Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 453 Return

"So, can this kind of engine be mass-produced?"

Regarding technological transportation tools, Youge no longer thinks too much. If the rat people can develop into an empire, they will naturally not delay such trivial matters for too long. If they simply worry here, it is better to let the rat people continue to develop on their own. , just develop unique changes that suit them.

"Yes, according to the method obtained from the Sea Clan, a hundred rat men with "same mental fluctuations" can create a similar deep-sea engine, which can be reforged and improved with ten times the soul, which can double the power. Currently, it is subject to The material limit can only be improved three times.”

Created with the soul of the rat man who has the same mental fluctuations,

You Ge really almost laughed at this point. The same mental fluctuations had no problem at all with the first batch of rat people he created, let alone the rat people, as long as they were the first ones created by him or the horned rat. The rat people, humans, etc. all have a kind of mental fluctuation, which is simply perfect.

And the way that engine is built,

After reading it, Youge couldn't help but admire the brains of the people who developed this engine. They actually imitated the Kingdom of Chaos and equipped it with a small energy traction feedback.

In other words, this is a small, elementary pseudo-chaos kingdom.

Use emotions to cause energy feedback, and then under the tug, transfer part of the energy that these souls should have created in the real kingdom of chaos, and explode it here. No wonder there are enough souls, the more feedback will be triggered. If it can reach a certain quality, this engine can even pull out the energy storm from the chaotic space.

It really appeared very timely. If it had been You Ge who hadn't stayed in the Kingdom of Chaos, the rat man's soul wouldn't have been able to give any feedback. Now, it won't be a problem at all.

"My God, the only problem now is about the material of the deep cold engine. It is a material made by the unique alchemy of the Sea Tribe. The rat people are still researching and learning, so the output is not very ideal."

"Well, just keep researching."


It takes time to study. In the long days to come, the rat people will have enough time to study these things, and the crimson light spread by the other party finally arrived at the first place after crossing countless distances and obstacles. An area where faith can be spread.

Perhaps it is because this kingdom of chaos is also dominated by humanoid creatures.

The world that the subordinate is looking for is also dominated by humanoid forms, but it doesn't matter. As long as it is an intelligent life and can trigger the other party's emotional fluctuations, it is in compliance with the rules of the Kingdom of Chaos.

The special thing about this race is that it is an elementary cosmic civilization. Through a short period of obtaining information about the crimson evil seed in this creature, it is known that this race has at least four planets that can carry life, four of which are larger than the earth. It is a planet countless times larger, and there are no other cosmic races to interfere. Under peaceful development, the entire cosmic society is making steady and peaceful progress.

"A humanoid race, or are they still strange scaly lizard people? It's not good to send humans. It's better to let some fungi go over. They can still cause scaly mutations to appear on their bodies through imitation."

As a secondary development of Sequence Man, the fungus man can indeed transform into some appearance similar to this kind of lizard man through the characteristics of carbon-based organisms in addition to its ordinary form.

"Slowly start the invasion, and then increase the intensity of spreading the crimson light into this universe. If multiple life planets can appear, then multiple cosmic races can appear."

After simply paying attention, the lizard man in the distant world who was contaminated by the crimson evil seed was immediately eroded and devoured. After a massacre and sacrifice that ordinary people could not understand, the lizard man also died tragically in the explosion, but Little did they know that a group of completely unknown pseudo-lizard people had also arrived in this world, and it was time to witness everything.


King City World,

After Youge arranged everything properly, he linked his consciousness to a spare clone body.

Walking out of the life-saving storage warehouse,

The light layer in the other world flashed, and an Elosili brand coat appeared again. After sorting out the sticky things on the body, Yu Ge also set out to go to the place where the Demon Spider Priest Kahayu was.

The things that were completely out of their control and that promoted this journey to break through the level are still like a heavy stone weighing on You Ge's heart. They must be dealt with. Who knows what unique plan the Demon Spider will have next? If another special mission comes up, Yu Ge will have to find a way again.

Miss Spider's bar,

You Ge, who was dressed in a human-like and upright manner, walked in with straight steps. People, both familiar and unfamiliar, showed a kind of fearful curiosity towards him.

This is the first time that You Ge has appeared alone in a bar. He did not ask the Eight-Eyed Rat Man to lead the way, nor did he notify his subordinates in advance. He walked in here suddenly alone.

And Zhu Yu, who was on the mobile platform taking care of her ovaries and occasionally entertaining guests, also immediately noticed You Ge's arrival.

"Mr. Hall?" There seemed to be something different. For the first time, Zhu Yu's perception noticed that You Ge himself was so ordinary. If it weren't for the clothes that exuded a special aura. The clothes that looked like living things, Zhu Yu would have noticed Maybe everyone will think that this is a fake Mr. Hall.

"Spider, I have something to discuss with you."

Without any greetings, Youge walked towards the special private room prepared for her. After the spider pelican properly handled the ovarian duct of its tail, it swayed its increasingly large body towards the private room.

"What has happened to the Demon Spider Tribe recently?", her mind was wandering. Instead of asking the half-baked Kahayu about this matter, it would be better to ask the spider pelican, who knows the Demon Spider Tribe better.

"Are you talking about humans? Mr. Hall is targeting humans?", the spider pelican swung its tail. Long-term reproduction made her a little uncomfortable with this comfortable sofa: "Since the last cooperation with Mr. Hall, according to the meaning of the new priest, this place has been marked as a forced peace zone by the Demon Spider Tribe. There should be no Demon Spider Tribe that will specifically target humans."

"Well, what else, such as any special situation recently?"

Youge operated the human clone and crossed his legs. The action of supporting his cheek looked like some kind of delicious male pig in the eyes of the spider pelican.

"Special situation."

Sweeping away the thoughts in his mind, Spider Pelican followed the words Youge said and began to search in his memory for any noteworthy information that the Demon Spider Tribe had said in the bar recently.

Hmm? Could it be that? But what does this have to do with Mr. Hall?

After repeated filtering, Spider Pelican finally confirmed a piece of news. In fact, this was not a major event. For the Demon Spider Tribe, it was also an activity that the Spiders knew about. The annual Demon Spider Priest Ceremony was as small as offering sacrifices to the descendants of the Spider God, or as big as gaining the favor of the Spider God.

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