Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 51 The Situation in the Slums

Not long after having a maid to serve him, Hall's father came to the door - Noel Azathoth.

His intention was obvious. No matter how Nina refused to tell him that there was no one here, the latter still waited quietly outside the door.

"Nina, bring him in."

After a long time, Youge still planned to meet this cheap father.

"Hall, Fink is in trouble." Noel's face was exhausted. After sitting in front of Youge, his back was more bent than last time: "Now no one can help him except you."

"What happened specifically?" Seeing the resentment in his cheap father's eyes, Youge had already prepared that it was only a matter of time before he came to find me.

"You also know that Fink always does those sneaky things. A few days ago, there were rumors that something was going to happen in the slums. After Fink got the news, he wanted to get some money. It has been seven days since he left! In the past, even if there was something important, the two people under him would come back to tell us."

Youge waved his hand to interrupt Noel's words, seven days? Thinking about it, it was just when he left Gray Street.

Could it be Mr. Orange's trick? Youge was a little confused. The ideas of the superiors were always wild and unrestrained. Maybe he should contact them.

"Hall? You."

"You go back. I will deal with Fink's matter." The power from the level made Noel dare not say anything. After all, no matter how he changed, he was still his own flesh and blood. He could only blame his family for speaking ill of Hall in the past.

Nina, who came over immediately, stretched out her hand and gestured to Noel, sending him out of the house.

After getting Hall's affirmative reply, he was in the mood to observe his son's new residence. Compared with the old house that his wife loved to clean, even if it was a little higher than the old city in terms of area, it still did not have the peaceful atmosphere here. With a helpless sigh, Noel could only silently hope that Fink could come back alive. Finding a stable job is better than hanging out in the slum dock all day.

After watching Noel leave, Youge opened the watch on his hand. The same interface but with an option to contact Mr. Orange.

"Hello, Mr. Hall, 001 is at your service. Mr. Orange is in a meeting now."

"Well, do you know what happened in the slums?"

"Authority detection. Passed. The heretic institute had a dispute with the clockwork center and opposed the construction of the [Sky Bridge]."

At this time, another message was also sent to Youge's terminal,

"Hall, the heretic institute does not want to have an extra bridge on its head for no reason. Those guys with all kinds of strange things in their [minds] have been shouting all kinds of things since the past few days. The top leaders are also happy that someone is making a fuss and watching the joke. The current situation has caused many small forces who do not know the truth to go crazy. Wait quietly for changes. This is not something you can participate in now."

And below the information, there are also three strange alien information, all of which are professional aliens above Lv15.

"I didn't expect that there are really aliens coexisting in the royal city.", sweeping his eyes over the information, this is a real alien elite who climbed up step by step with his own strength.

Now it seems that even if you break through to Lv10 with all your strength, you may not be qualified to enter, not to mention the time it takes. And according to the information provided by Mr. Orange, these guys are not easy to deal with in the black market or the slums, so if you want to target them, you can only create silent threats to these guys to maximize your interests.


"Sir!" Hearing Youge's call, Nina, who was cleaning outside the house, ran back quickly.

"I need to go out for a few days, you just take care of the house." Now these houses are contaminated with Youge's breath, and ordinary aliens will not come to the door easily.

"Okay, sir!"

Gray Street in the slums, thoughts are transferred. Youge still plans to investigate. His cheap father has come to the door, so he has to show some respect. If Fink is really dead, he can't really ignore it.

Looking around, the whole street has been overturned since Youge left, and the survivors have been sent out long ago. The mysterious figure disappeared without a trace quietly.

The original block area has become a huge pit, and there are already dozens of construction machinery workers digging underground;

"Lv10: Clockwork Center Standard Excavator"

"This construction team is more efficient than manpower, and there is no drag."

Walking around the edge of the huge pit, Youge finally found his first goal, the long-lost sewer entrance.

The sewers of this royal city generally have relatively few branches. Later, after breeding various alien species, they just continued to expand downwards. This time, the excavation just happened to poke a nest of people.

The sewer rat king Abel, located in this underground area, is the first trouble Mr. Orange mentioned. According to intelligence, there are at least five different types of rats in this sewer: huge scavenger rats, sharp-mouthed rats entrenched in the dark, insect rats with plague viruses, corpse rats invaded by unknown breath, and the most powerful ratman among rats.

Even the strongest people feel a little cold when they see the red eyes flashing from time to time in the dug sewers.

After attacking the robots in the clockwork center several times, these mice can be considered to have opened their eyes. From time to time, they would bump into a few of them when passing through the pit. If they couldn't bite them, they could knock them down.

"Lv8: Scavenger Rat; Attribute: Constitution"

You Ge, who was standing above, also saw the collision below. The wolfhound-sized rat had muscles all over its body. After the rapid collision, it ran to another sewer gap.

"If the number of this kind of rat reaches a certain level." Frightened by the thought in his mind, You Ge regretted coming here a little. Even if it was a disgusting alien, there was no such oppression in numbers.

Slowly sinking, looking through the ground, there were at least 1,000 rats piled up behind the sewer. Except for a few ratmen in the center, other types of rats occupied all the passages.

"Lv15: Abel's General-Clear; Attribute: Earth; Attribute: Bone Spur"

Following You Ge's line of sight, Clear also looked up at You Ge: "Human? Humph."

Compared with You Ge's shallow application of the [Earth] attribute, Abel repelled You Ge with a single finger. He stopped after hitting two robots at a height of three or four meters from the bottom of the pit.

"CiAo!", the pain from the collision on his back made Youge swear: "This is just one of them."

Ignoring the robot under his feet, he turned around and jumped from the edge of the huge pit.

"There is no resistance at all. This is completely different from the previous battle."

On the other side, after seeing the embarrassed Youge from the clockwork machine, Mr. Orange's mouth corners slightly raised: "What an impatient little guy."

After clicking several times in a row, a message was sent to Youge's terminal: "Come to the place where we met last time."

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