Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 49 End of the Battle

Level 10 professional! To put it simply, when a professional reaches Lv10, he will condense his own power root system and take root in the earth like a big tree to plunder nutrients for growth.

The most important step is to turn your own attributes into a trace of roots. If you are a professional without attributes, no matter how successful you are in the early stage, this step will always stop here and there will be no possibility. Advance to Lv10, which makes those general attributes become critical. Of course, having more attributes does not necessarily mean that it is good. Two or more attributes that are too far apart will be too far apart when the root system is condensed. To a certain extent, it is equivalent to having no successor in the future.

Therefore, many people will continue to hone themselves after obtaining suitable attributes, thereby ensuring that multiple attributes can be closer to each other.

As the direct sucker of the root system, it will condense new relevant external characteristics with its own attributes, so that the connection between the professional's root system and the body will be complete, and thus he will be given the [title] from power, heavy armor. The prefix of -Justard fully illustrates its most outstanding point [heavy armor] after its own power root system and its own characteristics are intertwined.

As for Peleg, who is also at level 10, the [Silk] that grows alone is far less strong than the root system of Jaside. Neither in terms of talent nor after level 10, he has not condensed his own characteristics, so he does not have the title of power.

Return to the battlefield.

The armor that covered Jiaside's whole body did not affect Jiaside's flexibility at all during movement. Especially when he got close to Youge, many tiny spikes appeared on the armor, hindering Youge's movement.

After briefly testing the strength of Jiaside's defense, You Ge set his target on Farrar in the rear: "The only long-range weapon left is still outside. We can't waste too much time on this big iron block, and we can't let it go anymore." He placed the thread wantonly!"

Looking back, Farrar had laid out a thin transparent layer on the ground, like a fishing net waiting for fish to enter the net.

Turning behind him, Farrar just sprinkled a new piece of silk thread. When he saw Youge rushing towards you, he smiled: "Humph, the stalker just sneaks up and engages in frontal combat!"

Standing in the center of the silk thread, Farrar assumed an attacking posture and waited for Youge's arrival.

"It's easy for Farrar." Just turned around and grinned at the corner of his armor: "Although I let such a person kill two teammates. Is there any hidden backhand?!"

Just as Jiaside's doubts arose,

I saw thin blood crystal-like sharp blades condensed on Youge's feet, and when he rushed in front of Farrar, he cut all the arranged wire nets.

The Continuator blasted at Farrar with both hands, ignoring the thin blade that passed by his ears, and clasped his hands heavily on Farrer's chest, condensing the killing blow from Yu Ge's whole body, how could Farrer dodge it? open.

The blood crystal gun in his hand condensed and pierced Farrar's chest along the fist mark.

"Pale!", Justard glared.

After You Ge finished the attack, he silently recited the words, turned around and hid in the shadow of the window. The figure that flashed in time happened to avoid the flaming arrows shot in from the window.

A huge explosion sounded, and the upstairs and downstairs where the place where I was standing were completely transparent.

After secretly sweating, Youge lowered his body and stabbed Jiaside who had already come over.

Staring at the unique [sharp] blood crystal gun, Jasid's eyes felt a slight tingling sensation: "Don't touch it!"

As soon as his steps stopped, the big sword in his hand was swung over.

"Huh, why don't you dare to touch me head-on?" He backed away slightly, and the corners of Youge's mouth moved slightly in the light and shadow, causing the bruise on Jiaside's forehead to pop out.

"Captain!" Jenna yelled immediately after seeing Jasid's movements outside the window, which made Jasid's mind sober up a little.

Without words, the big sword swung again: "We must create an opportunity for Jenna to attack. I can't hurt this stalker alone!", Justard's eyes swept across the gap on the ground, and it seemed that this was within Jenna's sight. !

Thanks to the tacit understanding of his teammates, Jaside jumped towards the gap the moment he swung his sword.

You Ge, who had the upper hand, also wanted to kill Jiaside quickly, but the opponent's flexible armor was really difficult to get close to, and he was like a hedgehog.

Seeing Jiaside turn around, You Ge also noticed the gap: "Escape? He shouldn't not understand that escaping to the ground will give me an advantage!" Thinking of the other person who was still waiting for the opportunity outside, You Ge I also understood something.

"Do it!", the blood crystal gun was raised and stabbed into Jiaside's chest. The latter stepped back slightly and fell down from the gap. Yu Ge, who followed closely behind, was also exposed to Jenna's sight.

A large amount of [blood] spread on You Ge's side,

There was an explosion!

Jenna decisively concentrated her most powerful blow, and the special arrow wrapped in flames hit Youge's [blood] in a constant rotation.

Panting, "I hope I can kill him, this is my strongest blow." The flames from her eyes gathered on the arrow, making Jenna feel a little tired.

After the smoke dissipated, You Ge lay motionless on the floor on the first floor, with half of his body broken and bloody.

On the other side, blood was flowing continuously from the transparent hole in Justard's chest, which was leaning against the wall.

"Captain!" Seeing the miserable condition of Justard, Jenna shot Youge three more times. After seeing the latter being hit by the arrows, he rolled back a short distance, then she turned over and ran downstairs. come over.

"Captain! Captain!" Seeing that Juste's chest was still heaving, Jenna immediately leaned over and began to bandage it.

In just a few minutes, Jenna's attention was all focused on Juste's wound.

However, Youge, who had died in her mind, slowly stood up and took up his position behind Jenna: "Goodbye! Prey!"

The sudden sound made Jenna stop her hand, and she saw a blood-red spear piercing out of her chest, and then pierced into her captain's chest again.

With a trace of regret and a trace of nostalgia, Jenna also lowered her head.


Dragging half of his blurred body, Youge lay down and quickly sank into the ground.

The scene returned to the moment when the arrow exploded. After being partially blocked by [Blood], the remaining force all rushed to half of Youge's body. Fortunately, his body was transformed by [Force], and the fibrous muscle group finally blocked the damage of the explosion. If it happened again, it would really be unstoppable.

Following the explosion, Youge's blood crystal gun also pierced into Juste's chest. The slightly deviated trajectory did not directly pierce Juste's heart, so Youge pretended to be dead.

Of course, it was also due to the fact that Youge himself was a [blood] attribute professional. If other people had been bleeding for a while, they would have died long ago. As for Juste's team, they defined Youge as a stealth professional from the beginning, which directly led to the team's strategic mistakes.

After three arrows were shot from the back underground, Youge kept hissing in pain.

"These people are really smart, and they didn't forget to finish off the enemy. If they were melee professionals, wouldn't they be beheaded?"

Continue to sink several meters underground, and then entered the "coffin".

Lying on the cold bed, Youge closed his eyes and waited quietly for the repair of [essence].

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