Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 421 The floating city crashes

Nehka chose [Death] as his belief. In that era of great power poverty, it was not without reason that he dared to make such a choice, because he saw resurrection in death, and he saw the more distant and fascinating great prospect.

Sitting on the Immortal Throne, holding high the Immortal Emperor,

Death is immortal!

Neheka, who once occupied the top position, chose to retire and disappeared completely in front of everyone with his former guards. Except for some people who knew his thoughts, only his successors at that time knew the other party's purpose.

Inherited from generation to generation, recorded from generation to generation, and from generation to generation, elite humans who were about to die were sent to a place to make a choice,

Submit to the Tomb King, the Immortal Emperor, Neheka, the last hope of mankind.

Or die.

"King, there is a ratman's passage underground, three thousand meters below." Until the ghost flew out of the ground again, Neheka was sure that the ratmen definitely did not just want to deal with humans.

Looking at the former emperor still wandering in the ruins outside, the fire in Neheka's skull was vibrated.

He also saw the ratman's god, but it was different from others. The deep red light for others had no effect on this group of undead favored by death. It was not just the attributes, but more of Neheka's strength. The accumulation of countless years made him completely exceed the limits of those humans outside who were subject to lifespan restrictions.

And just like the great horned rat, with enough time, he will achieve greatness sooner or later.

"Call, revenge, set off!"

Countless black smoke and dust floated out from behind the throne.

It was a dark death passage, also connected to a cold underground world, but not as deep as the ratman's tunnel, and more of it went to the barren mountains further north, covered with snow without any resources or vitality, a perfect hiding place.

Even if the ratman passed by here, they would just treat it as an ordinary dead place.

As the dust scattered, bursts of roars sounded behind Neheka.

With neat steps, the earth began to tremble, and a black line was revealed in the ruins. The ghosts, skeletons, armies, and battle formations buried in the ruins, the last trump cards of mankind accumulated for countless years, finally came out at this moment.

The target ratman base camp, Blood Rain God City·Demon Rat Waste City! ——

"Is this the mother of the mine that the adults want?", Elosli, who shuttled to a few kilometers away from the Goblin Empire and outside the warning range, looked at the huge mountain range emitting faint force field fluctuations from a distance, full of surprise.


Even though he had secretly come here before, the Horned Rat was full of curiosity when he looked at the towering mountains and the floating cities surrounding it.

From the memory bank, the Horned Rat also knew the general name for this extraordinary building, [Black Technology], but this time, this black technology would be completely destroyed in his hands.

"Just rob it?" Elosli just hummed casually. What the adults want must be given to the adults!

"Okay, the rats are ready, Miss Elosli, you?"

"Wait, let them step back, hehe.", Rat people? Elosli didn't want to be so troublesome. Even though there were countless mycelium people who were transformed in other ways on her earth, it was really a troublesome thing for her. If it wasn't for the adults' request, they would have been eaten long ago.

And now,

Elosli wanted to take down the huge ore mother that was far away at one time. The huge ore mother was about the same size as the Alps.

For Elosli, who had activated the force field and occupied an earth, it was not a problem at all.

Elosli's force field,

Elosli, who was thrown to that earth by Youge, naturally would not be idle. Facing the evil god Mind Flayer who always paid repeatedly, she racked her brains. After failing several times, she finally found a hard-line method to completely suppress the opponent, that is, to control the force field of Hawkins Town to completely crush and control the opponent, and then destroy it.

But the idea is simple, but it is not easy to do. Elosli has no chance to control the strange force field of the town.

The only possibility in the end is to find the source of this force field. As she became more familiar with it, Elosli finally understood the starting point of this force field.

The core of the earth, derived from the evolution of the force field in the core of the earth, in order to stop the Mind Flayer from destroying the earth, the Mind Flayer was confined to the inner world, which could reflect the darkness of human hearts, and after seducing the opponent, it was used as a cage to imprison him.

However, things are far from being that simple. Just like a boil on the earth, the force field of Hawkins is the change of the originally stable force field of the earth caused by the mind flayer in order to break through the inner world.

In this case, Elosli can only start from the core of the earth.

After resisting the counterattack of the mind flayer again,

Elosli, who has completely transformed the outer layer of the earth into the touch of entanglement, finally stretched out her hand to the depths of the core of the earth.

Even if the temperature of the core of the earth is beyond imagination, it does not prevent Elosli from using the entire outer layer of the touch of entanglement to press inward and devour it.

The touch of entanglement and the gravitational field,

can't be outsmarted, then force it,

can the heat of the core of the earth melt the entire earth?

Except for that small town, all other areas of the Earth are under the control of Elosli. A Earth composed of the touch of entanglement has no worries about consumption.

"Gravitational entanglement force field: entangle all nearby matter, forcibly pull and squeeze towards the pole, forming a larger gravitational field."

Although the Earth was not completely occupied in the end, Elosli also activated her own force field, and was finally able to show off when facing the mind flayer.

At this time, Elosli, who decided to take action, spread herself out, and a gravitational force immediately appeared on the entire earth.

Accompanied by the energy force field fluctuations emitted by the ore mother,

all were attracted underground,


The ground was stirred up by the energy and bursts of dust, and a large number of alarms appeared in the cities of the Goblin Empire. Gravity distortion appeared in the floating city, and buildings tilted. Everything became panic at this moment.

"Re-adjust the energy! What's going on? Why is there such a big fluctuation in the emission of the ore mother?"

The main control room in the Goblin floating city was in a mess in an instant.

"Sir, it's gravity. Why. Gravity can also affect the diffusion of power?"

Why? There are so many whys. Another wave of energy diffusion was sucked down, and this time the speed was faster, the vibration hitting the ground was greater, and the floating city buildings that had just stabilized were pulled crooked again.

"Sir! The gravity has increased, and it is still rising!"

"Hold it! Add to the output, stabilize the floating city!"

"Where are the city guards? Hurry up and find out what is going on underground!"

"Sir, the energy of the floating city has also been attracted, and the airship can't take off!"

"Sir, the floating energy is leaking, the peak is reduced, and we may have to tilt."

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