Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 464: The Curse of Atlach Nakya: Cursed Body


The thin, sharp, and piercing voice of Atrak Nakya penetrated Kahayu,

"You will choose the right daughter of Atrak Nakya for me. When I concentrate on weaving my eternal giant web, the abyss will be opened for you. The giant web will guide you, and my daughter will also Find her place."


Obviously, Kahayu felt the changes in his body, heavy, leggy, and densely spread throughout his body.

And the voice from Atrak Nakya did not stop there,

After Kahayu's proposal was approved by the spider god, it was natural that the other party would also provide Kahayu with some conveniences. This also came from a god's favor for his beloved.

"The traces you leave on the chosen woman will become the mark of the spider. The place where you stand will be my love for you. The curse will protect you. It will also be like your voice. No one Can prevent you from choosing a suitable daughter of Atrak Nakya for me.”

The piercing feeling penetrated deep into Kahayu's body, bit by bit, and blended into every part of Kahayu's body, turning into tiny black silk spiders, swallowing up Kahayu's useless flesh tissue. After that, then replace it again.

Fur, flesh,

Then there are attributes, spirit, and finally the dead blood that contains the spirit of Kahayu.

Youge, who had already retreated, was completely unaware of Kahayu's changes at this time. While waiting silently, he only realized that he seemed to have gotten a huge advantage. There is also a black cursed spider in the dead blood that wraps Kahayu, or it may be a special [Spider Attribute] reward from the Spider God Atrak Nakya to Kahayu. ,

The piercing sensation is no longer exclusive to the body. As the cursed spider spreads its limbs, all of them are inserted into Kahayu's dead blood.

Pierced, stirred, and broken together,

And despite such a change, Kahayu still did not lose consciousness. The pain of puncture, the fear of fragmentation, and the distortion during stirring would drive a good person crazy.

I don’t know how long it took, but after all this was over,

Kahayu's dead blood completely transformed into a black and red spider composed of dead blood and curses!

"Is this...the curse integrated into the blood of death? And it also rebuilt its own core, wait, there is also a body."

Kahayu, who was attracted by his own changes, had not noticed anything before the abyss and Atrak Nakya in front of him had disappeared. For a moment, only the cold spider still crawling on the ground was left. And part of the [Spider Transformation Remains] that spread on the ground.

It was obvious that the spider god had finished his trip. After selecting the perfect woman and bestowing the curse on Kahayu, the thought of continuing to weave the giant web made it unnecessary for him to stay here.

"made money."

At this time, Youge, who had reestablished contact with Kahayu, had to be envious. It was true that he had made a lot of money.

"Demon Spider·Curse Body: The body favored by the spider god is completely integrated with the curse. Every move you make will become a curse and affect everything around you."

"Blood of Death·Form Derivative·Curse Demon Spider: Demon Spider Incarnation Kahayu was favored by the Spider God, received the blessing of powerful curse ability, and reorganized the core of the incarnation."

Reorganizing the core of the incarnation, how shining these words were, not only did Kahayu feel the difference in himself, but also made Yuge aware of the key points of his incarnations.


They are just independent incarnations fused with the Dead Blood, but they do not have a blood core as the core leader like themselves.

Although it is said that he inherited the body of the original demon spider and underwent a second transformation and fusion,

But from You Ge's point of view, there are still too many gaps between the two sides, especially this core. The importance of the core can be imagined, but without mentioning it and having no way to ask, You Ge just thought that the few in front of him The avatars share the blood core with themselves. As long as they do not die, the avatars can roam freely. Even if the body is destroyed, the spirit can be taken back and the body can be reshaped.

Especially in the presence of Pike, there is no special explanation, just think that is it.

But things are different now. Kahayu's ability to gather the core alone shows that the other party's individual independence is very different from Youge's. In other words, this branch can develop independently without relying on Youge's. It seems that the sound and feeling are no different from the original. They were originally very different from Youge, but now they just have an independent core.

To make a comparison,

When I discovered Pikeyu and Kahayu in the past, I could follow the clues to find Yuge's affiliation, so I needed Yuge to silently recognize myself as the incarnation of these two incarnations in order to get through easily. This explains There is still a master-slave gap between the three of them that cannot be ignored, or it can be said that existence is a gap.

Incarnation and ontology,

But now, with the core Kahayu, he is himself, he is a separate individual. If you follow it, you can only say that Youge and Kahayu have a close connection, but it does not mean that the other party is Youge. [Absolutely inferior].

This can even be described in terms of life and death. If You Ge dies, Pike You may not die completely, but his strength will definitely decrease.

But now Kahayu will not be affected at all. At most, the red seal cannot be used normally, and the other world has also shrunk, leaving only a part of him.

This is the change of Kahayu now, a completely independent incarnation of Kahayu!

"Isn't this almost a force field activation?"

When Kahayu was familiar with this body from a spiritual perspective, countless little spider-like curses spread out from Kahayu's body and began to spread to the surroundings.

Pierce, devour, climb,

The black curse power completely occupied everything here, and a white mesh-shaped earth about two by two appeared under Kahayu's feet.

"The Great Web of the Abyss: With the favor of Atrak Nakya, you can seek the protection of the daughter of the Spider God."

Hehe, Kahayu, who has a somewhat indifferent temperament, almost laughed at this moment. Is this an army carrying gods with him? Who are you afraid of now? The protection of the Spider God's daughter. Think of the endless Spider God's daughters. If they could be summoned when they were fighting with the superior race in that safe zone, they might be able to be summoned by Kahayu. Dominate the battlefield.

Wait, that doesn't seem right.

There is indeed a daughter of the Spider God weaving behind the giant web under Kahayu's feet, but she seems to be completely ignoring Kahayu's call.

The sense of contempt conveyed by this means that you need to increase your favorability level to gain asylum, right?

May seek the protection of the Spider God's daughter, seek,

"Lord You Ge, since when did Coffin become so fond of talking about words?"


When did the coffin stop talking about words? You Ge thought about it carefully. Every time he communicated with Coffin, there was no need to ask a lot of follow-up questions.

"Okay, let's take a look at your cursed body."

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