Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 391 Maggot Pile

He is not him, but he still exists,

After Henderson swallowed the insect eggs, he stumbled to the basement. In the darkness, Henderson lost any sense of the outside world. His skin, internal organs, muscles and other body materials all turned into small white circles. Click down,

Small round white particles, like loose sand, were scattered in a circle along the white bones in the center of the basement.

Going deeper into the ground little by little, then disappearing little by little,

After the white bones sat alone in the darkness, the ground finally began to see traces of soil being pushed away. Maggots appeared one after another and clung to the white bones again. They pushed each other forward and backward, and the white insect bodies After swaying from side to side, the entire corpse was submerged,

They are all maggots hatched from those white particles,

It brought out the slightest unusual aura, and as the ground gradually sank, it turned into a white maggot hill.


The basement fell into complete silence,

No fluctuations,

But outside, something even crazier was discovered. His girlfriend’s servant broke into the Henderson home.

"Miss has given you a chance, but now? You have no chance.\

,"Several servants carried the remaining women in the family and dragged them out one by one. The wailing sound spread throughout the manor.

"Macri, help me, I promise you what you said before! Please help me, please! I will do anything for you!" A maid who was torn out looked at the crowd with scars. The man behind the servant was Master Henderson's bodyguard. He had always liked Henderson's mother's maid, but the dirty look every time the trader came back made the maid look down on her.

Dirty, yes, it is impossible for a merchant to pay attention to cleanliness along the way, and as a guard, he will definitely work harder along the way.

"What, guard, I can ask for the young master in the future."

Under the unknown side, this maid has actually had an affair with Master Henderson for a long time. She does not ask the young master to give her any status, but she will definitely follow the young master in the future and serve him well.

"Huh, really? Macri! Cut out her tongue!" The leading servant showed no mercy at all. He looked at Macri and handed out a knife.

Looking at Macri with a sinister look, no one can disobey the lady's order!

"Well!" As a guard above Level 20, Macri's eyes only flashed with a trace of sadness, and then he cut out the tongue of the woman he had sworn to protect for the rest of his life. He waved his long knife and said nothing. If the maid had any chance to resist and speak, the only thing that could be considered merciful was that after Macri cut off the still beating tongue, he sealed the other party's wound with attribute power.

This was his last act of mercy.

"Henderson! I know you are nearby! Our people saw you! What? You eavesdropped on the lady's conversation, and now you don't dare to come forward? You cowardly young master?!?"

Young Master, this is Henderson's nickname. Because of his size and rank, he was bullied in the Royal City College. Young Master, this smallness does not mean that he is a good thing, and this matter, Henderson also He only told his girlfriend as an adult, drunk of course,

Now, this name appears again in the manor,

Like a magic sound, after resounding several times,

Finally it reached the basement,

The pile of maggot flesh jumped a little, and the slow pile of maggot flesh, which was squirming and addicted, also started to move little by little,

Another taunt, but about Henderson's mother,

"Is this your mother? Crazy? Did you eat something that you shouldn't eat? Do you know? The flowers that the lady sends to your mother every day are all with special powder, and your mother likes them Eat the magic bee honey transported by the caravan, go crazy, why don't you just die? Can't you even tell the difference between real and fake honey? What qualifications does such a family have to continue to operate this trade route?

Why didn't he die?

The mother who was caught by the hair screamed desperately on the ground, seeming to understand what the other party meant, but unfortunately, she could not help.

At this time, the maggots in the basement finally began to rotate normally, and the maggots were squirming and crawling one after another.

Creaking and trembling sounds also continued to appear in the basement.

He wants to stand up,

An extremely deep mental wave appeared in the manor. He wanted to stand up! He wants to kill the person who spoke!

who is he? Is it Henderson? Seems to be! probably!

No matter who it is, he just wants to stand up now!

"Sir! It's Henderson's spirit, but it seems to be parasitized by something?" The person beside him whispered. It was the guard who was escorting Henderson with Macri, but he was Henderson. Sent by his girlfriend to support Henderson's career, this guard kept Henderson under surveillance day and night.

"Well, take someone in and find him!", Parasitism? How could an ordinary young master really be stronger than them? Everyone present didn't believe it.

When the door of the house is opened again, this group of people will finally discover the strange fluctuations coming from the basement.


After nodding, the two men held up shields with unknown animal horns and slowly pushed open the basement.

"Sir, it looks like an alien. Could it be that Henderson is planning to fuse the alien?" The lights were turned on, and a strong breath came out. It really looked like that. It was really like fusing an alien.

"So what? Destroy him completely. Miss doesn't want him to have any chance of survival!"

As soon as the voice fell, everyone filed in.

They flew down the steps of the basement. Fusion? These people knew that when the alien was fused, it was the weakest time. If they didn't attack at this time, would they have to wait until the end?

"Attack!" After turning the corner, they saw the group of white maggots that were still trying to stand up.

After smashing the weapons in their hands at the maggots one by one, various attributes directly produced an explosive chain reaction in the basement.

These people really killed them. They all attacked with all their strength. There was no possibility of letting the other party survive.

"Henderson! I know it's you! Stop! Or commit suicide! Otherwise, your sister and mother will die!" The attack was ineffective, and the leader spoke again. After pulling down Henderson's family members, the weapon in his hand cut a wound on the face of the mother who was still moving wildly.

Henderson? Mother? The white maggot pile really slowed down a little, and the fluctuations around it also became slightly softer.



The maggot group became softer and softer, and a trace of something that was completely unnoticed flowed out, climbing up the humans who surrounded the maggot group, as well as the mother, the sister, and the several maids who were sluggish outside, all of whom were quietly wrapped in it.

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