Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 392 Origin

"Hahahaha! You are such an obedient dog. The young lady just likes you like this. What a pity, why didn't you agree to the young lady's proposal? You had to go into battle and lead the caravan yourself."

Seeing that the maggots in front of him were not as crazy as before, the servant even smiled. Your three achievements are already good, what else do you want to continue to promote the family? How could a small nobleman have such a trade route and still dream of expanding it? Do you really think there are more advanced professionals in your family?

Look at the guy behind him, huh, he's just an abandoned child who just happened to be adopted by the grandfather of this family. At level 20, he can barely support the scene. As for the others, he meets a few powerful aliens, but it's still not enough.

"Sir? Do you feel strange?"

Another person next to the leader suddenly spoke, with a hint of solidification in his eyes, and mechanically twisted his neck.

"What's so weird? Can he be killed by a lv10 guy?" Such inappropriate words made his originally complacent mood cool down in an instant, and the trace of bitterness in his mouth made him even more confused. uncomfortable,

Bitter? Um? Why is it sour?

The leader spit out a mouthful of sour saliva. In the thick saliva, the smooth surface that glowed under the light actually had the illusion of a little bit of squirming.


"Sir~", the voice of the person who spoke just now also began to change, but relatively speaking, there was nothing abnormal in that person's self-awareness.

Thoughts fall into "creep", actions fall into "creep\

,"The most frightening thing is the sentence of an adult,

"Squirming sound"

The leader shook his hand, was he really going to be killed?

ah? That woman?

Looking down, the woman who was still a little crazy suddenly stopped. She fell to the ground, and little bits of white appeared on her body.

"What kind of alien is this? Do you know? What is this?" The leader yelled and kicked away the person next to him who had just made a squirming sound. His face was full of horror. How could a guy at Level 10 be raped? Should aliens of different levels choose to fuse to invade humans?

Impossible, then the sweepers would have come to the door long ago instead of them. Could it be that they were lucky enough to hit the muzzle of the gun?

"Go! Retreat! Go and clean up the pollution on your body!"

Not bad, I still know with common sense that the mutation of my companion must be pollution, and I have also been contaminated, but the companion's level is too low, and the attributes are not very advantageous. The first one is regarded as cannon fodder.

The rest of the people turned their heads for a moment, and with a slight delay, they all rushed out of the basement.


Things are not as simple as they thought,

Taking the first step out of the basement, they were still able to walk on both legs. Then they stepped out of the door. They all lowered their bodies, as if maggots had bent over. After finding a direction one by one, they started The mad rush in their knowledge,

One step at a time, two steps at a time,

There were many traces left on the ground, many traces of being dragged and causing nearby items to fall and the ground to be pulled.

till the end,

At the end of these traces, there was only one pair of hands sticking out of a huge pile of maggots, still crawling outward.

There was a wave of fluctuation in the basement again,

It was a call to return home,

These hands were swallowed up by the pile of maggots, and then stretched out in the opposite direction. Under the tug, one by one began to crawl towards the house again. Countless maggots landed on nearby leaves, statues, and water.

Then quietly hide and squirm.

The basement door is closed,

A white figure also sat up, and four bodies also covered with maggots were placed in front of him.

elder sister? Mother? Father? Maid?

If that white figure was Henderson, that would be it.

"Ah~ (squirming)" was what he was saying. The four corpses on the ground stood up. They looked at Ryan who appeared in the basement at this time.

I'm Henderson. The figure raised its head,

Henderson My Name. The human figure is covered in maggots and squirms, with white bones occasionally exposed.

Yes, he is Henderson, and he knows his name is Henderson, but he doesn’t know anything else, or in other words, he doesn’t want to know. He just needs to know who he is, and Henderson does. Still existing and alive!

The four corpses instantly merged into a huge maggot aggregate that looked like five fingers, and a slight sound reached Ryan's ears.

The meaning of creeping, creeping force field,

Squirm, squirm!

Ryan's ears were completely surrounded by creeping pheromones. The piles of pheromones were only produced and spread from the direction of Henderson for the first time, and the ones that followed were completely produced by themselves after being transmitted to Ryan's ears. out.

"It seems like it's really that person's legacy, or is it a legacy that has undergone other changes?"

Black smoke floated in Ryan's ears, and after burning those crawling sounds, he remembered some information he had shared with the sweepers before. An insect professional outside the city took off his human body and transformed into a human. After a worm, it completely burrowed into the ground.

"Transformation, almost ultimate transformation."

This is the conclusion given by the sweeper. That professional has been looking for some strange plants to constantly stimulate himself to obtain rebirth from the soul.

And the result was naturally as he expected.

He was indeed reborn. The insect-type professional really got what he wanted. He laid an egg and shed his human form.

"The creeping human nature"

To put it simply, this insect-type professional got rid of the inherent cognition of humans, and thus re-established his own cognition from this new body after the transformation.

It was really a bold move. Completely changing one's cognition was actually equivalent to leaving the human race. Who would dare to do this except a madman? And burrowing underground? Doesn't that professional plan to see the sun?

Even if his human nature is extracted, he still has the old human memory. Well, maybe, the other party has completely lost the human way of thinking and cognition. The underground may be more tempting to him.

And this insect egg, after circulating in the hands of many people, disappeared from the sight of human transactions. Maybe it was used by someone, or maybe it was used as material for some strange ideas.

Now, it looks like he was eaten by this guy.

Ryan looked at the attack in front of him, full of helplessness. This guy is not just a creeping human nature.

That insect egg,

It can be said to be abandoned, but it is still an "egg". After so long, I didn't expect that under the nurturing of "human nature" and "creeping", it finally created such a guy who actually touched the essence.

Although the level is still lower than Ryan, the effect is completely equivalent to a perverted genius like Xiao Youge.

"The most unfortunate thing is you, you are completely in a state of [out of control], otherwise I would choose to help you. The black team also lacks such talents."

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