Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 438 Advancement to Lv26, Information Capture

It's just that the horned rat's talent is still low. With such a bug, it still improves at a constant rate.

Thinking about the passage of time in this world, You Ge also accepted the gap. After he leaves this time, the horned rat will definitely improve a lot next time we meet. With the Immortal Throne, even a pig can It became otherworldly.

As for completely surpassing himself, maybe, in Youge's opinion, there is no rush.

If you want to become a god, even if you have divinity, it is not possible to achieve it. Even if you don't look at the green god you saw at the show, he is still living.

For You Ge who is now at Level 26,

There are two changes in this level upgrade. The first is the strengthening of the blood core.

For so long, it has been mainly about the improvement of strength and attributes, but finally it is time to actually improve the core of Youge's essence.

"Core Strengthening-Energy Regeneration"

Generally speaking, it unlocks part of the shackles of the blood core. The professional roots above the core have always been an important part of Youge's entire system. From the very beginning, attribute fusion and energy replenishment are all related to the roots. The relationship cannot be crossed.

But now, when Youge broke through Level 25, the entire root vein became extremely active. It was not at all as stable as a root vein should be. Instead, it became smooth and soft like an octopus tentacle.

It is normal for the blood core's ability to be slightly changed, and the changes in professional roots also made Youge notice that the speed at which he can obtain energy has greatly increased. It is simply the difference between a stream and a river. Although There will be more demand in the future, but this is also a good sign that you cannot always use a small thin tube to obtain energy.

As for the second ability, it is about the ability of information state testing.

"Information Enhancement - Primary Information Capture"

In other words, Youge can initially independently extract simple information from all things, and can even actively add the abilities he wants to instill in his own abilities.

Although it seems to be the same as before, Youge can now disseminate various information without doing anything, but it is all done with the help of its own attributes, and this is just like Youge can stuff a paragraph into a Among the pebbles, there is no need for energy, attributes, etc., only information, pure information is inserted.

When Youge looks at the world, by acquiring information, he can also get a completely different "color" than before. Mixed with countless information and changes, Youge begins to experience the changes in the surrounding environment from the information level. .

Who walked where, how much the ground sunk in, what slightly collided with the earth, what smell left pheromones, what was on the earth, what appeared here and left behind, color, temperature, light, water flow, wetland, The sea, etc., as long as there is interaction, there will be a trace amount of environmental information remaining, and this information is constantly circulating around and being lost and filled. Youge can actively obtain this, make your own judgments, and gain a deeper understanding. The real world is no longer just about "judging the world" by listening, seeing and accepting, but is limited by "human autonomous cognition". It is more about "receiving the information truly contained in the world" through "information interaction" with the environment.

Just like the high altitude where Youge is currently, after a short acquisition, the information on the floating forest obtained by the Eye of Corruption from the high altitude has determined the trace activity information of the rat people nearby. There are some rats mixed in the air flow on the left. The remaining information about people is an act of independent worship of Youge by a small clan in the ruins. They sacrificed some of the associated species in the ruins, and emitted countless "messages" that were scattered into the air along the air circulation.

The smell of blood, the wail of species, the smell of rat-men, and a large amount of rat-men odor information are the simplest environmental pheromones that are reflected on the surface. They gather and spread during the sacrificial activities, and dissipate to the surroundings as the movement progresses. Finally, Yu Ge discovered that he had filtered out the most intuitive and obvious environmental information from the nearby air.

Although it was only a superficial acquisition of environmental information, it also opened a new door for You Ge.

"Human cognition."

After a brief capture, You Ge's mind was completely overturned by this moment the understanding of human beings that had the upper hand, and even the new way of accepting the outside world that was created after the first fusion of Dead Blood.

There is more to the world than just visual and auditory observation. How could you not be fascinated by this unique effect?

Especially the rat man, although it was created by You Ge, but the rat man who had just been sacrificed to You Ge in the ruins, You Ge had no idea what ability he had. According to the past method, he used the coffin to collect it. Information from the other party, or through simple visual observation, or at worst, communicating with the horned rat to ask about the characteristics of the rat people of this clan.

But at this moment,

After You Ge continued to receive the information here from far to near, he directly gained a lot of knowledge from this group of rat people.

"Height 1.5 meters, tail length 1 meter, dark and moist brown fur, pustules in the hairless area, moss residue at the corners of the mouth, five different smells of blood, eyes three centimeters in size, muzzle ten centimeters, and floppy ears."

The rough appearance information was directly extracted by You Ge in an instant, along with the same characteristics reflected in the rat people. After this information was gathered, the name of the clan was involuntarily reflected in You Ge's mind.

"The Rotten Moss Rat Man."

When enough information is gathered, more in-depth information can be obtained.

Unfortunately, Youge couldn't dig deeper like this. The only name he could get was the eight-eyed rat man and his subordinate relationship, which made Youge naturally relieved to read it. If it was someone who didn't know the creature "rat", it would be good to read the two words "rat man" in the same way.

After repeated tests, Youge was more optimistic about the prospects of this ability. Thinking back to the time when he came into contact with some high-level people, he could see some of Youge's information capture ability. Even Mr. Orange reminded him not to spy on other people's information at will.

It is obvious that he has finally entered this level now. According to the ability of the coffin, one day he will definitely be able to spy on the other party's deep attribute information at will, and even obtain more hidden information that the other party does not know.

"My God, we have discovered the old world."

The big horned rat standing under the crimson throne of the blood pool, after Youge finally began to show some human touch, once again said the second thing that needed to be repaid.

Facing Youge's pure silence, the big horned rat secretly asked Elosli privately.

In ten years, the big horned rat also had a very obvious feeling about Youge's changes, especially after Youge was completely familiar with that pure silence. Although the big horned rat no longer sensed any malice, his heart began to tremble uncontrollably. The perception from the spiritual sense told him that he was being stared at by something.

A kind of "nothing" gaze.

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