Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 63 Marian Shaw's Notes

"Huh? Outside the city?"

The old woman's head paused for a moment: "Have you been captured by humans for experiments?"

The existence of the old woman who was behind the scenes suddenly made her regret giving You Ge such a thing. In the past, the things I gave him were just to find some fun for myself. I gave You Ge the schoolbag with the idea of ​​seeing different kinds of fun. I didn’t expect that the matter would be exposed so soon after it became a big deal. It must be said that there was no fueling by You Ge behind it. , it is simply a big joke that the Jade Emperor is worried about his consort.

This is good, maybe the schoolbag will expose himself in the end and avoid doing it again.

The being behind this convenience store is not afraid of humans, but if it is bombed several times by countless missiles, it is not something that can be easily tolerated.

"Well, according to the past habits of human investigation bureaus, they will definitely do this!"

The successive anomalies that appeared on the old woman's body made You Ge determine that the being behind the convenience store must have a certain fear of humans, otherwise why would he be hiding like this.

Coupled with the attributes displayed by this [even], he was even more sure that the other party should be a manipulative alien, and should be very good at hiding and imitating. Otherwise, it would not have been possible for him to discover the abnormality for so long.

As soon as You Ge finished speaking, the old woman discovered the meaning behind his words.

Human's past habit of investigation bureaus? This narrative perspective does not seem to be from a human perspective at all. Is this Hall also a deeply hidden alien?

"You?" At this time, the two of them had a tacit understanding. You Ge suddenly stepped back, and the old woman also stretched from a dry old man to a three-meter-high arthropod-like doll, and her five fingers also turned into pointed cone-like arthropods. When waved in front of You Ge, a kind of porcelain version of whiteness appears on the whole.

"Who are you?!" As the old woman's body changed, Cong Zai, who should be hiding behind her, finally revealed his face.

Wearing a retro gothic black dress, her long gray hair was tied into a bun on the back of her head. She was nearly 1.8 meters tall and had one hand tightly on the old woman's back. Her pale pupils were staring at You. Song.

At this time, the lights in the store flickered on and off, making the atmosphere even more weird.

"Lv10: Ventriloquist - Marianne Xiao; Attribute: Voice; Trait: Doll"

Marianne Xiao turned out to be this tongue-pulling madman! And a prefix is ​​marked before its name! From the last battle with the black market killer team, You Ge also saw that people with prefixes will have their own unique abilities. Of course, Youge has achieved his goal so far. Now that he knows who he is, he still needs to show his presence a little bit.

After encouraging the [blood] in her body to flow to her body surface, Marianne frowned slightly at the sense of threat it brought.

"We are at least on the same camp, right?" Withdrawing the blood on his body, Youge continued: "And our purpose is the same, right."

"No! My revenge has been completed, I just want to have fun." Marianne blocked You Ge's mouth without thinking: "If it weren't for you, there wouldn't be the danger of being exposed so quickly! "

Isn't that all to lure you out?

You Ge's face was slightly embarrassed. The unknown base outside the city would indeed pose a threat to them in the town. Just from the instruments that the men in black took out last time, it can be seen that human beings' research on aliens is not a temporary thing. After a while, there may be some decisive strategic weapon behind it.

"Okay, it's my fault, so do you want to have sex with me now?"

Just like Leng Touqing, Youge condensed the blood crystal gun from his hand, and the bloody cold light flashed in front of Marian's eyes.

In essence, Marianne's [title] ventriloquist brings her the ability to confuse humans, influencing others through various [real imitation] sounds, and creating favorable opportunities for herself. . As for the puppets, they were just his obsession during his lifetime. Through his superb technology and the special abilities after his death, he created some exquisite puppets for disguise or fighting.

Even now, for her, tongue pulling is just a means of torture and intimidation. This kind of thing can work wonders for humans, but it is completely inadequate for [the same kind].

Ever since Youge condensed the bleeding gun, Marian knew the difference between herself and him. The other party was a [similar person] who mainly fought, and even if she trapped the other party, it would be difficult to cause effective damage. Moreover, most of the [events] in his hands were made with the purpose of perfectly disguising themselves as [human beings], and their strength and combat capabilities were completely incomparable to that strange weapon that appeared.

As soon as she thought about it, the "old woman" she caught with her teeth dancing returned to her original dry appearance, and Maria also walked out from behind: "Then the purpose of coming here is to see who I am?", it can be seen that Youge didn't come here to fight, so Marianne walked out on her own initiative.

"Haha, yes, after working for so long, you should know who your boss is!" Seeing Marian put down her guard and walk out, You Ge also put away his weapon.

"Well, you are behind this matter, right? According to the special characteristics of that [schoolbag], it cannot be exposed so quickly." Marianne is not stupid, she does not think that You Ge is just for a look: "So you For what?"

for what? Speaking of which, You Ge didn't really have any purpose when he didn't know it was Marianne. It was just something he did to fit into the [background] so that he wouldn't be exposed. But now that he knows Marianne's existence, You Ge It's time to reconsider.

Based on my understanding of Marian, the most attractive ability of all her abilities is the creation of [Dolls]. I remembered the last female doll that looked exactly like a human being. This manufacturing process is perfect. If he adds the technology of the clockwork center to the transformation, maybe he can also make a good [Perfect Human Machine].

Of course, this is just an idea. Whether it will succeed or not still requires the efforts of Youge.

"Ahem, I want to learn how to make this kind of doll." Without blushing, Youge pointed to the old woman on the side.

"Hmm?" Marian looked at Youge carefully. This kid just found out his true self and wanted to take away the results of his many years of research? But it's not impossible.

Marian knew clearly the difficulty of making a perfect doll. Not only does it require talent, but it also requires the cooperation of some special abilities. No matter who you give it to, it does not mean that it can be made. Moreover, it is extremely beneficial for you to get rid of this trouble.

Thinking of this, Marian took out a notebook from her bosom and said, "Here, don't come to me anymore!"

The thick notebook was thrown directly from the air by Marian.

After taking the notebook, Youge naturally understood what Marian meant, and he disliked that he indirectly attracted human attention for her without her consent.

Of course, he took the notebook and left. Youge nodded and left the convenience store directly.

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