Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 36 All-out Attack

When Mason shouted, Youge also noticed something different. There was also a sense of disobedience in the wound where he cut his tentacles.


He backed away slightly, shook his head, gathered his [intention] and began to resist.

"Information pollution: High-level heterogeneous universal abilities have a suppressive effect on low-level ones!"

High-level heterogeneous universal abilities are much more advanced than the infections encountered in the sewers. The abilities of the aliens encountered before were to infect and mutate others, just like genetic mutations. For example, those SAT team members all mutated themselves. Based on the mutation of strange abilities.

Of course, the Eye of the Old God in the ruins has long lost its original power, leaving only a trace of residual aura affecting the surrounding area. Only the sirens who have lived inside for many years have undergone a series of changes. The originally good mermaid has become The ugly siren completely breaks through the limits of species.

At that time, if Youge touched at least one arm of the sculpture, he would not want it anymore.

The information pollution here is directly changed from the information. As long as the low-level people are not held back, they will essentially change and become the same alien species.

Of course, this is also the main means for most heterogeneous groups to develop! After a powerful unknown flashes slightly in the void, everyone who sees it will turn into some strange existence, that's what it means.

After being protected by his own consciousness, Youge is naturally no longer afraid of such attacks. At least he will not lack the root sutra to have the idea that he is also a Jitu.

And because the [blood] contaminated by attack contact could be used once less, now it can only be consumed more.

"Hall! Hall!" After flashing out of the core and seeing Yuge's face, Velvet immediately shouted,

"It's okay! There is [contamination] on the wound too, be careful!"

Being distracted during a battle is extremely fatal. Unfortunately, before the tentacles could attack, a transparent layer of light flashed across the arm behind them, and the forearms also unfolded and turned into shields to block the tentacles' attacks!

Perfect blocking.

After seeing that both sides were fine, the two made eye contact and continued to attack.

In area A, gather some people in black armor.

"Sir, a special type of alien has been discovered in the middle of Area B."

The man in black armor turned around: "Which team is responsible for the area?"

"Squad Six!"

"Well don't worry about it, leave it to them!"

"Sir, yes!" Seeing the indifferent look on the black-armored man's face, the soldier who passed the order no longer asked any more questions. Presumably, those newcomers with talent would be the ones who could save the Lord from sending additional manpower for support.

On the other side, where You Ge and others fought.

"Weller?! Can you do it? It's been so long and you haven't finished yet?" Mason urged anxiously while looking up at the battlefield.

I saw Weller continuously typing strange [characters] on the ground. Looking at the entire area surrounding the center of the battlefield, there were already four places marked with special [characters] by Weller.

"This is the last one, be ready soon!" Sweat broke out on his head, and it was a bit difficult for Weller to work on such a huge [character] for the first time.

"Okay! Hall, Weir, quit immediately!".

In the blink of an eye, all the [characters] surrounding the five places on the battlefield shook, just as You Ge and the others retreated.

From these five places, a large amount of fluctuations continued to pour out, rushing crazily from the ground to the center of the dwelling.

The air in the center seemed to be distorted,

Weller's expression lifted: "It's really troublesome, but it's still effective!"

Turning his attention to Juchu's body, he saw that the part hidden underground was constantly trembling, as if it was enduring some pain.

However, things are not as simple as they seem. From a scientific point of view, Weller uses five special [words] to continuously release [sound] with speed. Everyone knows that sound can be reflected. In the case of special properties, The sound from these five places is constantly reflected, expanded and accelerated. When it pierced the center, it was reflected again and accelerated to pierce again. This was also when facing a huge and immobile alien like Juchu, if it had been more flexible, it would have been out of the way.

Of course, Weller's original idea was not just to use a large amount of [sound] to destroy the home. Now, after several accelerated reflections, being absorbed and reflected by five [points] and then absorbed again is no longer what Weller thought. Such a simple thing.

Starting from the centermost point, the earth's crust began to vibrate together. It was visible to the naked eye that there was a cluster-like transmission phenomenon in the five points connected by straight lines in the cracks on the surface.

"Weller?! Did you really do this?" Even though Mason had been walking behind with Weller, he never expected that such a simple [word] could cause such huge damage.

"I didn't expect this. Originally I just wanted to force it out of the ground, but now it seems to have done something amazing!"

Weller narrowed his eyes and carefully observed the changes. Even though he had the attribute of [sound], it was now completely beyond his control.

Sound wave clustering! Youge could tell what was happening underground at a glance, but he didn't expect Weiler to unexpectedly come up with such black technology.

Although the endurance of aliens is far stronger than that of humans, they may not be able to please them under such increasingly intensive cluster attacks.

The land was completely shattered, and the sound wave cluster established in the nearby circulation also deviated from its original trajectory.

Without the blessing from the base array [Word], it passed through Ju Hu's body for the last time and dissipated in the air.

Yuge wiped his sweat silently. If it was stronger, could it be possible to make a crustal oscillator? However, in the future, Willer might be able to develop this idea and it would be possible!

After the underground cluster cycle was broken, the tentacles hidden underground finally revealed their entire body, like the roots of an old tree, with fleshy root tentacles intertwined on the broken stones. The pink fleshy round body had mottled visible broken marks. If you don't look at those root tentacles, it now looks like a broken pink egg.

"Don't stand there! Let's attack it together before it recovers."

Vilvette took the lead and rushed to the alien that had made her fail several times.

Pah pah pah! Willer also reacted and kept giving defense to Yuge and Velvette. As the two arrived inside, more concentrated [pollution] entangled around them.

After looking at each other, they occupied the two sides of the Jutsu separately.

Mason's mechanical arm was now completely transformed into a cone-shaped spear with the attribute of [fire], and stabbed at the center of the root of the Jutsu together.

Such a fierce blow stopped when it penetrated about 20 centimeters. Then a thick black gas stained the weapons of several people, and the seven huge tentacles on the outside broke away, leaving only three smaller tentacles.

This time, the two people did not hesitate at all and even abandoned all the weapons and mechanical arms in their hands, and they all melted away before falling to the ground.

"Lv15: Heart of Jutsu; after abandoning the huge tentacles on the outside, all abilities are concentrated on the core, defense is strengthened, and the touch of melting."

"Hiss!", Youge took a breath of cold air, his body became smaller, his defense was strengthened, and he also had this touch of melting. He silently saw that the only three remaining tentacles were stained with pieces of black, which was not easier to deal with than before.

"Mason is injured! His arm is completely [contaminated] I need to do my best to help him expel it. Next, you should be careful, and call for support directly if it doesn't work!"

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