Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 50 Nina's Story

By the time the body was repaired, the sky had already brightened.

The first thing You Ge thought of was not to check the trophies, but that interesting girl Nina.

When I came to Gray Street again, there were still phantoms full of dust floating here.

In the north of the street, Nina had been waiting for two hours. When she thought of the terrifying look on the face of a professional with blood on her face, she didn't dare to leave secretly.

"Oh, you're already here?" When You Ge walked over, he found Nina leaning on the wall.

"Good day, my lord."

"Haha, you don't have to be so polite, let me ask you: Why do you want to kill those guys inside?" Youge was in a great mood after fighting all night. He almost wanted to laugh when he heard Nina's interesting "Good day".

"My lord, don't you know Gray Street?"

"Gray Street, I don't know, it's my first time here too." Seeing that Nina seemed to be about to start a long talk about Youge, she sat in the corner and said, "Tell me about it."

Nina's eyes revealed a hint of surprise, is such a casual professional? Where did that feeling of superiority go: "Yes! My lord."

It turns out that this gray street is a street of memories, and its unique phenomenon has always been called the gray zone. As long as you live here for a period of time, you will find that your dead relatives will appear in your home. This is why many people do not want to leave here. reason.

But this is not without cost. The longer the person lives, the worse his spirit will be. Eventually, he will become a ghost and live here with his relatives all the time.

Even this can't resist the longing of those who have lost their loved ones, and Nina's father is one of them. He came to this place in order to see his wife who was killed by aliens.

A few years later, after forgetting everything, he and his wife became phantoms here. The Gothe in this house caught all kinds of lost human phantoms and raised them all in his house as lambs for his own entertainment.

"Sir, please help me kill my parents! I am willing to serve you for the rest of my life!" With a heavy tone, Nina bent down to You Ge.

After listening to Nina's story, Youge finally understood that Huijie had seen an abnormality before, and the so-called Huijie's shadow was probably the creator of all this. Being able to rely on [Shadow] to bring up the figures of deceased relatives from memory is really a strange ability, but in the face of Mr. Orange's next plan, this place will be abandoned soon.

"Okay." After agreeing, You Ge rushed in through the door, just in time to kill the two brothers Gao De at the same time.

If Nina hadn't told him that the lingering humans everywhere in the inner room were all phantoms, You Ge would have really thought they were living humans.

The tip of the gun passed by and everything turned into dust and floated out the window.

"Huh, pathetic humans."

"Sir, can you wait for me? I'll go say goodbye." Nina's big eyes showed a trace of longing.

"Go, hurry up!" Sitting casually in Gao De's office, he waved to Nina.

blacksmith shop,

It has been a day since Nina was brought back from Youge. The task she received from the Golden Society was immediately completed, and the reward actually reached one thousand gold coins. Thinking about it, she knew it was a small amount of funding from Mr. Cheng. With a wave of his hand, he gave Nina more than twenty gold coins: "Both houses here are mine. You are responsible for cleaning them every day and buying food and cooking. Just ignore mine. If you don't have enough money, let me know. If you come, Don’t pay too much attention to an old man with a crippled leg.”

"Okay, sir!"

After having a little maid, Youge finally lived a life like a rich man. Such a smart little guy is also very cute.

As everyone knows, the black market has already exploded!

"Has Jace's team been wiped out?"

"Yes, it is said that when someone went to check, they found that the remaining energy level did not exceed Lv8, and it was still a person's!"

"CiAo! Who did you provoke to send such an awesome professional?"

"I guess he is a direct descendant of those adults. Who is such an awesome person from Wang Cheng that they would not want to recruit under their command?"

"Yeah yeah!"

Different from the black market,

At the headquarters of the Clockwork Center, a fat man walked towards Mr. Orange: "It looks like you have found a powerful person."

"It's not bad, he's a good newcomer."

"Hehehe, then you have to be careful, I hope you won't be poached!"

"He took that watch away." Mr. Orange moved his fingers slightly, not caring at all what the fat man said.

"Watch? You gave it to him."

The fat man had a clever idea in his mind: "Hahahaha, okay! Then I'll wait and see!"

inside the coffin,

You Ge had no idea how big the ripples his little splash would make.

When I looked at the body of Jasid in front of me, I started to wonder, "Will [Force] have an overlapping effect?"

You Ge, who was really in his own state, was not attracted by the two broader attributes of [Shadow] and [Fire] at all.

I couldn't hold back my curiosity and directly clicked [Power] as the first extraction object, as if nothing changed after a breeze passed by.

"Hahahaha, it's a bit embarrassing. How can I have a free lunch? It seems that in order to improve, I need to deepen the training of my own attributes!" Youge touched the back of his head and smiled.

However, the attribute dust blowing in the air indirectly stimulated Elosili in Roudan.

After twisting a pink tentacle from the surface of the eggshell, it pointed at Peleg and Roland!

"Do you want their attribute abilities?"

The tentacles float slightly.

"Okay, I'll try!" Youge conveyed his intention to the "coffin" without thinking about Elosli, who was connected to him by blood.


With a simple gesture, Youge quickly understood,

"Extract the trait [Wrist]"

When the attribute dust floated towards him, Youge walked behind the meat egg.

The attributes in the air floated around the meat egg, and he felt that Elosli also had Youge's breath in her body, and then merged into it.

"Elosli; Trait: Wrist"

The humanoid module in the meat egg also became clearer.

Continue to extract [Silk], the same operation, the word Silk appeared again on Elosli's attribute, and the humanoid module inside became clearly visible.

After thinking, Youge only planned to extract the power of [Speed], and wait until he breaks through Lv10 and then make corresponding adjustments according to the changes that occur.

"Extract [Speed]"

Dust flew, Youge once again gained a new attribute, and the bodies of the abandoned six-member team also turned into new [essence] and merged on the cold bed.

The most intuitive change in this upgrade is the improvement of physical sensitivity, and the speed of punching has greatly increased. As for the circulation speed of [blood] in the body and other internal related [speed], Youge still needs to study it in depth. In order to adapt to the sudden increase in speed attributes, Youge also started practicing without hesitation. Generally speaking, boxing is indeed a skill that allows people to quickly adapt to their own changes. Combined with various footwork, Youge practiced hard.

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