Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 437 Crimson Throne

Throne of the Dead,

All the information was poured into Yuge's consciousness,


With a sigh, Yuge really didn't know how to evaluate it. Neheka played a good hand of cards badly, but think about it, the other party is just a person who inherited the so-called remaining power from the "old world" and profited from it. It is understandable that he has a deviation in his understanding of the original power.

And this power should be said to have two special manifestations, [Crown] [Throne],

The crown is indeed the core of this power, but the crown is used as a key, the main control key to open the throne, and the throne is the main body of this power,

Sitting on the top, controlling immortality, but this Neheka just used this throne as a power charger containing immortal power, rather than as [Throne], a more advanced power.

Think about the [Crown], in the end, he used it as the core to connect the dead, collect humans, and establish his soul kingdom. Although it has contributed to the dream of "human immortality", it has also lost a better opportunity.

"Big Horned Rat, go there and bring that throne back!"

"Yes, my God!"

In a flash, a large number of ratmen shuttled through the Blood Rain City, and drove rapidly along the underground passage towards the coordinates that Youge sent to the Big Horned Rat.

Then he placed the Eye of Corruption Devouring in the sky, and the Blood Core was still in the big eyeball, slowly absorbing the energy of the Mineral Mother Core. Then Youge transferred his consciousness into the body of the faceless man in red clothes beside the underground blood pool below.

The Dead Blood Tentacle held the [Crown] sent down from the big eyeball, quietly waiting for the arrival of the ratmen.


"My God."

"Hmm?" After countless hours, Youge, who was on the huge blood-red throne, exuded an extreme and pure sense of death and silence.

"It's been ten years, my God."

The big horned rat, whose upper body horns had all turned white, walked into the blood pool palace respectfully.

It's been ten years. Since the last battle, Youge has taken the initiative to enter the pure dead silence. Except for the pure dead silence without control before, Youge can finally enter and exit this special state on his own.

And these ten years are also the reminder time that Youge asked the big horned rat to set for himself, to prevent him from staying in this darkness for too long and forgetting the time.


Youge on the blood-red throne slowly stood up. The blood pool that had been nurturing for ten years finally became more delicious, absorbing the human nature full of wailing, and there were countless evil spirits in the corrupted devouring eyes again.

Ten years,

In Yuge's eyes, it seemed like just a moment, that state of dead silence without any fluctuations, Yuge even felt that this moment had passed for ten thousand years when he left.

But it was worth it,

After Yuge analyzed the Immortal Crown and the Throne, he completely gave them to the Horned Rat. Then the Horned Rat, who knew its function, could use this thing to push himself to a higher level, instead of using it shallowly.

It also looked like a power bank, but this was an unlimited power bank, far more useful than Neheka's, and there was also the Horned Rat with the divine [Constancy], how could it stop there.

Yuge, who had obtained the entire throne information, also began to build his own throne.

[Crimson Throne]

The [Crimson Throne] represents the [high power] in Yuge's power system. The throne was born in the heart, and Yuge also saw the throne in his heart.

[Crimson Light, Boundless Universe]

This is the brilliance displayed in Yuge's heart. Compared with Neheka, who saw death and resurrection in immortality and evolved into immortal undead, for Yuge, each is superior. One is for mankind, and the other is for his own vision, but no matter what, all this has been fixed.

Dark matter piled up, dead blood entangled, from nothing to something, it drilled out from Yuge's heart little by little, just at the edge of the blood pool underground, a huge throne flashing countless red lights in the black gradually appeared.

For six years, Youge has been constantly perfecting this throne.

The dark matter belt that was once called the throne of God, as its name suggests, occupies the first position in Youge's heart. Although the belt at the core has disappeared, it does not mean that Youge cannot condense the same thing again. You must know that the core belt is integrated into Youge's blood core. As the dark side of the blood core, it is much easier to control than before.

Of course, the only loss is that the original belt force field has changed. The condensed [dark matter belt] requires Youge to actively construct the same force field as before to maintain the belt, but it's nothing. The dark matter belt in the Red Seal Universe has basically been used up. In the past, it was believed that continuing to devour planets to increase the size would be helpful. After contacting the Immortal King, this plan was completely abandoned.

The strength of the force field is more about strength, not size. Even if it is a force field that can cover the entire universe, it is still not good enough if it is not strong enough.

Besides, there is still Lv30 reorganization and transition waiting for Youge, so why would he think about swallowing the planet?

As for the inner world that was created by the fusion of the inner city fragments, dark essence, dark matter, and the red seal spiritual universe, it fully possesses these characteristics. The inner world hidden in the darkness of Youge is still as vast as a universe, but the endless sky is mostly false scenes. It is restricted by Youge's strength and only covers the Eye of Corruption and Devouring.

When Youge is strong enough, this inner world will increase accordingly.

And in this inner world, in the mouth of Youge's [Inner Eye of Corruption and Devouring], the first crimson throne is placed upright at the core. The one in the underground blood pool is just a branch seat used by Youge to deceive the rat people. Although it is far less powerful than the first one, it is at best a crude clone, but it still has the desired effect.

At this point, Youge's harvest was 100% complete.

The Eye of Corruption Devouring was completed, and the throne that he accidentally gained was also condensed. The large amount of information about the force field and the pavilion that he obtained was also remembered by Youge. In general, it was not in vain. Especially at this time, Youge's level was finally raised to Lv26, the ore mother core was completely absorbed, and the last Lv27 was about to break through. How could he not be happy with such a result?

Moreover, after learning that the King City World had not even passed for a few hours at this time, he began to be very jealous of this world. It was really good.

Of course, in addition to this, Youge's men also reaped a lot of rewards.

In the past ten years, Elosli and the Horned Rat did not stop. Elosli, who was in another universe, finally ate the entire earth, leaving only the last thing to deal with the Mind Flayer.

The Horned Rat completely accepted the Immortal Crown and Throne, and followed the power of "Constant Immortality" to finally push himself to Lv21.

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