Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 69 Catch

The pale head looked down at Yuge, whose abdomen was drooping.

Silent anger, this human who had been observed by him several times still chose to become his enemy!

The tentacles behind him instantly stabbed Yuge, and his body slowly fell to the ground.

Faced with numerous attacks, Yuge stepped on the abdomen of the Slander with his feet and quickly flew backwards.

Looking closely, several tiny black tentacles surged on the wound just now, and began to heal visibly with the naked eye. As for the [blood] left by Yuge on the wound, it was all repelled.

The two looked at each other, and the atmosphere became solidified.

Silence, cicada sounds, bells, and the [evil] of the Slander began to invade Yuge from the spiritual level.

If Yuge had not encountered such an attack before Marian, he might have had to work hard to be immune. Now this kind of attack is simply a delivery. After the pollutants in it were absorbed by the [Seal], the remaining essence replenished Yuge instead.

With a slight smile on his face, Youge shook the gun in his hand and stabbed the Slandar again. I don't believe you can recover infinitely!

The Slandar, who was still waiting for Youge to be connected by his attack and affect his spirit, hurriedly stabbed all his tentacles at Youge.

After just a few simple attempts, Youge not only knew the routine of the Slandar, but also saw that the latter was completely dependent on his own ability, and his melee ability was zero.

In addition to his slender body, his flexibility would not be much higher except for the tentacles.

Wounds continued to appear on the Slandar, and some of the tentacles cut off by Youge fell to the ground and turned into ashes.

The former's breath also fell again and again.

The invincible attack method was completely controlled, making the Slandar a little overwhelmed.

The tentacles danced wildly,

The moment the Slandar forced Youge back, he turned into a shadow and started to play a sneak attack.

The atmosphere of the entire forest became similar to that of the Slandar people. This was the special ability brought by the title of [Ghost Shadow].

Compared to the invisibility of other evil ghost spirits, he could completely switch his body between the shadows.

And he could also move instantly within the range of the shadows and attack unexpectedly.

"Hmph, I was waiting for your move!" After anticipating the actions of the Slandar people, Youge quickly sank into the ground.

No matter how violent his attack was, to attack Youge, he had to break through the [Earth] attribute power around Youge first.

After taking out the [Scarecrow] from the watch, he threw it to the ground.

"?", the Slandar people looked at the scarecrow that suddenly appeared from the ground and were completely at a loss. What was this thing? That human could hide underground and even his ability could not penetrate smoothly.

Before the Slandar people could ask questions, the scarecrow's crow face pattern opened,

staring at the Slandar people's position tightly!

After sensing that the scarecrow's gaze was not accidental, the Slandar man changed several positions and then extended his tentacles from the shadows to make a tentative attack.

Just as the Slandar man's tentacles extended a little from the shadows, the crows behind the scarecrow quickly rushed to the side of the tentacles, and four crows pierced the shadows like bone-piercing nails.

Now even Youge could see the outline of the Slandar man's figure.

Going around the tentacles that were sticking out, Youge jumped out from the ground and cooperated with the scarecrow to attack the outline.

Unfortunately, Youge's attack was still the same as before. The tentacles on the wound moved slightly. Even if more [blood] was injected this time, it could not effectively invade.

It was obvious that Youge's [blood] was still inferior to the power of the Slandar man's [shadow] in terms of control, and it could not effectively invade the inside.

If he continued to consume like this, before he could outlast the Slandar man, humans would also join the battle, and those people would only become the tonic of the Slandar man, gradually destroying all the advantages.

However, the scarecrow ignored by Youge now clung to the Slandar, and the stream of [characteristics] was constantly sucked out from the outline in the shadow.

"Fear?" The information suddenly sent from the scarecrow made Youge notice a scene. The Slandar was actually afraid? !

Under various chain reactions, the Slandar tore through the body nailed by the crow, and waved his tentacles to force Youge and the scarecrow out together.

Darkness swirled, light and darkness flickered!

The Slandar actually suffered a loss from a scarecrow, and the human who had always been regarded as food by him.

This time he wanted to tear these two humble reptiles apart completely!

The tentacles behind him were flying, and all the shadows also stretched out tentacles of varying sizes,

all wrapped around the center.

"Fight!" Youge could see that this was the last resort of this guy. If he couldn't resist, he would be buried here.

At least he still had a place to stay, and the land under his feet that was connected to him did not allow the power of the Slandar to spread over.

Standing behind the scarecrow,

controlling some smaller crows from the four crows, he began to spin rapidly to attack the tentacles that were coming out from all around, and he could still delay them before the power of the seal was exhausted.

The most important thing now was to get closer to the Slandar man, and then kill him with one strike!

And the Slandar man also knew that the scarecrow could find his position, so he didn't step into the encirclement.

After Youge cut off dozens of shadow tentacles, Youge threw the blood crystal gun in his hand at the Slandar man, and with the power of his body spinning, he turned around and threw the scarecrow over.

Under great force, the blood crystal gun penetrated the abdomen of the Slandar directly.

The scarecrow that followed closely also inserted all the branches in its body.

"Boom!", without any room for breathing, after throwing, Youge's [Speed] attribute burst out with all his strength and rushed over. This time, Youge directly inserted his hands into the wound that the Slandar had not yet healed, and injected his [Blood] madly!

Since you can't compare with me in control, I will restrict you in quantity!

Ignoring the tentacles that kept pulling out from behind, Youge hit them hard with his head, not giving the Slandar any chance to breathe.

This time, Youge really fought for his life.

The subsequent tentacles from behind the Slandar bypassed the rotating little crow, penetrated Youge's chest fiercely, and twisted continuously.

It was a huge hole that was really creepy, but fortunately, this attack happened to not leave the [Blood Core] uninjured!

At this moment, the blood that kept flowing out of his mouth and chest also dyed the Slander and the tentacles red, and the contest of power was completely opened.

"Trap him!" At this time, this was the only sentence in Youge's mind.

The scarecrow, who lived up to Youge's expectations, clamped Youge from behind, resisted the subsequent attacks of the external tentacles, and absorbed the Slander with all his strength.

The power of the [Seal], the power of [Blood], Youge also did not forget to evoke the [Earth] attribute to let the Slander sink into the ground together!

This time, the Slander who was caught in the sandwich was completely in trouble!

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