Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 251 Resonance

The moment Nasiman closed the door in the room, countless questions appeared in his mind.

It's not that Velvet has never met her before. Every time she returns to the royal city, she meets her several times from a distance. However, she has already begun to serve her family. Unlike the other party who has a powerful teacher as her backer,

Even so, it does not mean that Nasiman is completely relieved to serve the family.

The peripheral intelligence personnel of the city defense army - codenamed the Laughing Man,

He is also one of the top leaders of the city defense force in the Fuhu area. This is his identity that he has always hidden. According to the plan, if there is a problem with the Fuyan here and there is any abnormality in the Violet family, he will be able to wipe out all the Ziluolan confidants in this area.

Then completely replace them with people from the city defense army,

It's just that the sudden appearance of these two people, Velvet and the unknown man, made Nasiman a little unsure. The resistance displayed by these two people alone is not an ability that a professional can possess. , if you resolutely continue with the plan, I'm afraid it will end badly.

"We'll wait and see what they are going to do. If it doesn't work, we can only postpone the plan for another two months."

Two months is the minimum cycle period for the birth of those alien species.

The minimum cycle period is also the most suitable period for using external force to catalyze the early appearance of those alien species, and it is also the shift time for the next wave of rotten eye security personnel.

After putting away some of the utensils he had placed in the room, Nasiman could only wait silently for the sound of fighting outside to end.


"These aliens are very tough." You Ge, who had just raised his hand to test the strength of the snail in front of him, heard Velvet's inexplicable voice,

"Hard?" When he looked up, he saw that the alien behind Velvet had swallowed a tentacular insect alive, and it was still chewable.


You Ge admires and admires him.

He is really becoming more and more like him.

After all, when he swallows something with his big eyes, he rarely chews it.

However, these aliens are not very strong. The few aliens entangled in the blood of death can only rely on some special structures in their mouths to dissolve and devour themselves.

Although the part of the dead blood absorbed into the mouths of these aliens has not completely melted, it still feels weird. Compared with the previous dead blood that was eaten, melted, parasitized, etc. by other aliens,

It actually feels a little different,

How should I put it? The Blood of Death itself is the spiritual particle fused with You Ge, so it naturally represents You Ge himself.

When being swallowed by aliens, it is actually equivalent to the feeling of watching oneself being eaten.

I didn't take it seriously before.

But now when being sucked by this snail, a strange wave is transmitted,

As if targeting something in particular,

And it just so happened that You Ge could feel it,

"Aiming at corruption?", just a little bit of corruption information is emitted, and the feeling becomes more obvious. The ability to completely dismantle the corruption information,


It was not demolished and built, but integrated into it.

He completely soaked this corrupt information in his own mucus,

and then excreted from the body,

Looking at it, there is indeed a lot of pollution information wrapped in the mucus behind.

Um. If you tell Weller this, can you create something that can completely resist corruption and pollution? But it doesn't seem to work. I don't even want to wear the skin of a humanoid race, and then replace it with mucus flowing all over the body to eliminate pollution. Isn't it even more unacceptable?

Forget it, it’s better not to tell him.

Think about it, people in the entire safe zone are dripping with mucus to resist pollution, and then there are countless mucus on the roads in the entire city. It is estimated but not certain that people who are blinded by interests can accept anything, just like accepting the pollution of the lake. Likewise, as for Weller, he will definitely not accept it.

do not care,

Let’s start the fight directly.

Velvet has already swallowed many aliens, and as the next main person, she can’t fall behind too much.

Blood Sea Pagoda,

Countless bloody tentacles began to appear. Now the aliens existed solely for pollution, and became defenseless against more substantial attacks.

Penetrating and strangulating, it only took a short time to clear this place.

"That's it?"

The two ignored Naximan who walked out of the safe house to peek, and You Ge finally met face to face with the culprit who caused the corruption in this area.

A huge rotten eye nearly a hundred meters wide,

Trapped deep in a similar pit,

The black liquid flowing down from the surrounding edges gathered together and formed a black underground river flowing out from below.

At the same time, some sharp black horny eyes in the shape of eyelashes are also standing wantonly around.

Eye roll? ? ?

You Ge had just gotten closer, and this Fuyan, who had been said to be unconscious and unresponsive, actually looked at You Ge with his small pupils.

The atmosphere solidified,

A ball of contaminated information materialized into a hundred-meter-long rotten eye staring at it,

Even You Ge couldn't help but feel a little hairy.

Especially when you can clearly feel the powerful power contained in each other, how can you not make You Ge feel hairy?

"Hall? This is it?" Velvet said quietly on the side. Thinking of Hall's ability to use some corruption and pollution before, she had to think of many things, many good and bad things.

"It's okay, it's just resonance"

After getting scared, Youge realized the reason for the change of this eye,


Some resonance from corrupt information, especially the polluted information with personal intentions like Youge, will naturally make these unconscious polluted information produce some attracted behaviors,

But fortunately it is just resonance. If this corrupt eye is fully mobilized at this time, it only takes a moment for Youge to become a part of the other party.

"Hey, this guy seems to have some interesting connection with this eye?" Silently, Nasiman appeared more than ten meters away from Velvet, and also looked at the corrupt eye staring at Youge in the pit, and became curious.

"Aren't you going to report it?"

For the first time, Velvet felt that there was something wrong with this childhood friend. He was not discovered even when he was so close to her. If it was someone like Youge, it would be easy to say, but this guy who has always had a low presence, suddenly became so strong?

Or maybe he is an elite child secretly cultivated by the family to protect the Rot Eye.

No matter what, Nasiman's position in Velvet's heart suddenly increased.

"Oh, I was shocked by the young lady's method just now. I will report it immediately." Nasiman naturally heard the other party's intention to send him away.

And after seeing the residual fluctuations of Youge's ability, he now urgently needs to investigate the other party's identity. As for this appearance, it is only to indirectly find a more reasonable reason for evacuation.

After clarifying that the other party's target is also the Rot Eye, as long as he leaves, if there is a problem next, he will have nothing to do with it.

Turning back, he still maintains the unremitting smile on his face.

Until he disappears,

Vilvet let down her guard and looked at the thoughtful Youge:

"What's the problem?"

Resonance is something that must represent a glimmer of opportunity. Whether it can be seized depends on Youge.

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