Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 71 A drowning man's lifeline (Part 1)

On the way back to the shabby house, Youge also found the cement wall surrounding the forest, but unfortunately the residents of the town didn't appreciate it at all.

Otherwise, how could there be a few poor people entangled with trees along the way? They were definitely the residents of the town.

Standing in front of the door of the shabby house, looking at the town from afar.

After this upgrade, Youge began to become more sensitive to some spiritual perceptions. The town in his sight exuded a faint panic: "Poor people, as long as you don't commit suicide by entering the forest."

Turning on the phone,

In addition to Billy's doubts about Youge's sudden disappearance, there were countless messages from Thatcher.

"Hall? Did you do this!?"

"(Super Blurry Scarecrow) Satellite Photo.jpg"

"Wow, it is said that the high-definition photo was blocked by the upper level. The first batch of people who saw it would dream about this scarecrow when they went to sleep at night, and they would go crazy in a few days!"

"You are not going to fail too?! I knew that this thing really cannot be touched at all!"

"Hall. I am done. The scarecrow photo sent to me last time was discovered by someone."

The last message was five minutes ago.

"Hey, help this stupid boy. He is the one who helped me after all." There is nothing to do at present. As for the breakthrough, it will be a matter of time in a few days.

He typed quickly on the phone with both hands: "Come to me."

It was sent less than 20 seconds later. Thatcher on the other side stared at the prompt on the phone in amazement. Hall is really not dead!

"I will come right away, ten hours!"

The moment he typed, Thatcher was so excited that his whole body trembled. He himself had come into contact with some aliens, but he only watched from a distance and did not dare to get close at all.

And this time, in his opinion, Youge crushed everything in terms of danger level. There was no doubt that he could really contact the aliens this time.

He, the cultist, finally became worthy of his name. Thinking of those "predecessors" who had shown off in front of him, they were either dead or bragging. Now that Youge was willing to help him, he would definitely not die!

"Go now!" This time Thatcher was no longer timid, and drove a large off-road vehicle out of hiding and hit the road in a high-profile manner.

Discovered? It doesn't matter. If Youge can't help him, he will be caught sooner or later. It's better to go on the road in a high-profile manner.

Of course, Thatcher's cultist thoughts were also playing tricks in his mind. How could he not want to retaliate after being chased by others for so long? And who has ever seen these aliens afraid of humans, so he didn't worry about getting Youge into trouble by acting so high-profile.

After letting Thatcher come to his place, Youge also found a few faint sights at home.

It is estimated that they must have looked for him before looking for Thatcher, and left surveillance cameras when they saw no one.

It doesn't matter, and he will solve it together when Thatcher arrives.

The mastermind of all this, the person in charge of chasing Thatcher, and the black hand behind monitoring Youge's home were all the head of that base, Le'er.

After finally being able to see the phenomenon in the forest clearly using low-definition blur imaging technology in space, Le'er's status rose rapidly like a rocket, from the head of a base to an important member of the entire human special strategy department against aliens.

Not a second after Youge took back the scarecrow, the alarm bells of the entire monitoring base rang.

"Sir! It disappeared, the scarecrow disappeared!"

After hearing the news, Le'er's first reaction was that his good days were coming to an end. If the scarecrow was gone, he would not be able to sit in this position for long.

"How did he disappear? Let the death row prisoners watch the precise video! Go!"


"Sir!" Before the people below could execute the order, the monitor in another area started shouting again: "Suspect 01 has appeared!"

"01?" Le'er quickly responded: "Send the video! Wait, is there a problem with the tester?"

The testers were simply a few cannon fodder death row prisoners.

"No problem, sir!"

In this way, the entire process from Youge's emergence from underground to sending a message to Thatcher was watched countless times by the analysts in the monitoring room in an attempt to discover his personality tendencies.

It's a pity that Youge lay motionless on the ground after sending the message, waiting for Thatcher who was still racing wildly on the road on the other side.

"Let someone prepare WL01 and test suspect 01." After a long time, Le'er decided to attack first. From the clues found on the Internet, he determined that these two people were not so easy to communicate. If his research results could catch them, there might be some capital for conversation.

If WL01 is completely unfeasible, it will inevitably launch an artillery attack.

Youge, who has been lying on the ground, completely ignored the monitoring of himself and began to sort out his power system with all his heart.

The final blow of Lv9 does not only represent the level and breakthrough, but also the development of a new stage of his overall ability.

Just as he was working hard on it, a strange man appeared not far from Youge.

If you look closely, you will find that the man is the rugby player David who was captured at the beginning.

Now he is only wearing a pair of plastic shorts, and there are countless scratches on his stronger and fuller muscles. If you look closer, you can clearly see that there are countless palm-like protrusions on David's head that are swimming back and forth.

"Lv4: Demented Container David"

"Sad." This is the only word that Youge thought of when he saw David appear.

Think about it carefully. It's less than five hours since I sent the message to Thatcher. It's not even halfway through. Let's let the scarecrow come out and play.

Thinking of the human missile positioning attack, Youge sank directly into the ground after taking out the scarecrow from his hand.

The [Scarecrow], which is also Lv9, made all the people peeping behind the screen feel the difference between the predator and the prey in just a moment of appearance.

"Sir, are we finished too?"

Leer's face was already sweating profusely. Sure enough, the scarecrow was 01. According to the changes in the forest, WL01 was probably going up to deliver food.

And Youge who sank into the ground made Leer's procedures and means more obstructed. In addition, everyone in the control room looked directly at the scarecrow. Even if they did nothing in the next few days, they would slowly go crazy.

". It's over. I guess this matter has been reported to the upper level now, and I will become the newbie who was studied in the laboratory at the beginning."

Thinking of those poor people who saw the scarecrow, they were all sent to the base by Leer himself.

"Go find him! Right!" As if seeing the dawn, Le Er now thought of going to talk to Youge in person. While his power had not been taken back, he stood up and ran away.

As for David on the ground, he was just a container parasitized by countless withered hands. After encountering the scarecrow, a simple [suck] caused the parasite in his body to fall to the ground motionless.

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