Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 451 Crimson Evil and Deep Cold Engine

"Hmm? Lord Youge~ I need an area of ​​my own." Lan Ruisha immediately put forward her request with her head turned. As for the emotional vortex, Lan Ruisha was also very interested, but that was not something she could do now. It still required a little planning and development.

"Just expand it yourself. You all have these permissions."

The inner world's feedback to the spirit is naturally unimpeded, and it is also unimpeded to Youge's incarnation. Except for Youge's control over the commanding heights, everything else is the same.

With a smile, Lan Ruisha nodded and continued to lie down. While stretching, her throne began to grow around her.

In silence, Youge also set his goal on the last change,

The change of mind shaping,

The manifestation characteristics from the inside out, let each separate area have its own special transformation, without the need for the lambs to build it themselves, and the materials and tools brought were also put aside. Looking at the building that suddenly appeared and gradually expanded in front of him, it was simply a miracle.

Cheers arose instantly, and Youge was also happy that these lambs did not have to be dragged down by the construction. After communicating with the worlds, they could directly send more people to move in and develop.

The next thing was the special changes of the crimson evil spirits and the mind shaping energy.

The crimson evil spirits parasitized human nature and affected the host, or were born from distorted human nature. These were all based on human characteristics and spiritual perspectives.


these evil spirits no longer just relied on the spirit. They could materialize and affect the host's body, from the outside and from the inside, constantly corrupting, distorting, and mutating the host. Even among those hosts that bred evil spirits, they made the host produce distorted mutations that corresponded to their own minds.

No sequence pheromones or additional blessings were needed.

This change based on the human mind was more acceptable to the host, achieving an alternative 100% mutation, and there would be no rejection or failure. Of course, this mutation could still be hidden, that is, when the host did not completely die and turned into a crimson evil spirit, it could hide again and restore its "human form" without being discovered.

"Crimson Evil Seed: Plant a seed, then bloom and bear fruit."

Like flowers, these affected hosts will be completely changed. The crimson light is like the rising sun, and wherever they go, they are like flowers blooming everywhere, showing their brilliance.

"It is even more unfathomable."

After scattering bits of crimson light and shining on the hearts of those lambs, even Youge, who is familiar with the crimson evil seed by nature, personally detected these lambs and found nothing special. Only by using the internal connection can one detect the special things in the other party's body.

And through communication with the coffin, the detection of this group of lambs only showed a special trait in the other party's body, a special expression of [crimson attribute], which is worthy of the brilliance of the attribute. Even if this thing is discovered, it can only be regarded as a talent, perhaps the same as Youge's attribute, but who knows that the creator of this attribute is Youge?

It's like everyone knows about the dark gods, but no one says who created the darkness. They know that Youge also has the attribute of crimson, but they just think that the two are close in attribute, and they don't know Youge's absolute power over this attribute, unless he takes the initiative to expose it.


In the chaos, Youge communicated with the small energy fluctuations that spread out nearby, and followed the feedback of those bits and pieces, and in a blink of an eye, countless crimson lights were emitted.

The seeds have been sown, waiting for the time to bloom and bear fruit. Naturally, someone will shout the voice of the red-clothed faceless man, summon Youge's help, look forward to the great reward, and then open the channel to spread faith.

As for the father Nurgle who only left one warlord as a mutual reflection of Youge's power, Youge completely left it to the big horned rat to coordinate, just waiting for the result.


A few days later,

After running around, the Horned Rat finally finished his work and returned to the Crimson Abyss again.

"My God."

The Horned Rat's eyes were filled with countless brilliance, and the irrepressible joy could be easily heard from his voice.

"The interior of the continent surrounded by the cold wind in the north is the battlefield of the old world! There are high-energy crystal veins in this world!"

With irrepressible joy, the Horned Rat immediately condensed the attribute power map, which was a map he spent a lot of time drawing in the sky, marking all the high-energy crystal veins. It must be said that with the help of Nurgle's subordinates, everything became so logical. He accidentally found the Chaos Demons that had invaded this continent in the past, and sent all the information about this world to the Horned Rat. The Horned Rat knew the origin of the old world, the war of gods, and the island group, and all the exploration became extremely smooth.

"Well, how does it compare to that mineral meteorite?"

"It has at least three times more output and recovery, and its energy purity is several times purer than the standard high-energy crystals produced by the Goblin Empire before!"

This is the difference. The energy of the crystal buried deep underground is not easy to dissipate. If it is buried deep in the ground, it may take several years for the ratmen to continue digging to find the hidden resources in the continent. It is not like the meteorite ore mother, which emits fluctuations at any time, is very easy to be discovered, and does not breed purer crystals.

"My God! There is also this!"

The joy in the heart of the big horned rat almost overflowed. Just as Dangchu Youge imagined, the second thing the big horned rat took out was the "Deep Cold Engine" taken from the sea clan. There is a high-energy crystal in front and a deep cold engine in the back. The combination of the two can create a powerful enough power source!

"Hmm? Let me see."

The body on the throne, the blood of death tentacles stretched out,

A blue block emitting cold fluctuations,

"Deep Cold Engine: Soul Perpetual Motion Machine, the soul is exhausted, and can be replenished with high-energy crystals."

Soul? Perpetual Motion Machine?

It is indeed something of magic testing, and it also involves the so-called soul. Soul. A kind of illusory energy carrier of thinking after leaving the body. It is nothing. Speaking of it, Youge's blood of death is also an alternative carrier of thinking. The blood core is the high-energy core "soul" that preserves Youge's essential thinking.

But what is the power of this thing? Can it create the large spaceship used by the Eldar before?

"Have you tested it?"

"Yes, my god, the sea people in the Skaven world use plunder to kill hostile crew members and deprive the enemy of their souls for energy, but because the soul of ordinary people is too low, it is not as good as the explosion of ordinary high-energy crystals, and a fist-sized new crystal can support a modified train to circle the continent!"

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