Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 422: The Tragedy of the Floating City

The Goblin Normen Empire,

An unimaginably huge city can probably be described as a huge country.

Unlike humans, goblins did not develop too many cities outwards, but began to expand a wider floating city entirely here.

Over the course of thousands of years, the entire floating city began to grow outward from the mother mine, stretching for tens of thousands of miles and covering the entire land affected by the mother mine.

Floating cities, floating towns, floating corridors, floating boats, floating battleships, all are constantly expanding outward based on the daily influence of the mother mineral on the earth.

Of course, this area also has a scope. It is expected that this spread will reach its extreme within a hundred years, and the expansion of the goblin capital [Normen Floating City] will also stop.

But now it's impossible,

After ten times of energy diffusion from the ore mother, the floating city at the front of the sky has tilted by more than half, and even the small attached floating building where the goblins who fled to the rear began to tilt to a small extent.

"Look for it quickly! What is it!"

Countless goblin floating city guards slid to the ground along the ropes, and began to search everywhere along the shaking earth.

However, they did not last long. After the spreading guards dispersed slightly, huge tentacles appeared on the surface.

One or two,

Ten meters, twenty meters, thirty meters,

Huge, thick, and exuding substantial gravity, tentacles rise from the ground.

Even the light emitted in the sky appears to be attracted and distorted.

The goblin guards who were in a state of shock were sucked into the tentacles one by one before they understood what they had walked into.

The filament-like entangled touch entangled, and one by one, along with the clothes, they all turned into goblin humanoid forms composed of the entangled touch, and then all merged into the tentacles.

While climbing, the entanglement instantly landed on the sloping floating city.

pull, attract,

This time they no longer had any resistance, and each one turned into a part of the entanglement after being extremely compressed and swallowed.

Not even a trace of dust spread out!

"Miss Elosili's ability is really terrifying!" The horned rat watching from a distance was full of surprise. This completely unconventional attack is also incomprehensible to the rat people. It is far from what the numbers can do. The ability to be easily invincible has completely exceeded the upper limit of extraordinary abilities in this world.

It’s really at this time,

When they saw Elosri's tentacles starting to spread outward, all the goblin weapons were set up. After gathering countless warships from a distance, a huge goblin naval gun was quickly assembled. What the horned rat can see, naturally the goblins can also see. Facing this kind of enemy, how can they trick you into letting your men continue to die?

After a moment, he took out the war weapon that he was proud of. It was also the most powerful force output among "conventional goblin technology" in so long.

Normen flagship gun,

Goblin technology lies in the crystals. There are small force field fluctuations between the crystals. When the separated crystals are brought closer, there will be a more obvious "adhesion" effect. In addition, this kind of crystal has inherent influence on the surrounding materials. There is a kind of crystallization effect, and the goblins have spawned a kind of "combination type" technology.

And the flagship cannon is the most dazzling result among their combination.

More than thirty goblin crystal robots rehearsed back and forth to gather the energy of the crystals, then form a loop and then launch it.

Of course, the power of this shot is not said to be very strong.

It is the countless machines and the formations formed by countless combinations of the entire Goblin Empire that make the Goblin Empire an existence that cannot be underestimated on the entire continent.

Quantity wins!

So for Elosri, this attack was still a close call. Even when it hit her tentacle, it was already attracted by the gravitational field on the tentacle, causing energy disintegration.

Until the moment of the final attack, there was not much content inside.

"Ah~ It's delicious. Can I have some more?" Elosili exuded a wave of waves, communicating with the Horned Rat. Naturally, she could also speak Goblin language. With the special touch of entanglement, she Most of the goblins who received this message instantly became entangled and polluted.

"Hehe, it's delicious. It turns out that goblins are so crispy."

The eyes of the goblins sprouted "various tentacles" like blooming chrysanthemums. They exploded instantly and grabbed everything around them, one or two, even those goblins who were well defended and were not exposed at all. I was also implicated in pollution once.

There are also those goblins who run all the way and think that they have not been tricked. They just have little information and the pollution will take some time. After they leave this polluted floating city, their whole bodies will be like chrysanthemums among the crowd. in full bloom,

"Hehehe, one, two, a group."

Elosili's transmission continued to sound, and the goblins in the rear also began to have problems. It came from deep visual information pollution. Don't think that problems only occur when you "hear" them. Problems will also occur when you see them. Otherwise, those How could the secretive old guys come to this world for the first time before You Ge, and then be entangled by countless crimson evil spirits and go crazy?

No one can escape.

"Disconnect, everyone put on [Spar Masks], no one is allowed to watch directly!"

"Inspire the self-destruction device of the lost floating city, don't let them infect us with that weird plague!"

"Ah? Sir, our people are still inside."

"It's gone! It's all gone. The plague has already taken over them. If they are let go, we will be finished too!"

The goblin known as Mr. also began to feel a little uncomfortable, but fortunately he was also one of the best figures in the Normen Empire. Faced with this strange ability, he immediately injected himself with several doses of medicine to strengthen his body and stabilize his body. Spirit, removal potion, attribute blessing, etc.

But it was somewhat effective, at least it contained the other party before the information entanglement completely occupied him.

Unfortunately, as soon as his previous order was given, screams, explosions, and tearing sounds appeared in the control room. In an instant, he turned around and left without raising his head, even though countless people behind him were still calling his name. Calling for his status, he chose to leave without hesitation.

"Mr. Elder! Save us!"

Goblin elder Jana is responsible for the defense of one-third of the goblin floating city. He is over 300 years old and has witnessed two attacks by ratmen. Being familiar with the plague, he naturally also knows the horror of the tentacle-like plague just now. , there is no way to save him, and if he turns back, he will be finished.

There was a troubled look on Jana's face. It was not that he was entangled in the pollution of the Touch of Entanglement again, but that those who called his name were his confidants, who had accompanied him for nearly a hundred years and defended the world. He has been attacked no less than thirty times, big and small, even though his own strength is insufficient, but his defensive ability is absolutely top-notch.

Now that we have lost them, this floating city is finished.

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