Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 219 News about Taka

Magic Mouse Bar,

While enjoying the service of the enchanting rat-man lady after "special processing", Youge, who was checking the report on the changes in the eight-eyed rat-man race over the past month, unexpectedly received a letter from outside the city.

"Mr. Hall, here is a letter from you."

The courier robot that came in from outside the bar quickly handed it over and then left again on the mechanical vehicle outside.

You Ge is very familiar with the person in charge of driving.

Every day when people come and go in the old city, they will always see each other accidentally. Although the other person does not know him, relatively speaking, this person You Ge can be regarded as one of the acquaintances here.

Moreover, he is also a frequent visitor to the Magic Mouse Bar at night.

[Khor Azathoth Kai, Sender: Taka Rahman]

Taka, it’s really been a long time since I met the blacksmith woman who left the city shortly after I met her.

I originally thought that maybe when I reached Level 10 and was eligible to leave the city, I might go find him.

What I didn't expect was that I had already developed such a big power.

The underground factory, the Rat Town, the Mechanical Rat Habitat in the Liwang City, the Rat Bar, and the Devil Rat Black Market where he secretly circulated some specially made pet Devil Rats.

As for why in private,

Naturally, the races of demon rats and eight-eyed rat men have already found their own place in the royal city.

After successfully integrating into the royal city,

Naturally, we also have to enjoy some unique rights.

At the beginning, they were just a superfluous race inserted out of thin air, and the rules of the royal city would not take them into consideration.

What now,

As long as the demon rat serves the royal city normally and plays a certain beneficial role,

Then those who hunt, kill or destroy privately will naturally be investigated by the public security station.

After a brief review, You Ge also felt a little proud.

Although many of them were perfected with the help of 01, the results are still very exciting.

[I haven’t seen you for a year, and I don’t know if you are still alive, but I may find out soon. After all, if this letter is not delivered to you, it will be returned.

Hahaha! Regardless, I have re-established a blacksmith shop here. Although it cannot produce any high-end weapons, it is enough for those who expand their land. After all, the quality of the materials is enough for them to squander.

Well, if you read this letter and want to go out and have fun, you are always welcome.


Taka Blacksmith Shop, Seventh Avenue, Fuhu 0019 Safety Zone. 】

Um, it looks great.

But even if it’s a trap, can you get some snacks?

After You Ge finished reading, he instantly felt that his IQ was being underestimated.

Although now that he has reached Level 15, he can leave the city freely at any time, but when Taka saw him, he was only at Level 2, and the other party even thought that he was at Level 0.

Going out of the city is funny, right? As for traveling with a caravan or something, Taka's relationship with him is not that bad, right? Directly asking that Lv0 or even less than Lv5 kid to go out of the city to have fun?

It was probably some brainless guy who came up with a bad idea after finding out his previous address.

But I still want to go, to see Taka and to find out who is the young man there who is planning to harm me.

"Hey Hall, I knew you were here, so I said, no one can refuse a place like the bar." Anthony, who came in from the door, touched the rat man next to Youge skillfully and unceremoniously. After the girl, she lay directly next to You Ge,

"Hey, if I had known better, I wouldn't have reformed. Every time I see such an alluring alien woman, I can't think of anything else to do."

"Just think about it. Wouldn't it be nice to be lonely for a while?"

"Hey," Anthony sighed, and in a blink of an eye, he took out a document and said, "There is a job, do you want to go and see it together? We have friends and teammates."

"Huh?" In surprise, You Ge shook the letter from Taka in his hand and asked: "Are you so positive today? You are the second person to come to me, and you are not from the Fuhu area. Live, right?”

"Huh? How do you know? Did someone invite you too?"

"Let's first talk about what happened in Fu Lake. This is not a job, it is a private matter."

"Okay." He shrugged. Since it was a private matter, he didn't want to ask too many questions.

"Let's talk about the rotten lake area first. I guess you don't know much about it. There has always been a special fluctuation in that area. Creatures that have been in contact with it for a long time will unknowingly turn into a pool of rotten water and merge into the ground. ,

Most of the beings who can resist will have their minds corroded without knowing it, and then take the initiative to enter the rotten lake at the core of this area and turn into one of the twisted plants. "

"Don't you want to say that this plant will bear some interesting fruits and tempt adventurers to go there?" You Ge's eyes turned white. This routine seemed familiar.

"Ahem, almost." Although it is similar to what You Ge said, there are still some differences: "Fruit is one of them. It is mainly the differences of these twisted plants that have led to many safe zones being planned here. "

Then Anthony pulled out a picture from the file and pointed at it, with a weird smile on his face and said: "You will know after you look at it, this guy is very interesting."


You Ge took the picture,

A picture of a strange black plant that was winding across the entire mountain appeared on it.

According to the size of the human in the picture, this plant is at least ten stories high, and the shadows of the plants hidden in the darkness behind it are dense and winding, and it doesn't look like a simple ten-story building.

Then a connection appeared from the picture, directly connected with Youge's spirit.

"Wu Bei?"

Just simply seeing the other party caused an information entanglement, which was very familiar to Youge. After casually saying the name that appeared in his mind,

Anthony next to him immediately teased: "Wu Bei, that's just the will left in its body, but it is precisely because of this that this plant can produce a juice that emits a special aroma, which makes the drinker neither sad nor happy.

You also saw the dense shadows behind the other party, and the seduced creatures all became part of it.

But it is also an important material. After a certain amount of processing After that, after removing the pollution and corruption, it can also work wonders for professionals. "

"What's the matter this time? Do you need my help?"

"Hey, wait, that person should be near the block, why not wait until she comes and talk together, the key is that she needs your help."

Anthony touched his mechanical chin, and his eyes kept looking at the rat woman behind Youge for a long time: "Where is your alien dependent lady? It seems that I haven't seen her for a long time."

"I practiced in Li Wangcheng and found some interesting things."

"Hey, okay."

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