Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 64 Seal

You Ge also knew that the longer he stayed in this place, the more things would change. If Marian regretted it, whether to return the notebook would become a problem.

After he took the first step out of the convenience store, the only thought in his mind was to go home and read the notebook immediately.

In fact, it was not difficult for You Ge to get started with this manual. From the most basic carving techniques to some not very fine control parts inside, it was easy for You Ge to improve his control ability due to long-term boxing practice. What You Ge really needed to study was the special transformation after Marian died and left the puppet and converted the material into a human.

"Maryan's puppet manufacturing manuscript (original)"

After returning home, You Ge couldn't wait to start flipping through the notebook.

Marian divided the production of [puppet] into many levels,

starting from the simplest puppet that can only move with body joints, to how to make flexible five fingers, then how to reasonably use the space inside the puppet, and finally how to correctly connect body movements with the internal mechanism, etc., not only did she draw a complete process of making a puppet, but she also marked her own ideas at every point.

After the puppet was made, the phrase that Youge was most familiar with was "How to make a perfect doll".

From here on, there were all kinds of photos of living dolls made by Marian after pulling out her tongue.

After a few pages, it also evolved from [How to make a puppet] to [How to make a puppet].

"Drain the inside, clean the skin debris, and keep the skin alive." Youge's mind instantly thought of the way to make mummies, "cruel."

I thought there was a special way to make a puppet, but the things that Marian recorded in the book turned into things related to dissection. Nearly dozens of pages of things all recorded how Marian made the corpse look like before her death and how to make the skin tender and smooth. It can be called a beauty bible.

After turning a few more pages, there were also photos of various dolls made by Marian.

And all the dolls gradually changed from puppets with enlarged mouths to normal people's smiling mouth shapes.

Indeed, Marian's research from puppets to dolls was all done by herself. From before death to after death, she had no one to communicate with and could only rely on herself. This book also fully represents all of Marian's research processes.

Youge also speeded up the book flipping speed at this time: "What about the spirit doll? Or other things should not be so simple."

"Huh? The human nature of hatred and fear is twisted. The fusion and injection into the doll is completed?!" At the end, Marian emphasized a twisted seal pattern and attached the explanation "human nature".

"Seal: Twisted Human Nature"

The prompt flashed by, and before Youge looked carefully, the willpower belonging to [Dead Silence] in his body suddenly began to surge.

His eyes went black, and the memory of death in the previous life surged again. The fragile feeling from the human struggle against the disease on the bed filled Youge's heart.

After a trip to the world, a group of chubby and stupid children hugged each other from the orphanage.

In elementary school, those who adopted adopted, those who went to school went to school, and the circle of life was directly fissioned. Youge also started his own independent life and entered different schools with charity funds.

In junior high school and high school, he was isolated by others in school.

In college, he had to experience the beating of society again.

From the moment of graduation, all the friends who were good to him in the past went their separate ways, and Youge, who was completely penniless, completely lost any support he could rely on.

After working diligently for five years and having a little personal assets, he was found to have a terminal illness.

Perhaps because he was born with a broken body, Youge was relieved at this time.

After spending all his savings step by step, he waited for death on the bed.

All the previous bits and pieces kept appearing in front of Youge's eyes. The resentment of fate, the fear of illness, and the twisted human nature hidden in Youge's heart after his powerless resistance to the unfairness of life all flowed out with Youge's will.

"Ah!", roar.

All the emotions that emerged from Youge's memory condensed on the back of his left hand, as if his skin was burned by a branding iron, and the seal in Marian's notebook emerged little by little from light to dark.

The whole process lasted for nearly an hour.

Those emotions that were hidden deep in Youge's heart also cycled through his mind nearly a hundred times during this process.

Luckily, Youge had already condensed his will once. The first few times did make Youge feel a little resentful. When it was the 50th time, Youge began to feel a little bored. By the end, all the emotions in his heart disappeared and he was just like a bystander, watching his past.

"It's all a little bit of growth. If I keep sinking into this kind of pain, I will commit suicide when I graduate."

At this moment, the seal on Youge's back also completed the final condensation.

Getting up from the ground with sweat all over his body, Marian's notebook no longer had the distorted seal pattern, but it flickered faintly on Youge's hand.

"Seal: Twisted Humanity; Characteristics: Control, Silence"

At this moment, Marian, who was far away in the convenience store, was shocked and looked in the direction of Youge: "I didn't expect that he could condense the entire seal. The terrible fellow must leave quickly." With a flick of her black skirt, the light in the room dimmed, and the convenience store fell into complete silence.

The scene turns back to Youge's shabby house. After experimenting with the seal in his hand several times, Youge roughly understands its meaning.

The smell of power after the old woman that Marian manipulated in the convenience store revealed her true self is exactly the same as the smell emitted by the seal. This is also the main reason why the old woman can hide perfectly. It is a puppet composed of human emotional substances. It must have some unique features in imitating humans.

And for humans, if there are no complex emotions, there is actually not much difference between them and animals.

Apart from these, it is the key to control. When the [seal] is engraved on any material, the power contained in the [seal] can be used to strengthen the manipulated object to a certain extent.

This is also the reason why Marian was able to create such a perfect [fine puppet] in the end.

It's a pity that this seal was also stolen by Marian from a puppet, a [seal] that was born with the old man's continuous judgment of countless humans, thus absorbing countless fears, resentments, and human nature.

After spending countless hours, Marian simply used the [Seal] by taking advantage of others, and she only used the fear she plundered from others in making materials. Of course, it was true that the [Seal] also gave birth to the [Control] characteristics based on Marian's ideas in the long-term information exchange at the power level.

For these, Youge completely relied on his own willpower to condense the same [Seal] that belonged to him.

The huge difference made Marian have to be alert and choose to leave in advance.

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