Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 410 Rat Clan Yesyes (1)

To a certain extent, You Ge is not very concerned about the rat people. Although he secretly looks at the changes in the world in his spare time, in fact, compared with the eight-eyed rat people in the royal city, the care here is indeed Much less.

At this time, at the top of the Blood Rain City, the current ruler of the rat people, the horned rat Dagu, who represents the source of all chaos and evil in this world, knelt down quietly in front of a young man who looked like a human. ,

"My God."

Dagu lowered his head, and the countless horns that stretched out wildly on his body were all restrained, and even the red eyes that usually appeared in front of the rat man lost any trace of ferocity.

Blood raindrops flowed around the young man's side, converging into eye-like patterns and blending into the city.

"Dagu, it's been seven thousand years." The barrenness of this world has not allowed Dagu's level to grow much, but it is much better than the red seal world with no resources. Lv25, Fortunately, before achieving the Great Horned Rat Dagu, the Seal of the Horned Rat obtained by You Ge had already created a template for divinity. Otherwise, in 7,000 years, Dagu might have disappeared long ago.

Divine indifference, through the connection with the other party, Youge has a clear view of Dagu's heart. Now he has completely integrated into this identity, and all the tenderness and memories of the past have been completely wiped out by him.

Divinity is unique. Apart from his own active choice to sleep or die, Dagu's life will almost never end. Now he has not fully integrated into the ability that represents his divine personality, and has already exceeded the conventional life form. .

"Yes, my god." Dagu presented a delicious answer. In the past seven thousand years, Dagu could not have made any achievements at all. The blood he specially reserved from the hands of hundreds of millions of creatures who died in his hands He kept it intact in the underground palace, a bottomless blood pool, cared for by countless bloody rat-men, waiting for You Ge's arrival.

After You Ge’s crimson light shone on all his dependents,

Dagu has also developed unique rat-men. Although they do not have the power represented by crimson, for blood attributes, these rat-men are far easier to control than ordinary rat-men.

A few years ago, after the blood rat people completely sealed this blood pool, they were waiting for You Ge's return.

"Huh? Well done." Looking at the cup of liquid from the blood pool in front of him, You Ge clearly sensed the energy contained in it. Apart from anything else, from repairing the Corrupted Devouring Eye, In terms of purpose, it can indeed restore the big eyeballs to some extent, and coupled with the convenience of being a blood attribute, it can also make the big eyeballs easier to absorb.

"My God, there is one thing." Seeing the joy on You Ge's face, even the indifferent Big Horned Rat breathed a sigh of relief, and then finally told him something that was difficult to say: "The rat people worship you. The changes in the [Clan] have caused some unexpected changes in the way of belief. There may also be some resistance to your image among the rat people."

"Huh? Belief methods and images?"

You Ge has always asked the people below to use red words or red seals as sacrifices. Occasionally, it is okay to let others look at the eyes of corruption and devouring, but for human images? He really didn't pay much attention to this. Just like him on ordinary days, a suit of clothes made of Elosili is enough.

But after this initial change, the appearance began to remain unchanged for thousands of years. Even some of the clothes 01 arranged for him were completely ignored.

In doubt, the blood of death was everywhere. After connecting to the city, he instantly found the small statues that existed more or less everywhere.

Countless rats and even some aliens who didn’t understand why began to murmur under the statue. Fortunately, it was communication based on information, and with the help of the soul language given by the coffin, Youge was able to fully understand what these aliens were saying. means to do,

Most of the people who can speak are like rats, and when they look at the statue, they express respect for the faceless man in red.

And some that look like plants or animals express respect for the statues when they dance some movements. Of course, there are also some strange aliens who don’t know why, and rat-men who don’t know their whims, killing prey from time to time. Pour the blood on the head of the statue, or cut some wounds directly on your body, and drip the blood to dye the faceless face of the statue red.

"Huh? Wait, where is your sect?" Youge suddenly remembered the worship of the horned rat before. I'm afraid it's not something mixed together. After looking at the horned rat, what kind of strange thing can bring the rat people to the enemy? Totally twisted? Twisted into a different situation?

"My God, my sect has completely become a bodyguard, stationed in this divine city, and everyone believes in you." There are only tens of thousands of people in the Great Horned Rat's sect, and they all believe in Youge. .

"Well, why are there such big differences in the following ways of belief?" Although they are all expressions of belief, Yu Ge still had many small questions after seeing many intestines and the like surrounding the statues. mood. For a moment, Youge forgot about the so-called image change of the horned rat, and was completely attracted by the alien belief methods of those rat people.

Of course, there is more to it than that. Let’s not talk about the appearance of the statues. Facing different rat-men, the statues that are almost the same actually have different movements. They raise their hands high, drag a large piece of brain of some unknown animal, and bleed continuously. At least it is not separated from the word blood, otherwise it would be blasphemy.

As for those who are more violent, they pierce some prey and enemies on some tiny protrusions of Youge’s statue. After being torn, the statue is stained with fragmented internal organs and filth, which they regard as the most pious dedication.

Of course, this is not all.

For Youge’s special appearance, there is a dark underground passage full of various eyes. Under a two-meter-high statue, there is a pile of eyeballs more than one meter high.

When looking outside through the statue, Youge can see many one-eyed ratmen. I’m afraid they have also donated their own eyeballs.

"My God, it is the differences of [clans]. In response to changes in the environment, the ratmen developed different clans and characteristics, which completely divided the entire ratmen and made them have a more hierarchical and complete social system."

If it was just the development of clans and the enrichment of ratmen, the big horned rats would not have allowed such changes.

In fact, this is the condition that can truly stimulate the progress of ratmen society, but I didn't expect that when clans and differences appeared, the ratmen would have walked out of their own uniqueness and also had a cognitive reversal in concepts.

Except for the commonality of the original demon rats, it is like a huge natural chasm, and the clan distinction that cannot be painful.

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