Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 70 Desire

In the competition of strength between the two sides, You Ge, who was almost exhausted, was cheered up again by the [Traits] absorbed by the Scarecrow.

The [blood core] in the chest was activated by Youge with all his crazy strength, and the [blood] that invaded the Slanda people spurted out again.

Under the double consumption, the Slanda people's resistance gradually became weaker.

And these three powers, which were fully exerted by You Ge, also began to deepen their connection with each other under this extreme situation.

One fades and the other takes a long time,

The Slanda people were finally defeated, and their slender bodies began to melt away little by little. In the end, only a pale mask remained, reminding You Ge that a powerful alien had once existed here.

"I'm really glad that I chose to make a doll at that time, otherwise it would have been me who was consumed to death!"

Think for a while,

As if a long time had passed, You Ge, who had recovered his nerves, was about to send the scarecrow out of the place and start to be on guard, and then fell on the mask.

The battle that reached the limit had already overwhelmed Youge. When the battle was over, Youge's tense state naturally relaxed, and he lay down directly on the battlefield and began to slowly recover.

However, things can't be that simple. After sinking into the ground and recovering, the outside world became chaotic again due to the legacy of the battle and the existence of the scarecrow.

The [blood] seeping into the land, the residual aura of the Slandar people, and the motionless [Nightmare Scarecrow] that had been alienated by the battle and affected the forest.

After detecting the disappearance of high-energy reactions in the forest, the members of the human secret base who had been outside for a long time also became active.

"Sir, you can enter! The forest has become normal." Dozens of team members, all wrapped in special barrier clothes, looked at the limit of sight in the forest.

"Go, be safe!" The officer in charge of the operation seemed to be very aware of the habits of those aliens: "Report the location at any time, and remember, never touch unknown objects!"

As he climbed up from a young soldier step by step, he saw many teammates being swallowed up by strange powers due to their arrogance, curiosity, and ignorance, and he suffered a lot from this.

He also understands that these people who are entering now are just people who are used as cannon fodder to test, and it is good to remind them as much as possible.

His previous superiors even used encouragement to get them to devote themselves passionately to this cause. Sometimes he didn't know which was right or wrong, but it was far from surviving!

The first wave of teams that entered the high-energy reaction coordinate point had already begun to distort their thinking as soon as they entered the forest.

The residual aura belonging to the Slanda man after his death lost its tendency to be malicious towards the outside world, and instead began to corrode foreign objects erratically.

As the team progressed, this atmosphere became more intense, and the group of people fell completely into despair. The special layered clothes had no effect at all.

"Wait!", the commander's command came from the earphone: "Look who is that figure in front!!"

It's a pity that the cannon fodder's thinking was stagnant and they couldn't even remember why they wanted to enter the forest. They ignored the commander's order and continued to walk towards the vague figure.

The crowd moving forward like zombies entered the scarecrow's warning range in an instant.

Yu Jing turned the scarecrow and opened its crow's face, opened its big mouth and pounced on the first person to come in!

After seeing from outside the forest that this group of people did not obey his orders at all, the person in charge of the operation knew that something was wrong with them. The scientific research team below repeatedly watched the recorded video and the magnetic field fluctuations within the range, but could not see any signs.

"They are finished." After seeing the first camera fall to the ground, the commander knew it was already too late: "Evacuate other deployments, and then send people to isolate this place from the town first!"

"Yes, sir!"

After several trucks of cement walls brought from the base gradually separated the town from the forest.

A week has passed,

However, within the scope of the forest where Youge was sleeping, the residual aura of the Slanda people not only did not dissipate, but instead became more intense. Mixed with the smell of Youge's blood, changes occurred within a radius of tens of meters, and countless substances were derived from the ground. Apart from the small tentacles, only the scarecrow in the center and the remains of the previous small team fell to the ground.

As for Youge, who was lying flat on the ground, his face was tightly clasped with the Srilanda mask that was his previous trophy.

"The remaining characteristics of the Slunda people"

This is the source of Youge's desire. In other words, Youge's [Spiritual Attributes] are very similar to those of the Silanda people. The problem is that Youge's acquired [Spiritual Traits] and [Personality Traits] merge into The special mental attribute [Dead Silence] cannot be used at all.

Although the Silanda people who have advanced to Level 10 may not necessarily be stronger than this attribute, they are already proficient in using it. Even the scarecrow that was created was able to incorporate it into itself.

As the source of this power, You Ge can still only use it superficially.

It really means that the disciples of the church starve to death of the master.

But in this awkward moment, the Slandarian qualities came in.

After being obliterated by the [Seal], all the personal traits belonging to the Slanda people, the mask that his life's power finally turned into began to stir up the power in Youge's body with pure attribute power, and took the lead in merging with [Dead Silence]. Started to connect to [blood] and [ground]. As for the strengthening of [force] in the body, it has long been closely connected with the [blood] in the body, and it has become more and more affectionate over time.

And the [Seal] itself has a causal relationship with Youge's spiritual characteristics.

In addition to the slight connection that was created by driving these forces desperately in the previous battle, the connection was quickly established with Youge's own spiritual attributes as a link.

All the forces became more harmonious in Youge's perception.

In a whole week,

Youge not only recovered all his injuries, but also squeezed into Lv9.

If Mr. Orange was around, he would find that not only did Youge complete the connection of all the forces in his body, but there were also signs of a breakthrough to Lv10.

It seemed that there were branches of power behind Youge who wanted to reach out, but they were still short of the final step to successfully break through.

When he stopped growing, Youge woke up from his deep sleep.

In fact, Youge's spirit had long recovered, but the spiritual power in his body was still waiting to build a network.

"Almost there!" He weighed the breakthrough feeling in his body and decided that it would take a few days to brew: "Just take it as a break. I also need to retest the new changes."

He touched the mask on his face and found that it had the same texture as his skin, and it did not affect his vision. On the other hand, this mask had already been integrated into his body. It was still just a mask on the outside, and he could put it away and put it away as he pleased.

After taking the scarecrow down from the ground, Youge was too lazy to care about the corpses outside. He knew without thinking that humans would definitely break in here like they were looking for death.

The only problem was how many there were.

After noticing the scenes outside, he did not want to go out and show his head. After going deeper underground, he headed towards his residence.

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