Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 35 Unexpected Lv15 Alien

Silently, the four people hid in the back and watched quietly.



"Will these aliens have fusion events?"

Mason frowned at Velvet's question. [Fusion] This kind of thing happens half to low-level or frequently dying aliens, and even some humans with strange attributes sometimes take the initiative to fuse some alien limbs.

As a scholar, Mason had to look at the alien group in front again.

It seemed too calm. These aliens have not made any movement since the beginning.

Surrounding the outer layer of Lv1-bone beak, crawling inside Lv5-crying bone, Lv10-melting bone, and! ? Stone tentacles entangled with aliens from underground!

"No! The real aliens are underground, look at the tentacles hidden underground!"

Finally found it? Youge actually found that these aliens were just empty shells when he came here. After all, whenever he encountered aliens, "Coffin" would take the initiative to remind him if he wanted to know.

The names of these gathered aliens were followed by the suffix of empty shell or corpse. How could Youge not understand such obvious markings?

It was just that Youge did not remind him immediately due to the explanation, but Mason's observation was indeed meticulous. Youge did not notice the tiny tentacles emerging from the corpse!

"Back off, I'll use some gadgets to try what is underground!"

Several round balls fell out of the containment device behind him and were tightly grasped by Mason.

After retreating dozens of steps, Mason threw them to the ground. The balls piled up together, and after each of them popped out several miniature arms, they formed a strange device similar to a starfish.

"Lv8: Combined mechanical arm (enough arms, right? - Mason Spring)"

Really completely focused on the arm.

After completing the group, Mason pushed it out, and the arm repeatedly pushed on the ground and moved to the group of alien corpses under the gaze of several people.

The outermost bone beak turned into ashes with a light touch.

"No reaction? Keep going!" Mason's expression changed, and the combined arm moved to the inner Lv5.

This time it didn't turn into ashes completely, and the tentacles hidden underground shrank and then stopped moving.

After seeing this, Mason knew that the other corpses were probably just a cover, so he operated the combined arm to move to the internal stumps.

"Mason! Wait!"

Willer on the side suddenly grabbed Mason: "Look at your arm!" As soon as the voice fell, Wheeler condensed a defensive type [word] for Mason.

I saw that black spots had appeared on Mason's arm, and small black tentacles protruded from it.


Such a silent pollution, several people did not notice it at all,

and Weller's defense barely blocked the spread of the black spot, "Be careful, if it doesn't work, then give up!"

"It's just unconscious [pollution], but this is enough, let me try it first!"

While Mason was talking, he let the combined arm instantly hit the stump in front of him,

After a while of silence, the ground began to tremble, and dozens of stone tentacles as thick as thighs stretched out from under the stump.

Vilvit, who had been silent all the time, also exclaimed: "Lv15 alien!"

It is indeed Lv15. Youge, who is Lv6, can just see the information of aliens within ten levels. Youge also got a hint after the tentacles appeared in front of him.

"lv15: Juchu; Attributes: Earth, Melting; Characteristics: Tentacles"

Instead of marveling at Juchu's three attributes, it is better to focus on its huge body, a collection of tentacles like a sea urchin.

Luckily, the four retreated a lot of distance, and Juchu's longest tentacle had already slapped the place where they had just hidden several times.

"Using high-level residual limbs to forcibly merge and advance seems to be beyond our ability. Do you want to request support?" There was no fluctuation on Willer's calm face, but Mason on the side smiled slightly: "Of course, you can, just shout!"

Vilvette and Youge just watched the two of them silently and waited for the next step.

"What about you?"

With both hands, Youge didn't care. Although it was an unreachable Lv15 alien, he also believed that these people must have a trick in the bottom of the box. As for experiencing the pressure of Lv15 in advance, it was not impossible!

"Hehe, shout!"

Vilvette's chuckle made all the people laugh.

They are all arrogant people. If they encounter an enemy and don't try it, it would be embarrassing to run away directly.

Looking at the huge alien in front, Youge also wanted to try the new ability he learned from Gabriel.

Mason threw a pair of mechanical discs at the two close combatants, and instantly climbed onto the latter's shoulders: "Come on, I'll be the first to be wretched!"

After two snaps of his fingers, Willer also nodded.

Vilvette and Youge chose a direction and went around it, at least the battle would not immediately affect the logistics personnel.

"There are a total of ten tentacles, three large, four medium and three small, and an unknown part hidden underground. Is the core hidden there?"

"It is very likely that this type of alien may also have a sub-core, and after death, a part of it escapes and recovers again!"

"This is a bit troublesome." Youge frowned and it was indeed troublesome.

"I'll go up and try first. I'm a speed type, and Lv8 won't let you, a Lv6, go up and die!"


As soon as the voice fell, dust floated on Velvet's feet and the whole person quickly ran out.

Attribute equipment!

Then Yuge had no choice. He had no money and no power and could only rely on his hands. Thinking of the few people in Hall's family, he decided to forget it.

After the speed increased greatly, Velvet did not hesitate. The black dagger in her hand kept cutting the tentacles. Trying to get close to the center, she was not only attacked by three small tentacles but also besieged by other tentacles.

After circling the inside for a few circles, she withdrew.

As if dissatisfied with her flexibility, stone spikes appeared on the ground around Velvet and stabbed her.

After quickly flashing out of the range, he said while being alert: "There is a stone protective layer on the skin, which requires two times to pierce. The small tentacles inside are weakly protected but have the ability similar to [ablation]."

After taking a deep breath: "There may be more than three tentacles in the inner core. There is a sense of peeling after looking at it."

As soon as the voice fell, Velvet dodged to the side.

At this time, four red clockwork mechanical arms also flew out from Mason's direction. "High-temperature mechanical arms with [fire] attributes, rest assured, I will assist you with the attack!"

After receiving the information, Youge did not continue to hide and joined the attack.

With the acceleration assistance of Wheeler and the mastery-level footwork, he would not be besieged by several tentacles and unable to escape.

"Boom!", approaching the core again, the mechanical arm grabbed a tentacle and attacked instantly with Velvet.

"The core has [pollution] abilities, so don't touch it easily." Mason in the back immediately shouted, and a dark black stain appeared on his palm.

After withdrawing again, Velvet was also a little worried.

On the other side, Youge, who had taken off a large number of tentacles, also began to explode.

Compared to Velvet's [evil] attribute dagger, his blood has more attack power and the [force] and Wheeler's speed-type [word] increase 1+1+1 far greater than 3,

the stone skin on the outside was pierced directly.

Compared to the ten-meter-long tentacle, this wound can only be considered a minor injury. Of course, it is impossible that it was just one hit.

When Velvet rushed to the core, Yuge used his gun skills to continuously damage various parts of the tentacle.

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