Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 428 Eat the Core

Controlling the occupied floating city, the rat people also set their sights on other floating cities.

And Elosili also began to continuously push the huge ore mother underground,

The ore mother is actually smaller than expected. Goblins are very strict about underground mining. The horned rat has not measured it at all. It is only estimated from external observations that the size of the entire ore mother is about a quarter of the moon.

However, the result was not at all what was measured. The underground ore mother had long been hollowed out by the goblins.

As a result, after Elosili lifted all her tentacles, the ore mother also made greater noises, and the sound of shattering was heard. Elosili, who was not paying attention, was still trying to push the opponent.

"Ore Mother?" The cracking sounds were not just once or twice. Those goblins who were still in the war also heard the violent cracking sounds coming from the Mine Mother Mountains. With more and more After the energy diffuses from the mother ore,

The cracking sound instantly turned into an explosion.

Accompanied by sound waves, violent pulses, and energy fields, it directly impacted the battlefield between ratmen and goblins.


The only remaining high-level officials of the goblins finally became panicked at this moment. The floating city can be rebuilt if it is gone, and the goblins can regenerate if they die. But if the mother mine is gone, then the empire will no longer exist, and the glory of the goblins will also be lost. Completely disappeared into the dust of history.

"Stop it! Stop it!", after countless entangled touches stretched out along the edge of the ore mother, even the last sanity of the goblin executives was driven towards madness. It felt like everything was completely collapsed.

Everything, their glory, empire, and family were completely lost in this war, and everything that could support them was completely wiped out. If these goblins knew what the ratmen were going to do next, , maybe even their last hope will be completely wiped out.

The helpless goblin executives erupted in bursts of wailing, and their confused emotions quickly infected the goblins who were still fighting nearby. The collapse of the Mineral Mountains was completely reflected in the eyes of all creatures on the battlefield.

No one present knew the importance of this mountain range, but now there was no possibility of blocking it. The entangled touch clinging to the outside of the mountain range erupted with endless suction. After the broken fragments broke away, they followed You Ge. With the order that came, Elosili regarded it as edible food.

You Ge, who was watching everything in secret, had already discovered the problem when Elosli started to move the mother mine. The core of the mother mine was not the excavated meteorite body, but a core deeper. The high-energy reaction caused by the violent shock clearly told others that there was something else going on inside the core.

But that's it,

Erosli let go of her hands and feet and no longer considered whether anything would affect the integrity of the mother mine. The ability of the entangled touch completely exploded.

Even when fighting the goblins before, Elosili restrained her ability, fearing that gravity would cause problems to the ore mother.

Now that I am being commanded by You Geyi, what else do I care about?

The release of the Touch of Entanglement finally encompassed the entire area, and this time she wanted to completely eat those cookies that Master Youge didn't need.

The earth affected by the energy pulse, the plants on the ground that were assimilated by the energy, and the entire area surrounding the mountains were completely transformed into a sea of ​​entanglement.

The huge area is completely under the control of Elosili.

The touch of entanglement is the ability to create entanglement phenomena between the particle layer and external objects, and the so-called gravitational field is also an entanglement attraction from within.

The entanglement starting from the body entangles the air and any surrounding matter, constantly pulling inward, forming an entanglement pull, and finally transforming into an entanglement gravity,

This is not just a simple force field imitation like the earth's gravity. The matter that is actually entangled by the entanglement force field is basically equivalent to the complete entanglement of Elosri. But in terms of control, this kind of thing requires a lot of energy to control. Ability makes it impossible for Elosili to take care of everything now.

Now there is no longer the thought of teasing and eating the floating city, and there is no longer the interference of the ratmen lurking nearby. Elosri has transformed into [Tangled Earth], climbing up with countless tentacles, constantly attracting The outer layer of the mountain was torn apart, layer by layer, and the energy circles had no chance to escape. This time, they were completely attracted and eaten by Elosili.

"No!" A large part of the mountain range disappeared in one breath. Those crazy goblins stared stupidly at the larger entanglement, completely unaware that some entanglements also appeared on their bodies.

While chuckling, Elosili took a moment to consider the goblins.

Previously, with the protection of the core group, Elosili could not directly affect the opponent, but now these goblins without any protection could only be swallowed up by pollution in front of her.

The moment the power of entanglement exploded, the area where the goblins were was turned into a chaotic breeding ground for the entanglement touch. Unexpectedly, the goblins who were still fighting were also eaten from behind by the entanglement touch one by one. ,

At this point, these high-level goblins were finally completely wiped out, and the rat-men's offensive immediately rushed forward. Floating cities were occupied one after another amidst the chaotic, rat-men's, and frightening evil laughter.

And Elosili finally took off the outer layer of the "Mother's Jacket".

A pale yellow crystal material with a size of several hundred square meters, faintly emitting waves, made Elosli who was surrounding her feel a little repelled. After all, it was a material that could generate a force field. Except for the lack of intelligence, it was not much worse than Elosli.


Yuge, who walked out of the blood pool, finally couldn't hold back. Although there were more or less ratmen transporting countless foreign flesh and blood from underground to replenish the blood pool these days, compared with this ore mother core, Yuge was completely different from the past. The idea of ​​eating the core completely occupied Yuge's heart.

"Okay~ Lord Yuge~", Elosli muttered a few words while laughing, and the Eye of Corruption and Devouring appeared in the huge sky with the momentum of dispersing the world.

The crimson light flashed, and the rats were once again like chicken blood, while those foreigners were completely in self-confusion. The crimson evil spirits grew from their hearts. The bits and pieces of the past plus the destruction of their homes finally made them unable to bear it at this moment. They had disheveled hair and didn't know who they were until they were completely devoured by the evil spirits and left with an empty skin.


"My God~"

"The Crimson Faceless God~yesyes~"

Youge's big eyeball twisted, and after passing through all the lives below, the devouring force field opened instantly, and the twisted high altitude attracted the ore mother core into the air,

The air vibrated with a hum,

The big eyeball opened its huge mouth, and the deep mouth bit off the flying core,

The strong wind blew away, and the bite caused a large-scale riot below again.


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