Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 31 Belmont's Teachings

Arrogance? Arrogance? Perhaps this is the inevitable emotion of this race. Since birth, there is no limit to life span. Compared with humans, a sense of superiority arises spontaneously. It is rare to see such interesting newborns.

"Attack me, let me see your strength!"

Getting up from the throne, he appeared in front of Youge in an instant! The wind blowing in his face was whistling.

In this case, Youge did not pretend to be hypocritical. He first attacked Gabriel with boxing, and vented all the things he learned from the two boxing masters on the latter.

"Not bad, not bad. It is indeed a good choice to learn more advanced skills when your own strength cannot be improved. It's a pity that this boxing is only for the human body, and it lacks a killer blow for us."

Youge had noticed this a long time ago, and then he began to use the gun technique. The blood-colored spear condensed on his arm continued to attack like a storm.

Gabriel on the other side flicked his finger every time and just hit the tip of Youge's gun. The useless blood gun returned without success every time.

Simply put, it is level suppression. In Gabriel's eyes, Yuge's spear skills are still too slow no matter how exquisite they are.

After breaking Yuge's blood spear, "Not bad, it has been able to gather into a shape, worth seeing!"

After stopping immediately, Yuge stopped and looked at Gabriel.

"??? Keep going, I see that the breath you reveal is not just these few attack methods!"

Hearing Gabriel's words, Yuge was stunned: "I mainly want to ask about the knowledge related to the 'blood' attribute! Others are too much to chew!"

"Oh, very smart! Then I will guide you to use the blood attribute!"


Gabriel returned to the throne and looked at Yuge standing below: "Do you like your power?"

"Like?! I haven't thought about it. I just want to go on this road and see a more brilliant scene!" Yuge hesitated for a while before answering Gabriel.

"Maybe you should feel your blood first. Even I have never seen such active feedback from any of my kind! Just like what I call you, 'newborn'!"

Gabriel's words reminded Youge of the skill description when he broke through Lv5:

"Resonance: The power of blood resonates with you subtly, and your use of blood will become more flexible!"

Since he felt the connection with blood after the breakthrough, he really didn't calm down to feel the changes in "blood".

He immediately sat down cross-legged.

"Newborn, I think you should lie down so that the blood can circulate more easily!"

Youge didn't have any opinions after hearing this, so he lay on the floor of the hall.

After concentrating his attention, the connection between himself and "blood" gradually became clearer, as if Youge's perception entered a bloody world after passing through a transparent light tube.

Since entering lv1, Youge has always thought that his "blood" is still the same as blood in the microscopic world as in the previous life's scientific theory, but it is not.

"Blood" is more like many tiny particles, and countless particles converge and flow in his body.

The blood core in the heart absorbs a small amount of "beneficial" particles from the air through the body, part of which is converted into new "blood", and the other part is converted into substances that are beneficial to the body and flow along the "blood" to replenish or even repair the energy consumption of the body!

Completely replace the original blood circulation of the human body!

And in Youge's perception, as long as this circulation is strong enough, it can completely replace all the circulation functions of the human body! Neither breathing nor food is necessary anymore!

Such "blood"! Completely subverted his original understanding of blood. This is simply a new substance. If such a substance is discovered in a technological world, humans can break the life span and no longer fear illness and evolve into super humans!

At this time, Gabriel's voice suddenly reached Youge's ears: "Try to condense your weapon again!"


After listening to Gabriel's words, the misty "blood" in Youge's perception field just came into contact with his mind command, and all became abnormally active.

All the particles rushed into his arms frantically!

"No! No!", when the consciousness followed the blood and transferred to the blood gun, the arrangement of these loose particles changed differently.

"Chemical bond!", yes, gas, liquid, solid!

Thanks to the four basic states of matter taught by the chemistry teacher, You Ge found inspiration instantly. As for the fourth state, it is probably not easy to achieve at present!

At this time, You Ge's attention was all focused on the internal structure of the blood gun. After countless blood particles condensed, the changes between the chemical bonds were completely random, full of chaos!

The other hand, which was idle, also quietly touched the weaker part and gently pinched it. The blood particles here in the consciousness also fluctuated rapidly, and the blood in other places instantly came to supplement the chemical bonds here! Become more stable, messy but solid filling!

"Tear down the east wall to repair the west wall!", Everyone understands this principle, but how can we change the disadvantages?

How could such a thing stump the students of Great China! Although Youge was not a material engineer in his previous life, he was still able to remember these basic knowledge. After all, he didn't learn everything in high school for nothing!

What shape is the most stable! An equilateral triangle! That's it!

After You Ge dispersed the blood spear in his hand, he began to condense it again. Unfortunately, Level 5 You Ge was still unable to control the blood particles in such detail to condense the spear.

After discarding most of it, a tiny tip finally formed on the fingertip.

A crystal-like tip filled with rich blood color but crystal clear!

Strength and sharpness are doubled.

"It seems you have gained something new!?" Gabriel's slightly teasing tone sounded in You Ge's ears: "Everyone's understanding of power is different. Since you have chosen this path , then you can only go on by yourself!”

"It's so interesting. Even I didn't have such a strange idea at the time!"

After slowly standing up, Gabriel pointed to Youge's heart and continued: "You must have felt the difference in the blood core again! Newborns, if they don't understand their own power, no matter how powerful the ability is, it will be just a passing moment. Fuyun. Feel your blood core more and take the initiative to strengthen it!”

Put all your consciousness on the blood core, and it's like seeing a round planet. The attraction around it constantly pulls the "beneficial" particles around and is sucked into it.

"Speed ​​up! Work harder!", these were the only words left in You Ge's mind, and the gushing obsession inadvertently made his face distort.

"Relax, that is your own core and not someone else's. It has been waiting for you to get close!"

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