Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 463 Spider God Atlach Nakya

The cobwebs vibrated, and the deep meaning that seemed familiar to everyone wrapped around their hearts again.

That one is coming out,

More than 90,000 women were selected as sacrifices. It was a rare pleasure in this long time of weaving the web. Although more women were selected each time, more than 90,000 women were sacrificed in advance at one time. , which is much more interesting.

A small, sharp and bone-chilling sound,

"A nice sacrifice."

The figure of the spider god stayed under the spider web. Although the other party did not appear completely, the sound penetrated everyone's bones like a needle prick, and the weaving feeling that followed seemed to weave itself. Enter the giant net at your feet.

Atrak Nakya, the Spider God,

It was a dark figure, but from the perspective of everyone above it looked like the size of a prostrate man. But with the long spider-like limbs growing around the figure, how could it really be a prostrate man? .


Through the gaps in the spider web, even Kahayu saw the true face of the spider god for the first time, and suddenly felt that there was something unexpected and ordinary about him?

Not as grand as the Ghoul King from Pike's shared perspective?

And the spider god, the squatting, humanoid black body did have a face, which began to appear between the knotty legs at the bottom of the body, squinting and looking through the gaps in the spider web. The protagonist of this festival is Kahayu.

In the eyes of others, it was a face that was almost the same as a human face. It stared at Kahayu with a mocking expression of suspicion and questioning, and then asked:

"what do you want?"

After asking, Atrak Nakya's multi-jointed legs continued to weave the giant web under his feet while walking towards the sacrifice.

As the sharp and piercing sound disappeared, everyone looked at Kahayu.

This god is so simple and straightforward, and he uses human language

Wait, is it human language?

What Kahayu heard was the language of the spider, while Yuge in the link indirectly received the human language, which completely matched the audience's perception.

"what do you want?"

Before Kahayu could answer, Atrak Nakya had already crawled along the giant web to the bottom of the sacrifices, passed through the spider web, and slid his long, gnarled legs over the body of the woman at the front.

Mark of the Spider? !

Is this the Mark of the Spider? A slash spread down the woman's head, like an inverted triangle. The woman's body was separated from the left and right, and several thin legs similar to those of the Spider God's daughter came from both sides of the woman's body. separated,

Creakingly stretched out, the tips of the legs stretched outwards, clinging to the inside of the cortex and the edges of the body, either stretching, or continuing to push the body to both sides,

When the separated body reached forty-five degrees, the spider legs could already be set up on the giant web, supporting the entire body. A black head emerged from the split body, blinking. The spider's eyes trembled, its mouth trembled, and it made a trembling sound.

Tear, split, as the original body was torn apart like broken cloth,

The reborn Spider Girl finally broke out from inside, and when she stepped away from her still unfamiliar body, she found clumps of spider silk from her tail.


The more than ten slender hook-like spider legs at the mouth skillfully tied the spider silk to the giant web, and then submerged under the spider web, becoming a member of the giant web.


At this time, everyone saw that the bottom of the spider web was the real residence.

Not only under the female sacrifices, but also under their feet, there were countless daughters of the Spider God constantly weaving giant webs, densely packed and constantly weaving this giant web.

Below? Who is at the bottom of this web?

"Dream Abyss·The Spider God's Residence·Endless Spider Web·Omen of Destruction"

At this moment, this deep and endless abyss was finally revealed in front of everyone, and the endless giant network spread to the distance,

And at this time,

Finally, an arakkoa guard moved his paw in shock.

adhesion, vibration,

The daughter of the spider god who was weaving a giant web was alerted on the other side of the spider web and immediately penetrated her long legs, inserting them one by one, injecting poison, and instantly tore the guard into pieces and swallowed them.


Kahayu smiled contemptuously and said, "Don't move, don't move." Now he is seeking death. Just like the original body, he doesn't honestly create a standard clone and has to take some weird route.

At this time, Atrak Nakya's figure finally passed through the entire giant net and appeared on this side of the giant net.

"What a happy offering, but I will continue to weave my great web, and this work will go on forever, so I can't spend my time converting you one by one. So please extend your help now. Legs, start your work and weave with this curse."


Atlak Nakoa's voice fell, and the remaining female sacrifices' heads also had the same spider mark marks as the first daughter who became the Spider God.

With a creaking sound, in the blink of an eye all the sacrifices began to split from both sides of their heads, extending their knobby spider legs.

Naturally, this curse did not go away, and two unlucky guys appeared among the Black Crow guards.

I didn't move, but I watched the god cursed and countless sacrifices began to change.

Without missing anything,

my whole body turned into spider web rags silently, captured and woven by the daughter of the spider god behind the giant web, and turned into part of the giant web.

The spider god Atlak Nakya finally turned around, with the last thought of going back to weave the giant web, looked at Kahayu who was standing quietly.

What do you want?

Maybe Kahayu and Yuge just wanted to make a sacrifice in advance to build a good relationship with this god, but now the two have new ideas.

"Curse and giant web, I will offer you more sacrifices that will satisfy you."

With Yuge's consent, Kahayu showed the inner world carrying countless sequence people to the god, and more women would be offered to her as new sacrifices to weave this endless giant web for her until everything was destroyed.

"My God, you will concentrate on weaving the giant web. I will help you select women that satisfy you, turn them into your assistants, and send them to the giant web."

To be honest, this is the first time that Atlak Nakya has heard such a comfortable request in such a long time. It is still the little guy of the Spider Clan who makes people feel comfortable. He is not as greedy and warlike as others.

The ability to curse,

And there is such an interesting ability to offer such a perfect woman,

Hmm? It seems that there are other flavors, but it doesn't matter. There is also a human incarnation, yes, with a deep red attribute, an ability that has never been seen before, and it seems to have a connection with another great, interesting.

After Atlak Nakya's legs jumped back and forth on Kahayu's body several times, he either discovered something or simply understood it.

After all, it was the first time he saw such an interesting little guy.

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