Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 252 The Core of Corruption and Pollution

"I'll go down and try, you"

"I will handle the Violet family's affairs."

Velvet nodded immediately. Since the other party had ideas, it would be great if the previous favor could be repaid without having to be in debt all the time.


After getting caught up in the research on rotten eyes, You Ge couldn't help but think of an experiment.

Scientists injected mouse eye genes into fruit fly embryos

Subsequently, the fruit fly's body was covered with eyes. Whether it was the body or the antennae, some fruit fly eyes grew out, and they were all eyes with normal visual function.

Helps fruit flies receive correct visual signals,

This thing is very interesting,

It proves that fruit flies can read the genes of mice, and proves that the origin of species on earth may indeed come from the same ancestor, but the evolution of individuals shows different expressions, and there is no obstacle to reading each other's DNA information.


The initial idea was,

After the mouse eye gene is injected, will fruit flies grow mouse eyes?

The results were fruit fly eyes. Although the injected gene caused the fruit fly to overgrow many eyes, this also shows that the mouse eye gene only controls whether the "eye" is expressed here to grow.

It doesn’t really express the mouse eyes,

To put it simply, that is to say, with unobstructed connectivity, it only tells the fruit fly that it needs to grow eyes, rather than actually promoting the growth of mouse eyes or fruit fly eyes during the growth process.

tell and control,

In other words, this is the positioning information of the eye position, not the real eye gene.

One is just the location information labeled "eyes\


When you read the information about Rot Eye before, did you really read the "real information"?

When Youge recorded Taka's body,

Naturally, it blocked the connection between the rotten eye in Taka's body and the huge rotten eye underground.

So the rotten eyes obtained in Taka's body are only superficial positioning information, not the real rotten eyes?

When I was sorting out the information I encountered this time,

Youge also noticed that the pollution information about the rotten lake still lacked some crucial things, as if it really only obtained the superficial information.

This feeling is also confirmed twice here,

The rotten eyes in living organisms are actually a kind of positioning information.

In turn, the real corruption ability can be continuously obtained from this rot eye, which is why those polluted creatures can easily expel or repel the corruption pollution.

The corrupt information in front of us now,

It is the ability to completely corrupt living things into the most primitive substances.

The so-called corrupt plants are just a manifestation of the accumulation of this material.

Completely destroy the internal information chain of other substances and organisms,

Unlike You Ge, who was able to collect some residual information fragments after destruction before, thereby using the essence of life to stimulate the opponent to show different changes.

Random alienation?

It's impossible. Under You Ge's initiative, the other party will have no room for negotiation and will be directly corrupted into a puddle of mud.

Comfortably decayed into a puddle of mud, the wonderful comfort of returning to the original.

At this moment,

This pool of mud is also the most malleable time. As long as Youge instills an idea, it can grow freely.

Think about the evolutionary history of living things. Isn’t it a kind of slow evolution caused by the desire for survival and environmental pressure?

In a corrupt environment with no pressure at all, or under the active control of Youge, as long as you give the instruction that you need to evolve ten eyes,

This pool of mud will then show the characteristics of ten eyes,

Of course, at this time, it is still ordinary mud without life intelligence, and it also has no attributes.

This is the most valuable thing,

After instilling a clear goal, this pool of silt will naturally evolve rapidly and constantly correct itself. It is countless times more malleable than the already formed plasticity of the Demon Rat Sequence.

And most importantly,

Compared with the original existence of Fuyan under Fuhu Lake as the core of information,

Now that Youge is the core of information transmission, all the corruption and pollution transmitted by him will have a more one-way relationship with him.

Regardless of whether it reaches a certain level in the other person's body,

As long as you are entangled, power will continue to get support from Youge.

No matter whether the infected person adopts the method of elimination or isolation, it cannot hinder the self-growth of pollution.

Of course, if you are a higher-level professional, you can naturally eliminate the pollution with absolute power at once, but it is impossible for a higher-level person to be infected by the pollution.

By the time those polluters look for help, the pollution has completely corrupted them.

"Compared to the Red Seal, it is much more difficult and destructive."

You Ge silently raised his arm and looked at the red marks on the back of his hand.

Spirit flows in,

Instead of using yourself as the core of corruption and pollution, it is better to use the Devouring Eye in the Red Seal Universe as the core existence.


Throw yourself into the devouring eye,

The humans on the planet also instantly felt the gaze that came down from high in the sky,

The red words of prayer sounded,

Countless spiritual currents rush towards the Devouring Eye,

You Ge naturally responded. The huge mouth on his eyeballs opened, and all the human spirits offered by the lambs were swallowed in one gulp.

"The gods accepted us~"

A long-lost miracle,

In the eyes of these people, although Youge's actions were just an awakening of the gods from their deep sleep, they did represent recognition of them, the lambs.


An obscure piece of information flowed through everyone's hearts,

This paradoxical feeling made the lambs even more crazy, and the gods actually responded to them,

But what exactly are the rewards?

All the lambs prostrate themselves on the ground,

Waiting for God’s next move,

“The pious will grow and the hypocrites will be saved.”

A thought was also conveyed to everyone's hearts,

Also following the rules of the Royal City World,

Youge also follows the Level 10 level ladder here.

It’s just that there is only one person in this world, Thatcher Moore.

As his leader in this world, level is naturally the biggest reward given to him by You Ge. Lv10 is already equivalent to a simplified version of a humanoid nuclear bomb.

Now the method passed down by Youge is that the devout will have a connection with themselves similar to their professional roots. They will indirectly obtain the assistance from the Devouring Eye and then from themselves to break through Lv10 and reach Lv11.

As an ordinary world, this world

Although it is impossible to break through Level 10 independently, Youge can become a unique springboard here, thereby changing this phenomenon.

With rewards, there are naturally punishments,

The hypocrite's salvation is that Youge previously gained the ability to corrupt.

No matter what arrangements are made after Thatcher,

As long as these lambs do not comply with the rules, they will be corrupted again and turn into alienated creatures defined by Youge as redeemers. After living in an area planned by Thatcher, they will become an example for the lambs.

Either fighting, or attacking other hypocrites,

Although under the suppression of Youge's ability, no special pagan hypocrites will appear in this world, but after seeing the mutations caused by pollution, it is inevitable that all weird things will be born in unknown places.

So it’s better to take some precautions.

Just take this as an opportunity to restrain them and save yourself the trouble.

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