Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 409 Return to Blood Rain Divine City

"Oh~ ok." Pikeyu glanced at Youge, then directly stretched out his hand to suck up the breath outside the opponent's body using the ghoul's touch under his feet.

Apart from anything else, Pikyu, who has the control of Ghoul Touch, has no problem with this.

After pulling away, Pike continued to lust after the aliens below for a few more times, then turned around and left here. After all, it was his own people who wanted to come here, so they still had to do what they should do.

As for You Ge, he only briefly read about the Demon Spider Sacrifice mentioned by Pike, and was immediately struck by the familiar ding-dong sound in his ears.

"Mandatory mission: Preparation of the Demon Spider Priest, breaking through level 25."

"Mission description: Every time a god pays attention to you, it means that there is an essential information that is gradually approaching you. Too much essential information will directly burst mortal life. Countless knotty legs have begun to creak around you. Hibiki, try your best to carry them."

"Solidization Skill: Word of the Soul"

"Countdown to the preparation time of the Spider Priest: seven days and twenty hours."

"Um, seven days." Breaking through to Level 25 in seven days is not possible even for geniuses who have not been seen in billions of years. Those races that are naturally powerful only have good foundations, and they cannot reach the so-called Level 25 by being born step by step. These also require you to improve your attributes step by step.

"Kahayu, what on earth did you do?" Yuge, who was a little confused, suddenly didn't know what to choose. He could only contact Kahayu to ask. After passing this information by the way, Kahayu was also stunned for a moment,

"I did not do anything."

"Where are your subordinates, the Demon Spider? Have you told them?"

"No. I just asked Pike about some sacrifices, but they haven't been carried out yet."

The two of them were facing each other in the spiritual world, not knowing what to do at all.

"The mission stated that it was the preparation of the Demon Spider Priest. Maybe there is something wrong within the Demon Spider Clan. You should probably go and have a look." Yuge thought for a long time, and finally felt that something happened to Kahayu. Unexpected: "I'll hide in other worlds and try to break through Level 25 within five days. For the rest, you'd better get to know the people inside the Demon Spider Clan better."

"Well." Kahayu could only bite the bullet and go find the so-called current Demonic Spider High Priest. Even with this body that has been perfectly integrated for so long, he even occasionally communicated with those spiders in the dreamland. The existence of Leng Zhidao, the descendant of God, still did not choose to contact the inside of the Demon Spider Clan.

Facing those old guys, I always feel like my thoughts can be seen through, so I feel more comfortable just being my second-tier priest.

After cutting off the connection with Kahayu, Yuge could only look for the world with the greatest time flow speed from the world he already controlled.

The Red Seal World has the smallest proportion, and it has no effect at all for more than ten days, and the modified earth controlled by Elosili has not exceeded that much.

Now the only thing that can make You Ge gain something, and the time flows very fast is the original world of the Eight-Eyed Rat Man. Perhaps this time, after completely destroying the obstacles of the Eight-Eyed Rat Man in this world, it can still be restored. Really able to get some good stuff.

"Fourth line of development." Suddenly, there are many things behind You Ge, pollen wetland, new rat city construction, spider priest, breakthrough level 25, if you include the incarnation of the gill people who are still being bred, it is the fifth line. Yes,

Of course, if You Ge knew that there was an unexpected person waiting for him over there in Black Crow Gu, maybe You Ge would want to give up a few useless things completely.

In the past, there was nothing to do in the old city, and you could still rest. Now that you are truly in a high position, things just happen to you.


The world of eight-eyed rat people,

The huge and huge Blood Rain Divine City stands proudly on the earth. A round of eye-shaped bloody red sun has completely floated in the sky. With a little illusion, it disappears into the dark clouds, making the entire Divine City completely filled with dilution. In the sparse rain of blood,

The entire divine city is divided into two parts. One is the original site of the divine city controlled by the core of the rat people. It was completely converted from the heart of the original demon city.

The ruined divine city outside is a special ruined building that was finally formed by the continuous development of the rat people over the past 7,000 years. It is occupied by various derivative rat people and parasites.

Regardless of the fact that the outer perimeter is just ruins, there are also intricate and intricate passages inside, giving those foreigners who had planned to sneak into the Blood Rain Divine City no chance of overcoming it.

Moreover, these ruins are also an indispensable ecological circle for the rat people.

Insects, algae, fungi, and all kinds of mutated food are all growing here, especially the blood raindrops from the sky, which have spawned countless strange creatures.

Although there is nothing special about the demon rat race, it has truly enriched their lives.

Of course, this part is just the appearance. In the past 7,000 years, the most important thing about the rat people is their preference for the underground.

An underground palace far beyond the divine city was built. Pipes, bridges, and special plants were spawned to completely support the entire underground. The place where it was connected to the ruins would be a bottomless abyss if other races fell into it. , completely unable to find the direction, and only the rat people could instinctively move in and out of these palaces freely.

The abandoned city of demon rats, the bloody rain city, the underground palace of the demon nest, the scarlet land, the curse of stench, the land of screaming plague, and so on constantly tell the final fate of every foreign adventurer who wants to conquer this place.

And on this day,

an unprecedented vibration and wind pressure appeared above the city of gods, and a clearer and deeper connection also appeared in the hearts of all ratmen.

The true body of the corrupted devouring eye ate a large part of Mars, and then the corrupted devouring eye with a complete appearance descended above the bloody rain city of gods.

Accompanied by the harsh sound of the air being rapidly repelled, all the rats finally began to kneel down to Youge from underground, from the city of gods, and from all over the continent.

"My God! My God's true body is coming! God is coming! Redemption is coming!"

The ratmen's murmurs sounded, shocking many forces that closely followed the ratmen's movements.

The word "God is coming" is not unfamiliar.

Especially in the rise of the ratmen, God's coming represents many special things.

The seven-day blood rain was reborn, and the gods enlightened the first eight-eyed demon rat and sent down the gods' city to bring prosperity, knowledge, and great blessings.

And it has been circulated among the ratmen that every time the gods come, it will be the moment of the rise of the ratmen.

Especially the last time Youge appeared, the ratmen raised the [Corruption God Punishment] to make the whole continent chaotic. If it weren't for the sudden emergence of the undead race to resist the ratmen's attack, the whole continent would fall into the control of the ratmen.

"Your God? It looks like the continent is going to be in chaos again. It's been a thousand years of peace and stability." Some old guys who have lived for a long time are not completely unaware of this. In a moment of illusion, they also saw the ferocious big eyeballs.

A name sounded in their hearts, and endless fear immediately filled their hearts.

"Corruption Devouring Eye, Crimson Devil"

Sometimes being strong is not always a good thing.

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