Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 427 The End of the Norman Empire

The crash resounded through the sky.

More fragments of the floating city fell down, and the chaotic pulse force field scattered. Countless corpses and blood were smashed out. The floating city controlled by the ratman subspecies flew into the sky again, but it was slightly deviated. This time, the attached city fell directly to one side of the floating city.



The main city of the second Norman Empire, one of the three large floating cities, collapsed in half in an instant. Countless fragments fell, and more ratmen jumped down from the attached city, trampling on the goblins wailing in the ruins, and frantically finishing off the enemies.

"Ratmen~ Attack, yesses~"

Seeing the situation change, the Horned Rat finally waited for the situation he hoped for, overturned the earth, and countless ratmen hiding underground all rushed out,

"diedie~ Goblin stuff~diedie~"

Following the red road paved by the Horned Rat using the earth attribute, the first ratman rushed to the surrounding floating city belt,

Ratman smoothbore cannons, ratman catapults, ratman jumping flying rockets,

For those floating cities of goblins, the ratmen are not helpless. Flying is not a troublesome thing for the Horned Rat with knowledge reserves.

As long as you are brave, flying is not a dream.

Countless ratmen screamed, and a shuttle of ratmen flew to the chaotic cities in the sky.

Now, the floating city has not been completely reset and the control center has been destroyed. It is a good time for them to attack in one fell swoop.

"Lord Elosli, if we delay, something will happen. My God needs the core of the ore mother. How about us?" Looking at the huge entanglement tentacles that were still raging and whipping the floating city, the big horned rat couldn't help but speak quietly and intermittently.

"My God."

"Little mouse, I know."

Tsk, how could Elosli not hear what the big horned rat said, but she hasn't played enough yet, and there are so many delicious "crispy little cookies", she really wants to eat them all.

Alas, but the adults still need that big, bright, and even crispier cookie.

Ore mother,

When Elosli went deep underground, she naturally saw the actual size of the ore mother. When she was brewing her own moves, she repeatedly checked the thing for a long time.

Unfortunately, it was the adults' food, and Elo couldn't eat it secretly~ Then eat those little cookies!

However, the pulse force field of the floating city made Elosli only silently devour the floating city bit by bit. Seeing one of them being rushed by the ratmen, Elosli could only look at the last main city and the diamond crystal of the first main city that was still wandering around.

Ah~ Eat some first, the touch of entanglement has occupied the vicinity of the ore mother, and when it is over, it can be transported directly! Yes! Can't let those goblin cookies disturb adults!

Yes, can't let these cookies disturb adults.

Elosli made up her mind in an instant. The ore mother couldn't run away. Here it is, and it is still surrounded by her. There is no fear of disappearing.

Just when Elosli stretched out her huge tentacles to climb the last floating city, the big horned rat also sighed. That can only be done. The sentence just now was just a suggestion.

As a subordinate, if the other party does not accept the proposal of the superior, he can only accompany the other party to continue the game.

Taking advantage of the gap when the floating city was overloaded, the Horned Rat also joined the battlefield. This was his second battle in this world. The first was the battle with the Demon City.

After walking out of the hiding place, the huge body rushed directly to the city occupied by countless ratmen. Elosli's target city did not need him to care about it, but the others could be easily dealt with, and the so-called Goblin Empire was destroyed at one time.

Finally, he was able to fight with the goblins at close range. There was also some dissatisfaction with the goblins in his heart, which made the Horned Rat tear and pierce them all when he met them. Especially this huge body and ferocious horns made countless goblins tremble all over when they saw each other.

"The Red, the Rat God?"

The goblins all had a little doubt in their hearts, but this was completely different from the image that was originally circulated on the mainland!

Unfortunately, no one explained it to them. The Horned Rat, who was charging, kept the giant horns on his arms erect and knocked away all the goblins along the way, and all the more threatening goblin machines were smashed by him.

"Occupy the core crystal and hit with all your strength!"

Even in the battle, the Horned Rat still did not forget its mission, welcoming countless shells flying out of the thick smoke. The remaining rats were motivated here, and one by one they began to become orderly. Their eyes were directed to the location of the crystal that the Horned Rat mentioned.

There is no doubt that with the help of the Horned Rat, nothing can stop them this time, especially the goblins who used to be able to use the pulse force field, now they have also turned into corpses in waves of desperate rat attacks.

The war continued, the floating city fell, and another floating city of the attached city level was occupied by the rats.

The scattered rats directly began to clean up the goblins who did not escape death.


Without any hesitation, the two attached cities pulled the broken stones and machinery and rushed directly to other floating cities, which were also constantly attacked by the rats and had no chance to escape.

And Elosli below finally wrapped the last floating city main city that seemed to be unaffected by the war into her arms.

The tentacles devoured everything on the floating city bit by bit.


there was no screaming. Except for the rubble that was tightened and fell, the city immediately became a ruin.

The desperate goblin was completely swallowed up by the entanglement under close contact and became a part of it. Just like that, with the fall of the last main city, there were three attached cities and eight autonomous floating cities, all of which were taken into the arms of the ratmen.

"Miss, keep some, and these will be used to transform them into tools to explore unknown areas overseas."

A drop of cold sweat left, if the big horned rat hadn't stopped them in time, these seemingly useless floating cities would have become one of Elosli's crisp rations.

".", the raised tentacles suddenly stopped, and after struggling for several times, Elosli chose to retreat, giving the other party face. It's not that she didn't understand that this time the ratman was an important tool under the adults' hands, not the dispensable little ratman in the past. She couldn't let her and the adults run around looking for people like they did before when they came to this world.

The touch of entanglement disappeared,

The land occupied by the touch of entanglement continued to spread, and Elosli finally put her target into the underground mother mineral.

What Master Youge needs, Eloise will definitely take it back intact. Well, a mother mineral the size of a mountain, yes, there is no problem taking it back.

After a while, the voice of the big horned rat came to my ears again,

"Miss Elosli, the human side has sent information that the core of the magic network has not been found by the ratmen." The implication is naturally to tell Elosli not to continue to play around, Youge can't lose this one if he loses one.

"Got it, little mouse."

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