Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 212 Type 5 X-Transformed Demonic Rat

basement one,

The New Magic Mouse Factory has begun continuous work,

Motionless demon rats that were leaking or missing various "parts" were continuously sent out from the huge meat nest. They slowly entered the factory on the other side on the caterpillar tracks illuminated by the fire.

"How is the design of the 01 machine body?"

"Sir, you have listed five different response plans based on the types of ratmen in the royal city."

"Well, how much can we produce today?"

"It is expected that at night, there will be a thousand mechanical rats of various types."

One thousand, then it’s five thousand,

This is already a good speed. Although it can continue to expand, it cannot accommodate too much for the royal city.

Moreover, there is actually regional planning in Liwang City.

It doesn't mean that you can do whatever you want if you can get in.

If you accidentally go to the wrong place, not to mention the dark aliens that can be seen everywhere, other people may soon come up to cause trouble for you.

And this speed is just maintained, the normal output of energy supply pulled from the center of the spring,

Without the ratmen of the royal city as materials, we can only find energy to make our own products.

If the "Biological Rat Nest" were to absorb energy on its own, it would only be enough to produce dozens of energy per day, and it would still be an incomplete Biological Demon Rat.

Hold on,

Opening the transformation diagram of the mechanical magic mouse given by 01, You Ge also savored it carefully.

The first type of X-Magic Rat: The limbs of the gear-shaped Devil Rat follow the original design of You Ge, thus storing a large amount of poisonous fire inside to ensure that it can move quickly on the battlefield. At the same time, the specially reinforced head has also been separated from the front and rear and transformed into a belt. Drill bits with special properties,

The tail is also a modified long whip that can be rotated. It is super long and flexible and can fully carry out auxiliary attacks.

This kind of transformation that is completely for sudden advance and explosion exists for the sake of power.

Type 2 X-Magic Rat: The heavy-duty type of Magic Rat follows the results of Youge's original design and fusion of Magic Rats. After the mechanical transformation of the Magic Rat's whole body, the internal mechanical buckles allow these Magic Rats to advance and defend. A certain combination is made in the process,

At the same time, a large number of special thrusts inside allow them to ensure a certain attack power when standing still, and the legs of this magic rat are also designed as special connection devices.

When the speed is not enough, the two magic rats can also hug each other into a circle and use the thrusts in their bodies to move super fast.

This is also one of its main means of advancement.

Type Three X-Ratman: A completely modified eight-eyed rat-man, following Fink's appearance design, and then designing a variety of stuffed rat-men with different acquired attributes.

The plague-contaminated type, the seven deadly sins mental pollution type, the body-enhanced type, and other types of transformations provided by 01 all achieved more than 98% success, and the missing 2% was just an accidental achievement of some preliminary experiments.

This type of Ratman is also the most complete one, and such a high success rate is indeed unimaginable before 01.

This is really the highlight of Youge,

The already perfect clockwork mechanical transformation has naturally reached a high level of safety. The so-called premature death is only due to the human carrier, and Youge specially designed the structure of the [Puzzle] here, that is to say , these ratmen are not pure fusion transformation, but "driving transformation" that is similar to make up for the shortcomings.

This greatly eliminates the possibility of more rejection.

The long-term cooperation between rat people and machines will inevitably lead to the generation of relevant talents. Once added to the magic rat sequence, it will become easier in the future.

Type 4 X-Magic Rat: In fact, it is a psychedelic type that is completely targeted at the rat people in the royal city. During the transformation process, the body of this type is not completely hollow in order to put a complete set of sound attribute equipment inside.

After using the original special ability of the rat flute and strengthening it, those ratmen in the royal city will definitely make them unable to eat.

The last five types are actually much more interesting.

Favoring wisdom and spiritual transformation,

For the Demon Rat, there is no need to make any changes physically. Only if the spirit can achieve better synchronization with the modified machinery, then it can be described as perfect in the 01 database.

The Demon Rat was completely mentally occupied by the Seven Deadly Sins.

It can be said that after using this ability to deprive desires, or generate corresponding stimulation to match the spiritual transformation, it can be said to have reached an almost perfect level.

Of course, if supplemented by the red seal, it can definitely help the rat people to stabilize mentally.

And this kind of magic rat,

Mix in any team, and release some special mental interference devices developed by the Clockwork Center from time to time. After getting rid of the special mental interference of the rat people,

Its power is naturally more troublesome.

"The Type 5

He nodded and changed his vision. In the sewer, the rat men on both sides became more and more courageous as they fought.

Fortunately, the royal city will not send any high-level attacks.

As for the harassment that was limited to the pillars of the air bridge, the original purpose gradually changed into hostility between the ratmen on both sides.

"Huh? This guy is here?"

A familiar face appeared, quietly landed near the construction robot, and began to call Qi Youge,

Anthony, the cleaner who participated in the show before,

Why is he here? Is there any chance of survival that needs my help?

Forget it, let Arnold deal with it.

Today is the day when Mr. Orange comes back. They will have a small meeting later.


Outpost Farm,

Marcelo, who has become super fat, looked at Youge with a charming smile. Now the other party's identity is fully revealed.

The difference between the two sides is getting bigger and bigger.

And now,

the initial connection of information between the underground people and the surface people has also made this group of underground people begin to let go of their original vigilance.

Naturally, this is also related to the decision-making member Merida.

With the paving of the mechanical living equipment of the clockwork center,

a lot of rumors spread underground,

what everyone moved underground because of the cowardice of the first generation of decision-makers,

what physical transformation, what eye evolution, are all fools of some upper-level people,

a lot of information is assisted by mechanical facilities,

and spread rapidly.

When Mr. Orange went down himself, only the opponent was still maintaining his position.

The moment he saw the other party, Mr. Orange knew what it was all about.

Another insect professional.

The so-called senses that help ordinary people build a life underground are actually like spreading their own abilities and trying to build a dictatorial race like Youge.

The ignorant first generation of people believed his lies.

When the underground people adapt to life with light, this eye structure will sooner or later fade away.

And Mr. Orange was too lazy to say anything. He put his identity out.

The pressure was naturally there.

After watching the other party lingering for half a month, he was finally sent to the deeper lava by Merida.

So far, 30% of the underground people have begun to express their intention to migrate to the ground.

It's a pity that the new urban area has not been completed.

For this reason, Mr. Orange can only come back again to prepare for this thing that has been delayed for a long time.

Who can tell me what prompted you to persist in reading here~ (manually funny)

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