Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 218 Arrangement

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"Okay, okay, can you tell me what's going on first?" Curiosity made Youge ignore what he originally wanted to say.

Could it be that his demon rat had started some strange side business without his knowledge?

It must be dealt with!

"Huh? You don't even know this?" Anthony's face suddenly froze, and he asked curiously: "Have you ever been to a bar or something like that?"


"As the person in charge of the new race, have you ever understood the impact your magic rats have in the city?"

"Does it have any impact?"

".Are you really sure that you are the person in charge of this race?" Anthony's face twitched. Fortunately, this was not his boss, otherwise he might have ended up helping the enemy count money when he was sold that day.

"Your magic rats can quietly arouse human emotions. You should know this best. But it is also this point. After being discovered by those underground dealers, they directly raised the magic rats in captivity and specially used them for customers. They arouse emotions,

You have to know that those people who have been fighting among aliens for a long time have begun to become abnormally numb in temperament. On weekdays, there are a few who can have normal emotions like normal people, but you, the devil rat, are really powerful. After being slowly induced, it can actually be amplified, allowing those professionals to sink into it. "

At this time, Anthony was dancing and pointing at the mechanical rats that were quickly evacuating from the side and said:

"Depravity, seven emotions, different mental environments among them, not to mention these people licking blood from the knife edge, when have we ever enjoyed that ultimate dream-like desire life?"

"Have you played it before?" You Ge looked at the weird smile on Anthony's face and knew without even thinking that he must be someone who had been there before.

"Haha, I just played a little bit." After all, it was really embarrassing for him to say something that even the owner of the Possessed Rat didn't know about.

"Okay, go ahead and talk about anything else."

"In the bar now, your magic rat has been specially divided into seven opium industry chains. Along with different experiences, it can arouse emotions. Basically, it is full every day. In addition, your magic rat also absorbs those emotions. It’s basically a complete circle.”

"Aren't those people afraid of completely becoming the playthings of the Demon Rat?"

"That's not the case. Apart from some black market bars, most of them are still supervised by the public security. Otherwise, this magic rat would not have become popular."

"Uh, will they take care of the police station?\

,""Oh, don't worry about this. The Pagan Institute has relevant regulations on such trivial matters. As long as the demon rats don't take the initiative to cause trouble, even if your Clockwork Center and the Public Security Bureau have become mortal enemies, they will Everything must be done in a matter-of-fact manner.”

"How much did it cost you once to consume the magic rat opium?"

"Ha~ Not much, not much, just a few gold coins."

A few gold coins. Ordinary people only get a few gold coins a year, which is not much.

"Okay, I understand, let's talk about business." Although the matter of Demon Rat Opium appeared without his knowledge, it is not a bad thing. After studying it carefully later, he will naturally know how to deal with it. Yes,

But at this time, I still want to discuss with Anthony about the mechanical mouse.

"My demon rats have basically ignored the dark mood of the separatist forces in Liwang City. Moreover, you have also seen the combat power of these transformed demon rats. How about we reach some cooperation and let the demon rats help you?" Make daily progress?”

"Clockwork Center wants to get a foothold in the Sweepers' forces?"

Anton's first thought after hearing this was: Is this guy crazy? Can the sweeper come in casually?

"Huh? I mean cooperation! Don't even think about going elsewhere. The matter between the New City and the underground people is not over yet, so why do I care about you?"

"Why cooperate? You don't need to help us, right?"

"." Why is it so difficult to explain? After You Ge summoned a few mechanical eight-eyed rat men, he pointed at them and said: "These rat men need to live. Compared with that king's city, if they can stay in the inner king's city, Wouldn't it be easier?"

"Well, you don't care about opium. Okay, I understand."

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, Anthony remembered that the other party was completely unaware of the changes in the royal city these days. The new race needs to adapt to the royal city. The easiest way is to find some suitable jobs to join.

In this case, it seems possible to cooperate.

"I will report it, but I can't guarantee how it will happen."



Three days later,

After looking through the report compiled by 01,

Youge smiled,

These guys really live one day at a time, just for a few days. Many of them are professionals who spent all their gold coins in the bar.

Start accepting a large number of various tasks in the Golden Club.

Because of this incident, the number of missions accepted by the entire Golden Club has increased several times in the past few days.

"Okay, it seems like we can open a magic rat bar? And create a few rat girls by the way?"

Compared with those abilities that indirectly use the magic rat,

You can DIY it at will, a rat girl with human characteristics, a super cute white-haired demon rat, and even accept customization. As long as the other party proposes, there is nothing Youge can't do.

"01, prepare a three-story bar in the future underground entrance area of ​​the old city, called the Magic Rat Bar."

"Okay, sir."

Then he called in his heart,

"Arnold, put down what you are doing and bring five people here."

"Yes, sir."

Perfect, just short of creating those magic rats and ratmen that are completely for viewing, or many years later, these can become rare species sought after by future generations of humans.

As for the cooperation with the cleaning,

Mr. Orange informed me as early as yesterday,

The subsequent matters are naturally still handed over to 01 for arrangement, but the arrangements within the King's City must be redeployed,

The placement and dispatch of the mechanical magic rats are provided by Youge, and it is just a simple cooperative relationship for the cleaners.

At this point,

it can only be completed after replanning a part of the area that can be used normally in the real world and can be formed into a magic rat habitat in the King's City.

On weekdays, as long as the cleaner needs to mobilize the magic rats, he only needs to obtain the control authority given by 01 here, and then enter the inner world gate in the manor area on the ground, and then he can take these little babies to perform tasks.

As for the magic rats at the sky bridge, because of some arrangements made by Mr. Orange, a sky bridge town specially built for ratmen and magic rats to live was built on the sky bridge.

In order to prevent ordinary people from entering by mistake or accidental "visual pollution" incidents,

these sky bridge towns and magic rats are engraved and attached with different degrees of concealment arrays.

For this reason, those who want to capture magic rats are also very troubled.

Compared with the magic rats that can be captured at will underground or in the inner king city, in the sky bridge town, they are always exposed.

As long as they enter the scope of the sky bridge town, the concealment array will not take effect on them. It can be imagined that from the outside, it is just like a human walking back and forth in a place where there is nothing.

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