on external image like You Ge’s.

Elosili is naturally able to change at will.

And then use the human structure to describe Elosili at this time,

That is,

The tentacles are bones, the blood of death is blood, and the earth is flesh, completely turning an area into itself, rather than a simple area radiated by power.

To put it in Elosri's mind, "Where I am is where you belong."

The entanglement of attribute power,

Although there is no fusion effect, it still forms a more interesting structure.

That is the form of complete tentacles,

The special thing about Elosri is that her form is completely in a tentacle state. This is her characteristic and the special external performance she has always shown.

Why should she give up this characteristic that has always occupied almost 100% of her body and choose the completely unfamiliar red soil simply for the sake of choice?

Even though Elosri's main attribute is earth, it cannot be denied that the entangling touch is her most special ability.

This is also the advantage that was catalyzed by extracting and injecting these two attributes into the [coffin].

After a series of thoughts,

Only then did Elosili have such a choice.

Now, just like the original form of the Demon City, she has completely spread herself in this area, transforming the earth here into herself,

From a microscopic point of view, the original round particles of earth attribute here have completely transformed into tentacles, mixed with the same form of dead blood.


This is the end of everything with endless tentacles,

Don’t think that just because you look flat, you can feel at ease.

Abyss will not take the initiative to tell you that he is Abyss.

The entangled sea looks like a sea but not a sea, and looks like an earth but not an earth.

Don't go up to check the dead blood that occasionally pops up, otherwise it will definitely drag you into the abyss.

And at this time,

Once again, Guzman, the squirrel in the Imperial City, entered from one end of the Imperial City and was directly entangled by this spurt of power.

What do drowning people fear most?

It is the uncontrollable inhalation of large amounts of water into the mouth and nose,

As soon as the gate of Liwang City appeared, Elosili had already swept up her power.

Unaware of it, Guzman was immediately penetrated by countless tiny tentacles into all the exposed organ mouths.

These tiny tentacles are still wrapping around and pulling on each other's organs.

The power gathered in the abdomen turned into larger tentacles and directly began to destroy.

With a groan, Guzman finally suffered a big loss under the subconscious control of his smooth sailing during this period.

But the replacement is not finished yet.

No matter how you say it, it’s all L25.

It would be really incompetent if it was just so easy to die after being invaded.

The gray power in the body exploded instantly, which was qualitatively superior to many of Elosili's attribute powers, and quickly crushed the opponent's group of tentacles that had invaded the body.

With the explosive surge of power all over the body,

After clearing out Elosili's power from a small space, he quickly evacuated the Liwang City.

"It's so dangerous. Who is this guy? Why have I never heard of it?" After coughing a few times, and spitting out a large number of small crimson tentacles again, his breath became stable: "What kind of weird ability can't be cleaned up? clean?"


Entanglement, these two words, are not just the entanglement of movements, but also the entanglement between inner particles.

After coughing several times, Guzman had no choice but to give up today's sneak attack.

Where did the guy at the Clockwork Center find such a helper? Why does he feel like a complete alien? Is the royal city so relaxed now? Can you let in a stranger at will?

Forget it, from the perspective of ability, that guy is not following a normal human path.

Compared to him, maybe that guy is an alien


"Okay, if you come up, you will cause the other party to suffer a hidden loss."

In the spiritual world, You Ge looked at Elosili who was entangled with him and praised him without hesitation.

Compared with the rat people, there is still a lot more concern for Elosli Yuge.

"Oh, it's all thanks to the adults, otherwise Ellie wouldn't be so powerful." Wow, even this little mouth would praise her.

"Okay, then just pay more attention and don't let that person affect the operation of the rat nest again."

"Okay, sir~"

Let's maintain it first and wait until the rat people in Liwang City stabilize.

As for those gangsters with ulterior motives, be careful.

Elosri will show no mercy.

Turning his attention to You Ge,

A huge piece of meat appeared in front of him.

The research these days has finally discovered something special about the sequence.

This thing is actually a console that you can DIY freely.

The Demon Mouse sequence does not exceed Youge's own abilities, so it is much more controllable than the Worm sequence in terms of modification and research.

This way,

Under You Ge's hands, the Demon Rat constantly undergoes various strange changes.

The most interesting thing is the seven-headed magic rat.

The abilities of the seven deadly sins are all poured into one body and then catalyzed out. Generally speaking, the demon rats are much more powerful than ordinary rats, but their self-control ability is much reduced.

Then after setting a main consciousness to control it,

As a result, the development potential of the remaining six heads of this seven-headed demon rat was greatly reduced.

Although the integration is difficult,

It does not affect Youge's strengthening of individual individuals.

Four-armed ratmen, two-headed demon rats, ratmen and other strange transformations within the tolerable range,

Then there are some giant demon rats that look a bit like stitching,

In fact, they are huge individuals formed by the fusion of hundreds of small demon rats. After distributing the abilities of the seven deadly sins separately, they indirectly solve the problem of not being able to merge.

But it is just a consumable. After the ability bursts, this fused individual will also face death and collapse.

Just because the demon rat sequence is still too weak.

Of course, this is not the point. The real fun is that the remade demon rats can be combined with external objects, and can quietly place several poisonous fires in their bodies,

More concealed, more let the opponent guard against it,

Instead of giving it to those robots or throwing it out by yourself, it is far better to put some interesting things on the demon rats that the enemy despises.

Mobility, concealment, and other advantages do not need to be explained one by one.

And then,

Since it can be like this, why can't it be matched with the machine of the clockwork foreman?

Why do many people have rejection reactions during the transformation process? Isn't it because the body does not support it and the talent cannot accommodate the addition of these machines?

If you can design the subsequent mechanical transformation at will from the beginning of your birth,

the innate deficiencies will completely become a situation where they need to be supplemented by the acquired ones.


do you need to consider the so-called compatibility?

The clockwork mechanical magic rat,

the final research result of Youge, can perfectly replace humans, or even any creatures, and specially transformed "biological magic rats".

The inner king city is responsible for continuing the original magic rat race, and the underground floor is further transformed by Youge,

and 01's newly transformed biological magic rat nest + clockwork center transformation assembly line, which perfectly creates a new living weapon!

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