Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 30 Emergency call for mission

[Emergency call]

[Call for professionals in the Weeping Bone Mountains: limited to Lv5 and above. After ten days, you will go to the mountain mining area and reorganize in the form of a team to arrange related tasks. There is no limit on the number of people.]

[Task rewards will be issued according to the contribution of each team.]

After seeing the latest task pinned on the screen, Youge's jammer terminal also received new location information.

Compared with the one-sided information in the memory of its predecessor Hall, gold will provide completely different information.

[Receiver: Hall Azathoth, terminal information updated for the first time! Warning: This information is prohibited from being disclosed to non-professionals. Anyone who knows high-level detailed information will have information entanglements with the mountains. Non-professionals will be directly contaminated into low-level monsters when they are in passive information entanglements! ]

[In view of the fact that professional Hall Azathoth has reached Lv5, he has been informed of his first participation in the out-of-city mission. ]

After feeling a trace of malice from the outside world, Youge instantly raised his spirits. Just like the battle of the void, when he felt that the latter had the ability to block pollution, the trace of malice disappeared out of thin air.

At this time, the terminal also displayed the information of the Weeping Bone Mountains.

The Weeping Bone Mountains, one of the important reasons why the King City was built here, the huge mine at the foot of the mountain has always been one of the important material production bases that the King City cannot do without, and the other is the huge farmland between the mine and the King City.

Since the establishment of the King City, it has gone through countless cleanups before it was able to clear out this large area. Later, the Clockwork Center built a huge jammer and underground transportation line on the edge of the mountain to block the direct impact of the Weeping Bone Mountains on the direction of the King City, so that ordinary people can go mining and planting.

This time, a team of high-level professionals found special mineral materials in an alien nest while performing tasks on the mountain.

After the decision of the top leaders, a large number of professionals were needed to clean up the nearby aliens during the transportation process, so an emergency call task was launched.

[Weeping Bone Mountains Alien Sequence: lv1-Bone Beak, lv5-Stone Touch, Lv5-Weeping Bone, Lv10-Big Stone Touch, Lv10-Crushed Stone, Lv10-Melting Bone; Alien attributes have multiple changes, for reference only. 】

The Gold Club also provided information about monsters? ! Although it is just reference information, this still surprised Youge.

Lv1-Bone Beak: A sharp bone beak, hidden in the rocks, will drill into it madly once it attacks the body.

Lv5-Stone Tentacle: One of the upgrades of Bone Beak, it grows into stone tentacles after fusing different "stones", entangles and invasive attacks, do not approach easily.

Lv5-Crying Bone: One of the upgrades of Bone Beak, it has better mobility after attaching to the dead bones. Good at straight-line attacks, the sharp beak will make a crying sound when charging.

Lv10-Gravel: The most common alien in the mountains, as the name suggests, is composed of countless gravel. Do not let yourself be wrapped by gravel, otherwise you will have no chance to get out again.

Lv10-Big Stone Tentacle: A humanoid alien formed by the fusion of five stone tentacles. After the mutation for unknown reasons, the means of attack becomes to fuse any entangled enemy.

Lv10-Bone Fusion: Crying Bone advances, frantically looking for various bones to fuse into itself, and has a strong possessiveness for any bone material.

Of course, there can't be only so many anomalies in the huge mountains, but the Golden Association has already made a range of identification for the relevant professionals when arranging the tasks. As for the appearance of Lv10 in Youge's introduction, it is also thanks to the previous incident of the old god's breath that Youge was secretly included in a wider range of authority.


Of course, Youge didn't know that his previous things were discovered. Since this time it was a team action, it was much safer than a person. With the information provided by the Golden Association, he had great confidence that he could come back alive. In addition, he could also obtain information about "attributes" from others during this operation to fill some loopholes in his own strength!

Ten days, such a loose time requirement made all the professionals who got the news go to the mining area first. As long as they were not stupid, they could smell the unusualness of this time. I don't know what kind of materials actually require ten days of preparation time to summon professionals to return.

After resting for two days, Youge stepped into the "coffin" again.

Regarding the training of his own abilities, although Youge has been greatly improved after entering Lv5, it is more complicated than before.

After thinking about it, Youge decided to focus on improving the "blood" attribute of his job.

As for the attribute branches, whether it is will or force, the growth is still lower than the development of blood, and it cannot quickly increase its own combat effectiveness in a short period of time, although it does have a targeted effect in some special cases.

However, in the next team call task, Youge will definitely be reallocated in the direction related to "blood".

So for the ability improvement opportunity obtained from the "coffin" task, this time Youge is more inclined to improve blood, so that he can upgrade faster and increase Lv authority and obtain more intelligence information.

"Use ability improvement training"

This time there are three gates, the red blood attribute gate, the transparent will attribute gate and the last steel gate that exudes a heavy atmosphere.

It is obvious that Youge will face hellish training in the ability improvement, and the simulated opponents in the past are only to improve the actual combat ability in a side way.

After choosing the red door, Youge appeared in a medieval classical hall. There were candles flickering in the corner, naked angel statues on the stone pillars, and all the items were flowing with a dark divine design style.

"Newborn, come here."

Youge, who had been obsessed with the design style of the hall, did not notice that there was a person sitting on the throne in the hall.

"Lv??: Shadow King-Gabriel Belmont; Attribute: Blood,??"

Unable to check the level! After a flash of surprise, Youge also remembered who this person was: "Dracula!"

It was that Youge never thought that he could meet this big guy, no wonder he was a little familiar with the style in the hall.

"Newborn, give your blood!" Gabriel, who was leaning on the throne with his chin raised, spoke again, and his closed eyes were not attracted by Youge at all.

He bent his body slightly, and Youge was extremely excited to face this legendary figure.

A golden wine glass fell on the red carpet not far away, and after picking it up, Youge gathered his "blood" into it.

Before it was full, Gabriel spoke again: "It's ready, newborn!"

You Ge looked up and saw eyes that were as red as the crescent moon staring at him.

"Pure blood! It looks like a good offspring has been born. Tell me, why did you come to me? Wealth and power? Or my army!"

After hesitating for a moment, "Power! I want you to guide me in the direction of progress!"

"Hahahaha! Interesting."

"In all these years, you are the first person to make such a request! Hahaha!"

You Ge's answer made Gabriel feel more fun than before. It has been a long time since he saw such a newborn.

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