Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 452 Changes brought by the Deep Cold Engine

After modifying the train, it seems that if we don’t exchange information with the Horned Rat in time, Youge will be out of touch with matters in the Skaven Continent again.

Since the time when Youge moved into Chaos, the Skaven Continent has undergone earth-shaking changes. Without the threat of foreign races, freedom has begun to develop everywhere on the continent. The spread of Skaven, uncontrolled Reproduction, an alternative prosperity amidst chaos and destruction, caused the entire continent to begin to exude a light red aura.

Humans, goblins and other foreign races were completely forced into the snowy mountains of the north. Except for some foreign races with dark attributes, basically no one could accept the living environment created by the rat people.

And with the shrinkage of the Forest Queen, the power from nature has also shrunk a lot under the pressure of the rat-man environment.

Everything has changed in this continent.

As an empire that has unified the continent and begun to develop, the first thing to do is to develop transportation. From the serial human memory bank as a reference, the Great Horned Rat started directly from Blood Rain Divine City as the starting point and expanded outward countless times. The surface railway does not require excavation or additional cave reinforcements like the underground railway. The whole process cannot be easier.

And this group of rat people did not plan the entire railway neatly like human thoughts. Miscellaneous railways of different heights began to appear in various ruins and wilderness, constantly leading to the territories of various clans.

And with the development of the railway, another thing happened,

In human terms, with convenient transportation, several areas that can be called "CBD" will naturally follow the rat people's preferences and belief trends.

Needless to say, Blood Rain Divine City is naturally a place that all rat people want to go to. Naturally, the first place becomes the place that countless rat people continue to go to on the first train, and the second is the swamp area. I don’t know where it is. What Gu meant was the idea of ​​the warlord. Some transactions were also opened in the swamp area.

Some transactions with special products among the rat race,

For example, the deformed plants and animals born in the Blood Rain Divine City are special things that have never appeared in this big world. Naturally, they are also the favorite items of Nurgle's men. For example, in the territories of those clan rat-men, there will also be There are some interesting things that come with its clan identity, and these are things that come with a price tag.

The profit-seeking chaos demons also specially provide some small objects that are more destructive and cause chaos in order to cater to the rat people's temperament.

Such a situation would give countless ratmen the idea of ​​coming here to trade.

As for the north and the direction of the forest, there are also some hunting grounds and gathering places, which have become a paradise for countless warlike ratmen.

Under such circumstances, the capacity of the first-generation trains could not satisfy the countless rat people. So-called modified trains appeared among the public.

"Rat Train - Modification: The chaotic mechanical beast train has undergone unimaginable changes under the devout chaotic concept of the Rat Man."

Rat Train-Change,

A messy polymer made of three or four trains modified in parallel, flying red glasses flags, colliding exposed gears, a pile of rat-skull-shaped locomotives made of metal or wooden boards, and various animal skulls hanging everywhere. , broken steps, the so-called beautiful decorations tightly tied with embroidered iron chains, and of course, there are also Youge's statue paintings. Just looking at them like this sometimes makes you feel pretty good, but this thing, the previous motivation is completely lost. Can't get up.

In the end, it could only be reduced to an abandoned result of the random transformation of the Rat Men of the Grin family. However, after the Big Horned Rat brought back the deep-freeze engine, the power of the entire train was instantly solved. After the huge train stepped onto the rails, it directly The entire railway was crushed,

"Scare, scare! No more, rail diedie!", the man in charge of the test, yelled, and installed countless huge iron wheels on the car. The existence of the rails was to make long-distance travel easier. Reduce consumption, and for the rat people, this kind of thing is considered a diedie, so the crystal stones in the other continent are not afraid of consumption at all.

Countless rat men climbed onto the train. Under the cheers of the chaotic yesyes, as long as there was a place where they could climb, a rat man would yell. As the train's iron wheels hit the rocks, sparks erupted. This first rat train was It's finished like this,

A huge rat train can transport fifty thousand ratmen at a time.

And a crystal can make such a rat train circle around the continent. It is simply a perfect energy source.

"This train?" This group of ratmen are really good at playing, but these things are still very "ratman". You Ge, who has seen the buildings and lairs built by the ratmen themselves, is not interested in being able to create such a style. The Ratman on the train was not that surprised.

However, that's it, You Ge also saw the unique creativity of this group of rat people,

"Have you tried building airplanes and ships again?" Youge just raised the question, and the horned rat nodded fiercely immediately,

"My God, the technological blockade has disappeared! The existence of the Deep Cold Engine makes these all similar theories that can be tested!"

Experimentable similarity theory?

Without letting the horned rat narrate, after obtaining the experiments that the horned rat currently knows through the spirit, You Ge also understood a lot. Just like the molecular reorganization in the clockwork center, in this world, although many theories are still valid, but Far more wild than the pure physical theory of the ordinary world,

Similar to the melting point, there is no need to increase the temperature, directly injecting energy is enough, and there is no high temperature problem. Cooling and extracting energy is also possible, so how can there be no difference.

By the way, Youge also roughly understood the things about airplanes and ships that the big horned rat did not mention.

Island-type supply ships, nest ship islands, marine life-transformed biological plague aircraft carriers, original high-energy crystal-inspired motorboats, etc., after connecting to the deep cold engine, all ocean vessels can gallop on the sea, and there is no need to follow the current or paddle forward.

As for airplanes, the first high-energy crystal jet has been completely manufactured by the ratmen. Except for the extremely poor safety, as long as it does not fall apart, it can fly from the Skaven Continent to the Cold Wind Continent to transport simple crystals.

".So you plan to do it so crudely in the future?"

Youge didn't want to ask what you think about aerospace, but the big horned rat had basically guessed Youge's thoughts.

"My God, the ratman factory has begun to develop. When the first batch of complete equipment is manufactured, there will be absolutely no problem."

No problem, Youge glanced at the so-called ratman factory in the other party's memory. What's the difference? Forget it, as long as there is no problem of falling apart, it's fine. Anyway, the ratmen are tough and durable. When something at the cosmic level is really developed, maybe there will be some special changes in the clan.

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